Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1460

The scenery outside is picturesque. Lou Ziling's villa has been bought for several years. He and Lou Ruofei have a set of their own. They are all adult gifts given by Lou Mingyang to their sister and brother.

Lou Ziling has just moved in recently. It's close to the company and convenient for commuting.

However, he did not come to the balcony to see the scenery since he lived in. He never knew that the scenery outside was so good.

He slightly lowered his head, and then he saw Jing Xiguang's bare feet.

"Why don't you wear shoes?"

"Your shoes are too big. I wear size 37 shoes. Please remember to buy one for me!"

What do you mean, is this going to live in his house?

Lou Ziling shakes her head and doesn't want to help Jingxi buy slippers.

The sun is gradually falling below the horizon. It's dark outside. Lou Ziling holds Jingxi's hand and pulls her back to her bedroom.

"Put on your shoes and go down to eat something."

Jingxi put on Lou Ziling's big slippers again, touched his stomach and said, "well, I'm hungry, but can you cook?"

"Can only cook instant noodles, eat?"

Jingxi eyes curved: "eat! I remember you cooked it very well

There is no skill in cooking instant noodles. Everyone's cooking taste is not too bad. Jingxi will think that he cooks delicious. Lou Ziling will cook instant noodles until he is hungry and has nothing to eat.

He usually eats outside, and the hired servants just come to clean up every morning, not responsible for cooking.

Maybe he should hire another cook?

After the idea flashed in Lou Ziling's mind, he was stunned.

He was the kind of person who was very picky about food, but even if he did not have a meal occasionally, he would have to cook instant noodles. He could enjoy the most exquisite and delicious food, and he could also eat the crude food when the conditions were not allowed.

He never thought of getting himself a cook.

But now, because Jingxi is just having a meal here, he wants to invite a cook.

A trace of complexity flashed through his eyes, but it soon disappeared. He walked into the kitchen and cooked noodles with long legs.

Jingxi wandered around curiously and looked at louziling's villa. He muttered to himself: "it seems that he lives alone, and there is no trace of a woman..."

Lou Ziling cooked noodles, but when she arrived at the restaurant, she couldn't help calling her: "Jingxi, come to eat!"


Jingxi promised to come out of one of his bathrooms and walk quickly to Lou Ziling.

Looking at Jingxi step by step approaching himself, Lou Ziling suddenly felt that they had lived together for a long time.

Usually at home, when the meal is ready, his mother will call his father to eat like this.

Jingxi smelled the delicious smell, and suddenly hugged Lou Ziling: "Lou Ziling, go and learn how to cook, so that I can eat it later!"

Her embrace is a touch that points, but Lou Ziling is stiff for two minutes.

"Oh, how delicious! I'm so hungry, did you cook two bowls? I think I can eat three bowls

Lou Ziling regained consciousness and saw Jingxi sitting at the table eating instant noodles gracefully. He also sat on the dining chair, took another bowl of noodles and ate it.

Jingxi glared at him: "no, this bowl is yours? I thought these two bowls were mine! Go and go. You are not allowed to rob me. You can cook again. These are all mine

This bowl is really not big. Jingxi didn't eat at noon. What do you want to eat when you are hungry.

The instant noodles made by Lou Ziling continued his previous style, adding eggs and ham. After eating them once, Jingxi could never forget them. He thought about it for a long time, but finally met him again and wanted to eat more.

Ling grabbed a bowl from her wrist.

Lou Ziling is helpless. It's just the most common instant noodles. It's not a good thing. How can Jingxi rob him every time?

"Don't make a fuss. Eat your own. I've eaten this bowl."

"I don't mind eating it! Didn't you often eat my leftover cake before

Jingxi said, suddenly his eyes turned and said, "you see, I used to leave all my cake for you to eat. Why can't you leave instant noodles to me?"

Lou Ziling laughs at her in her heart. Every time she is so righteous, it is clear that she did not like to eat before giving him food, but now he said so good.

He loosened Jing Xi's delicate wrist and said faintly, "there is still enough in the pot for you to eat."

Jingxi was immediately happy and ran to the kitchen to see. There were many more. He ran back happily and sat down to eat.

She was so hungry that she wiped out a bowl in a short time. She went into the kitchen and filled another bowl out. She was satisfied: "Lou Ziling, I knew you were good to me! You are the most handsome

Looking at her lively appearance, Lou Ziling still felt that she was actually a child.

Even though her IQ is excellent and her brain is filled with a lot of knowledge, she is actually an ordinary 16-year-old flower girl emotionally.

A bowl of instant noodles bought her, can let her praise him, think he is good to her, is really easy to satisfy.

As she said, Jingxi ate three bowls, but Lou Ziling only ate two bowls.

Jingxi touched his slightly bulging stomach and asked with a smile: "do you think I'm pregnant?"

Lou Ziling drank saliva and said with a cool face: "no! Pregnancy is the enlargement of your stomach. You're just a little bit bigger. "

Jingxi thought for a moment in doubt and said, "but I remember when my sister-in-law was pregnant, it was like this! It's just that my stomach is a little bigger than mine. Maybe It's so big! "

She said, gesticulating with her hand.

Lou Ziling has no research on pregnant women, and has never paid attention to what it looks like when they are pregnant. But when they think about it, they know that pregnancy and satiety are totally different things.

This can be connected by Jingxi, imagination is really rich.

Lou Ziling stood up after drinking water and said, "let's go!"

Jingxi quickly got up and followed him: "where to go?"

"Take you home."


Jingxi immediately stopped: "I don't go back. I've agreed to live here with you!"

"No, I didn't agree."

"When I asked you before, you obviously acquiesced. Why don't you admit it now?"

Lou Ziling looked at Jing Xi's angry appearance, and felt a little soft at the bottom of her heart, but her idea did not waver: "it's not suitable for you to live here, you should go home!"

He said, taking the lead to go out.

Jing Xi stomped her feet, but she could only follow her helplessly.

If she forced to live here is not impossible, but Lou Ziling will definitely call jingyichen.

However, when she went out, she knew that even if Lou Ziling didn't call jingyichen, he had come to pick her up and go home.