Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1458

Lou Ziling's tone is gentle, her eyes are focused, and her voice is not as cold as before.

Jingxi's heart gushed out a kind of emotion that had never been seen before. It was a little sweet and a little attached. Her heart beat at a speed that she could not control.

She is in good health, and her organs have been in a stable condition for 16 years. As it is now, her heart beat faster than normal, which has never happened.

The external performance brought by the acceleration of heartbeat is that Jingxi's white face shows a faint blush, pure and delicate.

Sometimes, human beauty to a certain extent, can easily destroy a city, a person.

Lou Ziling has never paid attention to people's appearance. He himself is a different kind of family. He is handsome in a mess. Unfortunately, he has never realized that his appearance is outstanding.

His so-called "girlfriends" are not bad looks, but also good at makeup and dressing up, each can be called a beauty.

However, at the moment, he really felt the power of beauty, it is fascinating, let people lose themselves.

Lou Ziling's body, there is a devil's voice shouting, eat her, she is yours!


He murmured, and his voice seemed to come from the depths of his soul, completely out of his control.

But when he spoke, he awakened his will.

Lou Ziling awoke with a fright. After realizing that she had hugged Jingxi unconsciously, she immediately took back her hand as quickly as she had been electrified.

It's like, in front of me, Jingxi is a monster.

He turned and walked out quickly.

He knew he couldn't be alone with her!

Jingxi was slightly stunned, and then trotted to catch up with Lou Ziling and hugged him from behind: "Lou Ziling, where are you going? Are you going to find that qiduoduo? I don't agree! "

16-year-old girl, has almost developed, compared with the previous two years of green, at this time she has a girl should have rich and soft.

Her chest, pasted on Lou Ziling's back, that kind of feeling which is different from that of men, makes Lou Ziling's voice dry and nervous.

He tried his best to make his voice calm and cold: "Jingxi, let go!"

"I won't let it go! So, let go of me? Don't think I didn't see it. You still smile at Qi Duoduo today. You didn't smile at me very much. Turn around quickly, smile and make up for me! "

Lou Ziling frowned. When did he smile at Qi Duoduo?

No way!

During the whole process of eating with qiduoduo, he only said two words to the waiter when ordering the meal. He only said two words to qiduoduo: No.

Oh, he remembered that he was smiling, but not because of Qi Duo Duo, but because

Forget it, you can't think, you shouldn't think

"I didn't smile at her, you're wrong! Let go. I'm going to the company. There's a meeting in the afternoon. "

"I'm right. Don't try to deceive me!"

Jingxi is not easy to cheat. She believes in her eyes.

"If you want to go to the company, you should also change your clothes before you go to the company. How shameless it is for you to go to the company with your back wet!"

Jingxi said, holding him behind Lou Ziling, reaching for his button to take off his clothes.

Even if her hands didn't touch Lou Ziling's skin at all, it made him feel hot.

Lou Zi Ling Meng broke away from Jing Xi's hand and pedaled up the stairs to change clothes on the second floor.

Jingxi saw that he went upstairs. He couldn't help but toot his mouth: "what, so stingy, even the chest muscles don't show me! Why is a big man so awkward to change clothes for, um Is it shyness? "

Jingxi thought about it and thought it might be the reason.

She secretly laughed, and then crept up the second floor, quietly close to Lou Ziling's dressing room.

Jingxi put his ear on the door and listened carefully for a while, but he didn't hear any sound.

She turned her eyes, wrenched the door open, and rushed in.

However, Lou Ziling just opens the door inside, and Jingxi's strength suddenly loses control and directly bumps into Lou Ziling.

Lou Ziling did not expect that she would suddenly burst in, caught off guard, two people fell on the floor together.

Lou Zi Ling subconsciously protects Jing Xi and uses his body to cushion her strength so as not to hurt her.

Therefore, Lou Ziling lies on the floor, while Jingxi lies on his body. Two people go up and down, and the posture is intimate and ambiguous.

Jingxi did not care about other things, some anxious asked: "Lou Ziling, do you fall pain? Who let you open the door all of a sudden

The back fell hot pain, but Lou Ziling felt that the pain was also interesting at the moment. He suddenly gave a faint smile and pinched kneading Jingxi's chin with his fingers for the first time: "the villain will report first. You lie down on my door and rush to my dressing room. Are you so righteous?"Jingxi closed her eyes and shook her head. She suspected that she was dreaming!

At present, this handsome man with some frivolous manners is Lou Ziling??

Is it she or he?

Jingxi is still in a daze, but Lou Ziling has already taken back her hand and recovered her previous coldness and pride.

He pushed Jingxi away without politeness, and let her have a close contact with the floor. He stood up, played the new white shirt, and walked out of the dressing room.

Jingxi sits on the floor and looks at Lou Ziling. The whole person is a bit silly.

She was so confused that Lou Ziling changed her face too quickly!

According to the rhythm, shouldn't he hold her chin, hold her head and give her a French kiss?

As a result, he threw her on the floor from him and left by himself!

This asshole!

She was still in love just now, he fell, should lie down on his neck and bite him hard!

Jingxi finally came back to her mind, and her reason and intelligence quickly returned to her brain.

She got up neatly from the floor and was ready to go out and settle accounts with Lou Ziling.

But when she got to the door, she came back.

In the dressing room, it's all Lou Ziling's clothes!

Jingxi is suddenly a little excited, looking at the past one by one, sportswear, casual wear, suit, shirt, T-shirt, tie, pocket towel, everything.

He is a clean and tidy man. All his clothes are hung in a neat and tidy way. According to the style and color, they are hung in the wardrobe.

She could imagine him in these clothes.

Sportswear is full of vitality, casual wear is handsome and leisurely, and the suit is cool and noble

Jingxi suddenly saw a long box. She opened it curiously, and then her face turned red.

This big box It's all Lou Ziling's underpants. , the fastest update of the webnovel!