Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1455

Ji Mo Xuan silent speechless, Wu Wei wiped his tears, carefully asked him: "Mo Xuan, are you angry?"

Ji Mo Xuan turned his head and looked at the moving Wu Wei: "No."

Wu Wei was relieved: "that's good, that's good!"

"But from now on, we will not meet again!"

Break up, there should be a break-up appearance, always entangled with Wu Wei, even he himself does not believe that they broke up, Jingxi can believe it.

"No, Mo Xuan, I can't live without you! You're still angry, aren't you? I'm going to apologize to your friend now. It's all my fault. I'll ask her to forgive me! "

Wu Wei said, will go after Jing Xi, Ji Mo Xuan a pull her back.

"Come on, stop it!"

Ji Moxuan felt very tired. He remembered that when he was with Wu Wei, he had always been very happy and relaxed. When did he get along so hard?

Perhaps, it began with the appearance of Jingxi.

After he got to know Jingxi, he gradually felt that Wu Wei was just like this. She wore the halo of school flowers and had a face. She didn't have any real talent and real learning. She lacked education and self-cultivation.

Ji Mo Xuan pulled Wu Wei into the car, and drove Wu Wei back to her dormitory.

At the moment, he suddenly thought of Lou Ziling.

In the past year, he and Luo Feiyang have been paying close attention to Lou Ziling. They not only have a clear understanding of his business affairs, but also have tracked all aspects of his emotional life.

Don't blame Luo Feiyang and suspect that Lou Ziling likes men. It's really that he doesn't show any affection for his girlfriends.

Most men are lower body animals. It's normal to see beautiful women with desire.

But Lou Ziling did not.

The real use of his girlfriends is not to meet his physiological needs, but a springboard for his career one after another.

He is a lonely and conceited person. The consequence of his indifference and reticence is that those girls leave him one by one.

After the break-up, no woman went to pester him.

Ji Mo Xuan frowned and hesitated in his heart. Should he also learn to go downstairs and be cruel to Wu Wei.

Every time Wu Wei Yi has something to do, he can't be ruthless to ignore her, tube to tube, with Wu Wei again involved.

Lou Ziling is very cruel. Ji Moxuan has found that he doesn't care about his girlfriend's life or death. No matter how the girl cries and pleads, Lou Ziling is not moved.

Is that why Jingxi likes him?

But Lou Ziling seems to be as cruel to Jingxi, right?

Lou Ziling is not gentle at all and never cares about people. It's a big difference between him and Luo Feiyang!

Ji Moxuan felt that he was very good to Jingxi, careful and thoughtful, gentle and considerate, no reason to lose to Lou Ziling.

Unfortunately, he forgot that he was not only tender and considerate to Jingxi, but also more considerate and loving to Wu Wei.


Luo Feiyang soon learned that Ji Moxuan had come to the United States.

Usually, Ji Moxuan usually comes every half a month or a month, picking a weekend.

But this time, it was less than half a month, and it was not a weekend. Ji Moxuan actually came, which was obviously insidious.

Luo Feiyang went to find Jing Xi and Wu Wei. He quickly found out the reason why Ji Mo Xuan came in a hurry.

Wu can only cheat Ji Mo Xuan, but can't cheat him.

Luo Feiyang with the highest efficiency, caught the five men who besieged Jingxi that day, ran to Jimo Xuan's hotel and threw people in front of him.

"You five, quickly describe to Ji Shao the situation of bullying a little girl the day before yesterday! I'll throw him into the Pacific Ocean to feed the sharks

Luo Feiyang is famous in the circle. Although the five men do not know him, they have heard of his deeds and know that his means are not for fun.

Five people where dare to hide, immediately immediately scrambled to say bullying Jingxi thing son.

Ji Mo Xuan listened to the process of the matter, his face abnormal ugly: "you five, are Wu Wei paid?"

"Yes, yes, our five brothers have cooperated with her for many times. She is very generous. Every time she fights, she is a little girl who has no strength to tie a chicken. Her money is especially easy to earn. We are all willing to be a thug for her."

Ji Mo Xuan voice is high dozens of decibels: "she let you play Jingxi?"

"Jingxi? Oh, we don't know what the name of that little girl is. Anyway, she is very beautiful and looks very temperament! "

"But, two young masters, as a good example, our five brothers didn't take advantage of it at all. You see, my arm was discounted by her, and it's still hanging!"

"We're all hurt badly. The little girl can beat ten. I knew she was so bad. How dare our brothers die! We are only collecting money and doing things. The real leader is Wu Wei! She is the only one to blame……

The five people argued, for Jingxi, they are still afraid, for Luo Feiyang, they are also scalp numb.

Only Ji Moxuan seems to be more talkative, and they strive for opportunities for themselves.

Luo Feiyang on one side was laughing. He held out his hand and pointed to Ji Moxuan. His tone was extremely sarcastic: "surnamed Ji, I've seen an unjust big head, but I haven't seen such an idiot as you!"

"Wu Wei is generous? Ha ha ha, her money, you give it all! These five idiots make all your money! More ridiculous is, you actually give them money, let them fight Jingxi! If your father knew about it, would he not recognize you as a son? "

"My God, if I were Jingxi, I'll beat you half dead first! She was so good-natured that she said to me that you are a good person and you are affectionate and righteous to your girlfriend

Ji Mo Xuan a handsome face, red white, white red, but even a retort Luo Feiyang's words can not say.

Wu Wei cheated him!

If Jing Xi is really just an ordinary girl, she will be bullied by these five tall and strong men without any protection!

Wu Weihao has a vicious heart!

Got five men to deal with Jingxi!

Jingxi's identity is so special, can she move at will? Stupid woman!

Ji Mo Xuan stands up, whole clothes to go out.

Luo Feiyang doubts: "where are you going?"

"Go to find Xi Xi, I Apologize to her. "

"Cut, don't go. You can't find her now. She's on the plane back to city a now."

Ji Mo Xuan fiercely turns head: "she returned home?" He didn't get any news!

"Ha ha, Ji Mo Xuan, you should quit immediately. The most hopeful person to marry Xi Xi Xi is Luo Feiyang."

"Don't be complacent. There's Lou Ziling."

"Lou Ziling? Oh, I forgot to tell you, and I introduced him to a new girlfriend! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!