Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1454

Jingxi stood in front of Jimo Xuan's car and knocked on his window: "Ji Da Shao, don't hide. Your car glass is not black. You two sit in the car and see clearly from the outside!"

Ji Mo Xuan quickly opened the door and walked out of the car.

Although he was embarrassed, Ji Moxuan soon became calm again. His smile was as warm and clear as ever: "Xixi, what a coincidence!"

Jing Xi looked at him faintly: "Oh, it's quite a coincidence that I just hit your girlfriend yesterday. Today you will fly to my school gate to block people."

Ji Mo Xuan's smile on his face was broken instantly, and the surprise in his eyes was hard to hide.

Wu Wei got out of the car and walked to Ji Moxuan. He took his arm and said in a gentle and aggrieved way: "Mo Xuan, it was she who hit me, you Do you know her? If this is your friend, then Then Forget it. I don't have any more pain. "

Ji Mo Xuan, even if still in a state of surprise, also instinctively took his arm from Wu Wei's hand.

He didn't want to be in love with Wu Wei in front of Jing Xi.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that he had fallen into a scam!

Wu Wei met with Jingxi before, and Luo Feiyang deliberately took Jingxi to find Wu Wei. They had a dispute, but she said that she did not know Jingxi!

The woman is a little bit careful, Ji Mo Xuan is totally indifferent, always better than a total bullied silly white sweet.

But if she used all her heart and stratagem on him and calculated him, Ji Mo Xuan would not tolerate it!

"Oh, Ji Dashao, your girlfriend is so generous! I slapped her in the face yesterday, but I forgive me today. Should I be grateful for it

Jingxi's tone is full of sarcasm, cold look, a look is angry, Ji Moxuan heart has a bad premonition.

As far as he knows, although Jingxi grew up in the hands of her parents, a little wayward and a little fearless, in fact, she never makes trouble for others at will.

"Xi Xi, did Wu Wei do something wrong? If she offends you, don't take it to heart, just give me a face. Wu Wei's nature is still kind. It's possible that he has a fever and a little impulse. "

Hearing Ji Mo Xuan's words, both inside and outside, there is a sense of protecting Wu Wei. A trace of surprise flashed in Jingxi's eyes.

She didn't expect that Ji Mo Xuan had a deep affection for Wu Wei. After breaking up, he took care of her. Knowing that she was beaten, he flew over all night.

No, no, maybe he and Wu Wei didn't break up at all?

Jingxi's face showed a faint smile, but there was no smile in the tone: "I just looked at your face, only gave her two slaps. I stopped the five men who wanted to hit me with her, and all of them were beaten and vomited by me!"

"What?! Wu Wei, you lead people... "

"I didn't! Mo Xuan, she framed me

Wu Wei immediately interrupted Ji Mo Xuan's words with tears. He said pitifully, "I don't know her. How can I get along with her? Don't you know what kind of person I am? It was me who was surrounded yesterday. She hit me when she came up for no reason

Jingxi was beaten down by Wu Wei, and he wanted to hit people again: "Miss Wu, where did you look yesterday? Being such a black-and-white person will be struck by thunder! It's good to say that you don't know me. Yesterday, you can swear that you want to occupy Ji Moxuan and Luo Feiyang at the same time, and let me stay away from them. If you don't know me, you will know that I have a good relationship with them? "

"You're bloody!"

Wu Wei seemed to be in a hurry. Her red eyes and white face said, "it's clear that you want to occupy Mo Xuan and Feiyang. You also let me get out of the United States!"

What is to open an eye to say a lie out of nothing, Jingxi can be regarded as seeing today!

It's a pity that the conversation with Wu Wei was not recorded. Otherwise, we should wait for Wu Wei to finish the performance and show Ji Moxuan the recording of yesterday. Let him know that the woman around him is insidious and cunning, which is not worthy of him.

At the moment, Ji Mo Xuan, listening to the conversation between the two, has no idea who to trust.

In his impression, Jingxi is not the kind of girl who scolds people at will and doesn't seem to have a strong possessive desire for him and Luo Feiyang.

But Wu Wei is not the kind of girl in Jingxi's mouth. She is always gentle and sensible. How could she bring five men to Jingxi's trouble?

Jingxi has always been intelligent and observant. When she saw Ji Moxuan's expression, she knew that he didn't believe what she said.

She was so angry that she wanted to beat Ji Mo Xuan!

For such a long time, Jing Xi has always regarded Ji Moxuan as a good friend. Ji Moxuan is sunny, humorous and intelligent. She is similar to her age and is a rare growth partner.

Even though Jingxi didn't feel that way about him, he didn't want him to be played by a woman.

He didn't trust her, but it was secondary.

Jingxi's expression suddenly became serious. Instead of arguing with Wu Wei about yesterday's affairs, she looked at Ji Moxuan and said seriously: "Mo Xuan, who are you in love with is your freedom, I shouldn't say anything more. However, I advise you to investigate your girlfriend again. With the strength of the Ji family, it's easy to investigate a person. Don't be blinded by love. "Ji Moxuan was staring at the sincere Jingxi. He subconsciously said, "she is not my girlfriend. Xixi, I have broken up with her. Don't misunderstand me, OK?"

Jingxi some headache, Ji Moxuan this key point did not grasp right!

It doesn't matter if she misunderstands. The important thing is that Wu Wei has a problem. He should go to have a deep understanding!

Jingxi blinked his eyes, and suddenly said: "forget it, anyway, you are still young. It's OK to fall in a somersault. You can talk to me, but please don't look for me again. I'm spoiled by my mother. I may not be able to control myself if someone provokes me. Slapping and breaking legs are light."

She said this, turned around and left, too lazy to waste time with Ji Mo Xuan to explain a lot.

She doesn't have time to train her boyfriend for others. If she has time, she'd better pack up her things and go back to a city to teach Lou Ziling!

Jing Xi walked so simply, Ji Mo Xuan only felt that his heart was suddenly empty.

From the beginning to the end, she misunderstood the relationship between him and Wu Wei, but she didn't even feel jealous.

He would rather Jingxi, like last year's treatment of Lou Ziling, resent his approach to other women and pour coffee on his face.

There is no coffee to pour, and scolding him is OK. At least it will prove that he has a little place in Jingxi's heart.

Unfortunately, No.

Only when Lou Ziling fell in love, Jingxi would be anxious and angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!