Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1456

Lou Ziling's sixth girlfriend is Qi Duoduo.

To be exact, Qi Duoduo is not Lou Ziling's girlfriend at present. She just admires Lou Ziling for a long time. It is said that Luo Feiyang knows Lou Ziling and asks Luo Feiyang to help introduce her.

Qi Duoduo invited Lou Ziling to have a candlelight dinner for two consecutive days. She was sent home by Lou Ziling, and then she took herself for herself in the name of Lou Ziling's girlfriend.

Qi Duoduo, as its name suggests, is as fresh and lovely as huaguduo.

She is the same age as Lou Ziling. She is also 23 years old. However, she is only 1.6 meters tall. She is delicate and has a baby face. She looks much smaller than Lou Ziling, who is mature, stable, tall and straight.

"Ziling, I want to buy a new dress. It will be autumn soon. Will you accompany me to buy a windbreaker?"

Louziling sat opposite qiduoduo, eating blueberry desserts, as always, left all blueberries in the plate.

He didn't seem to hear qiduoduo's words at all. He didn't respond or respond.

Lou Ziling did not answer Qi Duoduo. Although Qi Duoduo was a little disappointed, she was not angry. She had already known what kind of person Lou Ziling was.

However, she looked at the blueberries in the dish of Lou Ziling and asked strangely, "Ziling, since you don't like blueberries, why do you want some blueberry desserts? Their signature dessert is mango chocolate sweetheart. Would you like one

This time, Lou Ziling finally had a response: "no need."

He doesn't really like desserts.

He just, it seems, has got into the habit of ordering desserts every time she goes to eat with Jingxi, but she only eats blueberries in the dessert.

The rest of the small cake, she pushed him: "Lou Ziling, you are too thin, this kind of high calorie sweet food is for you! No waste

She obviously didn't like to eat, so she threw it to Lou Ziling.

Before meeting Jingxi, Lou Ziling had never been in the habit of eating leftovers from others.

The Lou family is also a famous family. From childhood to childhood, Lou Ziling has always been a young master, eating and wearing fine products.

The floor is very cruel and arrogant, and will never eat what others have eaten.

However, when he met Jing Xi, all his principles were broken.

Lou Ziling thought of the way Jingxi threw her leftover cake to him, and her lips suddenly showed a faint smile.

She was really spoiled. She didn't like to eat and didn't want to waste, so she had to let him eat.

Qi Duoduo on the opposite side has been stunned!

Is Lou Ziling smiling?

God, he's laughing!

It turns out that he can laugh!

Besides, he laughs so good-looking, so handsome!

Qi Duoduo thinks that Lou Ziling is happy because she cares about him and gives him suggestions for dessert. In the process of the deer bumping into each other, the restaurant door is suddenly opened and a figure comes in.

The figure quickly came to their table: "Lou Ziling, what's the matter with you? You don't remember a word I said, don't you?! How dare you smile at other women? Who is she? Believe it or not, I will bankrupt her family right away

Qi Duoduo's chest is stuffy, almost thinks that he is making a movie!

Who is this girl? Her tone is too big!

Qi's number in a city is less than the first and second, but the top ten are in line. It's not who said that Qi's bankruptcy will lead to bankruptcy!

Lou Ziling looked up at the angry little face of Jing Xi. She was in a trance for a moment. It seemed that she was not in a city, but in the United States.

However, the next second he returned to his senses and frowned slightly: "how did you come back?"

Jingxi's eyes are not good at staring at the obviously unhappy Lou Ziling: "why, don't you welcome me back! My family is in city A. why can't I come back? "

She took a look at the delicate Qi Duoduo and snorted, "are you afraid that after I come back, I will stop your peach blossom luck and not be able to date with a little beauty? Hello, you, hurry up. Lou Ziling belongs to me. I don't have to think about him in the future! "

Lou Ziling suddenly had a headache. He just said a word. Jingxi said a lot. He didn't mean that at all.

He just felt that Jing Xi came back suddenly. Shouldn't she go to school and train in the United States?

"Who do you want to occupy my boyfriend when you come here? Ziling is dating me. It's none of your business! You don't want to ask. Is it easy for me to make trouble with Qi Duoduo? "

Qi Duoduo is a violent temper, and she has been secretly in love with Lou Ziling for a long time. It's hard for her to stand by his side in a proper way. She suddenly hears that someone is going to rob Lou Ziling with her, and she is immediately infuriated.

Jingxi was stimulated by the words "my boyfriend". Her blood gushed to her head. She took up the cup and splashed Qi Duoduo with water. Then she quickly picked up a dish to throw it on Qi Duoduo.

Qi Duoduo is not willing to be outdone, and takes Lou Ziling's water cup and splashes Jingxi.

However, the moment she splashed the water out, Lou Ziling subconsciously stood up and hugged Jingxi and blocked her in front of her.Lou Ziling's back was wet. Qi Duoduo apologized after him in a hurry. He didn't know what he had done.

To protect Jingxi, he has formed a conditioned reflex.

A faint bitterness and helplessness welled up in Lou Ziling's heart. She soon released Jingxi, took the dish in her hand and put it back on the table: "don't make a fuss, go home!"

Jingxi reached out and touched his wet white shirt, felt his subconscious protection for her, and her anger dissipated. She whispered, "then you are not allowed to date her I will be sad, I will be sad... "

"It's my business, and it's my normal life and social activities. You shouldn't and don't have the right to interfere."

Lou Ziling sat back to her seat. Her face was not cold, but she was not gentle.

His words let Jingxi stomp, but Qi Duoduo was happy.

She had seen Lou Zi Ling embrace Jing Xi, and gave her back to block the water. She thought he liked this little girl, but it was just so!

Qi Duoduo raised eyebrows and said, "see, my boyfriend doesn't like you, go away! I have a large number of adults. You should not pour water on me

She didn't want to show her violence in front of Lou Ziling. She was splashed with water. Maybe she could make Lou Ziling feel more guilty about her!

When Lou Ziling can't see, it's not too late for her to clean up the girl!

It's easy to find a person in Qijia no matter where she is.

Qi Duoduo wants face in front of louziling, but Jingxi doesn't want it. Anyway, when she is most embarrassed and fierce, Lou Ziling has seen all of them, and she has nothing to hide.

Jing Xi's angry eyes were red: "he is not your boyfriend. If you talk nonsense again, you will stand in and lie out today." , the fastest update of the webnovel!