Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1457

Jingxi said, reaching for Qi Duoduo to pull out from the seat.

Lou Ziling stopped her faster than she did. He turned his head slightly and said to Qi Duoduo: "I'm sorry, there was an accident today. I'll go first."

He said, holding Jing Xi's wrist and pulling her out of the restaurant.

Qi Duoduo watched the Lou Zi Ling tou also did not return to leave, in the heart of Jing Xi jealousy to die.

She felt that Lou Ziling was a little different from Jingxi. Although her words were cold, the expression in her eyes was not as indifferent as when she was looking at her.

Moreover, he did not hold her hand or hold her. How could he be so close to Jingxi?

Is this his ex girlfriend?

But Jingxi looks like a minor!

The skin of the little girl's home is different. The tender skin can pinch the water. The collagen on her face is enviable.

Qi Duoduo felt her face subconsciously, then took out a small mirror and looked at it.

she thinks there may be a lot of cosmetics today. The foundation is a little thick. The color of the blush seems to have not been picked. The red is too much.

Jingxi doesn't know Qi Duoduo is envious of her skin. She is still eating Qi Duoduo's vinegar.

I think Lou Ziling is dating her, having dinner with her and smiling at her.

Lou Ziling only laughed at her two or three times in total. Now she smiles at others. She is very unhappy.

She didn't speak. Seeing that Lou Ziling was driving back to her home, she immediately gave Lou Ziling an angry look.

Lou Zi Ling Quan didn't see it. He just quickened his pace and wanted to send Jingxi home quickly.

"Why do you rush me to go home every time you see me? I'm not going back, my parents are going to work, there's no one at home! "

Lou Ziling stepped on the accelerator's foot slightly: "then I'll take you to your brother's house."

"My brother took my sister-in-law and my little nephew out to play, and there was no one in his house!"

Lou Ziling stepped on the brake and stopped the car on the side of the road. He turned to look at Jingxi and asked faintly, "when did you come back?"

Jingxi bit his lips: "I just came back today."

"Don't your family know you're back home?"

"I didn't tell anyone. I came back secretly."

I'm afraid she came straight to the first floor.

No, she just came back to him.

The bodyguard beside her also disappeared. I don't know where she left her.

There was only one person in Jingxi. Lou Ziling threw her down: "where do you want to go? I'll see you off. "

"I have no place to go. Take me in."

"As far as I know, a city is full of Jing's real estate, you can choose any place to rest."

"But it's not mine, it's my brother's! It's my little nephew's, how can I rob my nephew's house! "

Is it Jingrui's personal assets? Lou Ziling doesn't know, but he knows that with Jingrui's love for his sister, Jingxi will not even frown on any house he wants, and will give her a lot.

Moreover, jingyichen can not only give the assets to Jing Rui alone. There must be thousands of assets under Jingxi's name.

Jingxi just doesn't want to go home, but she still has a straight face.

"I have something else to do. I don't have time to make trouble with you. If you say a place, I'll take you there."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll follow you today! If you have the ability, you can throw me out of the car, or even throw me with the car! "

Jingxi decided to follow Lou Ziling closely all day, so that he would not go back to find all the flowers.

Who knows if he went to work or went on a date!

She'd better look at Lou Ziling.

Lou Ziling is helpless. He can't throw the car away or Jingxi.

He was silent for a moment, and finally started the car again and drove to the distance with Jingxi.

The black Jaguar stopped in front of a villa. The building got out of the car, went around to the co driver's side, opened the door, and said faintly, "get out of the car."

Jingxi didn't move and looked at Lou Ziling warily: "where is this? I don't know this place, are you going to sell me? "


Does anyone dare to buy it?

Some people dare to buy and they dare not sell them!

"Be obedient. Get out of the car. It's safe here."

Jingxi still did not move, repeated: "where is this?"

"My home."

Jingxi eyes a bright: "your home? This Eh, no, the villa of the Lou family is not in the rose District in the north? It's so south here that you can see the sea. How can it be your home? "

Lou Ziling wants to laugh a little. He is so alert. Can he really sell her? She even inquired about the address of his home. She was very clever."This villa is my own."

Jingxi immediately became happy: "great, you really brought me to your private territory!"

She came out of the car with a bright smile and urged Lou Ziling: "go, I want to see what your home looks like!"

Her smile, in the sun appears particularly bright, crisp voice straight into the bottom of Lou Ziling's heart.

Lou Ziling closed his eyes and opened it again. The waves disappeared and became calm again.

He took Jingxi into the villa. The flowers and plants in the yard are blooming warmly, as if to welcome the arrival of Jingxi.

Into the living room, louziling changed shoes, Jingxi also took off the shoes, wearing Lou Ziling's slippers, excited to go inside.

Lou Ziling looked at her small white feet and put them in his big dark brown slippers. She tried to stop her, but she swallowed her words again.

Forget it. It's just a pair of shoes. If she likes it, let her wear it. It's nothing.

Jingxi dragged his shoes and turned excitedly around the villa. Then, taking advantage of louziling's inattention, he rushed into his arms: "louziling, I'll sleep here tonight!"

Lou Ziling was nearly knocked down by the strength she rushed over. She took two steps back to stabilize her body.

"No, you have to go home!"

"No, I have to live here!"

Lou Ziling doesn't speak. He won't let Jingxi live here. In the evening, he will send Jingxi home. Jing Yichen and shangguanning will certainly go home.

But Jingxi thought he agreed and took off his clothes with a smile: "you see your clothes are all wet. Now you go home, change into clean ones! Hum, that Qi Duo Duo Duo is so bad that it splashes water all over you

Lou Ziling was helpless. She didn't know who poured the water first. At that time, she was covered with thorns. Now, she felt that Qi Duoduo was too bad.

He seized her restless hand, covered his clothes, looked down at the high spirited little girl, and there was connivance in his tone: "don't make a fuss. You can choose a room to have a rest, and tell me when you are hungry." , the fastest update of the webnovel!