Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1459

Black, white and gray, neatly placed in the box, are brand-new.

Underpants are of the same brand and style, which is obviously not Lou Ziling's own color, but the underwear brands of others are well matched and packed in a box. Lou Ziling directly bought a whole box.

In addition, Jing Xi did not see any old underwear.

Is it true that Lou Ziling's underwear is only worn once and then thrown away?

What a loser!

Jing Xi covered his mouth and laughed, as if he knew a secret.

She was just thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open, Lou Ziling went back, and strode in.

Jing Xi is scared, the box in hand is accidentally touched by her on the ground.

A box of underpants spilled on the floor.

Lou Ziling stood one meter away from Jingxi, his face was a little dark: "don't move my things, go out quickly!"

Peeping at his underwear, he caught him. No matter how strong his psychological quality is, Jingxi can't bear the sharp look in his eyes: "Oh, that I'll pick it up for you

Lou Zi Ling's face became more black: "no, I can pick it up myself."

He shouldn't have taken her home!

Now, things in a crooked direction to go more and more far!

Lou Ziling bent down, picked up his underwear and quickly put it back in the box. His ears were suffused with suspicious blush.

However, when he straightened up, his cold face was indifferent.

Lou Ziling went to the suit she had changed before. She took out jade Guanyin from the suit pocket and put it into the pocket of the trousers.

He left in a hurry. He didn't remember him.

Jing Xi's sharp eyes saw the jade tied by the black rope in Lou Ziling's hand. She ran over and grabbed it: "what are you holding? It's so mysterious. Please show it to me!"

She thought it was a love Keepsake given to Lou Ziling by other women. After looking at both sides of the jade, she was surprised and said, "isn't this jade Guanyin I sent you? I thought you had thrown it away

Why did ling'er keep this building for so long.

He was silent for a moment and said faintly, "well, throw it away!"

Lou Ziling wants to throw things from Jing Xi. Jing Xi is not angry. She looks at Lou Ziling suspiciously: "do you think my carver is too bad?"

Lou Ziling nodded: "yes!"

Jingxi snorted, looked down at the jade pendant in his hand, and suddenly felt that the original carving was really miserable. He was blind and had a good Hetian jade.

At that time, she was a beginner in carving. This jade Avalokitesvara was her first work. At that time, she thought it was very meaningful, so she gave it to Lou Ziling.

However, if you look at it now, Jingxi thinks that Guanyin is as fat as eating too much, which is not in line with Lou Ziling's current status as president of gaoleng!

"Oh, this one is too rough. Now my carving level is rising. I'll carve a beautiful one for you. I'll throw it away!"

Jingxi said, throwing jade Guanyin directly out of the window.

Lou Ziling didn't have any expression on her face, just like Jingxi had thrown a worthless stone. However, his tone was a little cold: "OK, you can find a room to rest. Don't move my things any more. I'm going to the company!"

But Lou Ziling's tone is cold and used to it. Jingxi doesn't realize that he is different from the past.

Just see he seems not very happy, she toot mouth obediently out of his dressing room, to the bedroom to rest.

The bedrooms in the villa should be arranged according to Lou Ziling's preference. Jingxi looks at all the bedrooms and finds that they are simple black and white colors.

There are not many decorations in the bedroom. The bed sheets, quilts, pillows are all in white and dark lines. Jingxi feels like living in a hotel, he doesn't feel close to Lou Ziling's life!

She took off Lou Ziling's big slippers and lay on the bed. At a glance, she could tell that the sheets and covers were new and unused.

The bed is very comfortable, but Jingxi sighs: the rooms in the hotel are more human than those in louziling.

The arrangement of the room can best see one's inner world.

Jingxi is now completely understand, Lou Ziling is simply a robot, there is no emotional needs!

He is independent and independent, but obviously he never feels lonely. On the contrary, he seems to like loneliness very much and enjoy it.

He has a very high IQ, cold eye view of the world, no need for people's company.

No wonder that she spent so much energy, dogged him, did not enter his heart, did not enter his spiritual world.

His shell, too hard, comparable to diamond!

Well, it's very good. She can't get into his world without being moved by foreign objects. No one else can get in easily.In this way, including Qi Duoduo's half of his girlfriends, none of his five and a half girlfriends have ever succeeded. The wild goose has no trace. Lou Ziling will not remember them at all.

Jingxi is finally at ease. She smiles, closes her eyes and sleeps comfortably.

By the time she woke up again, it was dusk.

Summer evening sun no longer spicy, but some gentle, gorgeous glow full of the sky, clouds red, like a shy little girl, lovely and beautiful.

Jingxi barefoot ran to the balcony, happy to watch the sunset slowly from the end of the day, the edge of the sea falling.

The evening wind blows her skirt and her soft hair. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on her body, making her like a fairy who strays into the world, pure and beautiful.

Lou Ziling opened the door and saw such a picturesque scene.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Jingxi looks back and smiles. The light in her eyes is like a Star River: "louziling, it's beautiful outside. I like it here!"

Well, it's beautiful, but all of it is eclipsed by your smile. You are the most beautiful scenery.

Lou Ziling leaned against the door, did not speak or move.

He didn't want to go in and destroy the painting.

Maybe he can only see it once in his life.

However, Lou Ziling didn't want to get close to the painting scroll, but he didn't want to have him in it.

Jingxi walked to him with a smile, grabbed his hand, took him to the balcony, pointed to a place in the distance, and said in a clear and sweet voice: "you see, there is a rainbow in the sky!"

Lou Ziling gently "um" a, want to take back his hand, but after all did not move.

Her hands are so soft.

His heart, even can't help but soften up.

Lou Ziling felt relaxed at the moment. He had taken a hundred million yuan list, but he didn't feel intoxicated.

He clearly heard his inner voice say: Lou Ziling, you are more and more dangerous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!