Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1453

I don't know who can't wait to reach out to her hand, want to touch her delicate face.

Jingxi coldly took up the corner of his lips, grasped the hand that stretched out, and suddenly forced.

The sound of "click" sounded, and the hand fell down powerlessly.


The scream was a little harsh. The owner of the hand was in pain. He stepped back several steps.

He was about to scold, but when he looked up, he saw the thin and beautiful girl surrounded by his brothers. She was like lightning.

He didn't even see what she was doing. He saw his brothers fall to the ground one by one, howling in pain.

In a moment, five men with strong horses were knocked down by a little girl!

But the little girl, who seemed a little simple and ignorant of the world, was unhurt. The five of them did not even touch a single hair of her!

The only man standing, covering his broken arm, turned pale. He was struggling to escape, but he was kicked in the chest.

Force comes too suddenly too fast, he vomites a mouthful of blood, fell on the ground fainted.

Wu Wei looked at Jingxi with his eyes staring at him. He felt that his strength had been taken away!

How could that be possible!

The five people she found were always fierce, and they never lost in the fight. Each of them had eight abdominal muscles. They were as strong as a mountain. How could a little girl bring them down just one face to face!

She watched Jingxi walk towards her, scared out of her wits and retreated: "you, you, you What do you want? Get away from me! Mo Xuan will protect me. If you hurt me, he can't spare you! "

Jingxi slapped Wu Weiyi in the face: "what do you say? I didn't hear you, say it again

Wu Wei was slapped in the face, just about to start swearing, the other half of the face was slapped.

Her two cheeks were swollen rapidly.

Jingxi started without any reservation.

Behind her, I don't know when a man and a woman appeared, two ordinary appearance but calm breath.

The man picked up the umbrella and small bag she had thrown on the road, then opened the sun umbrella and held it on the top of Jingxi's head to shade her.

The woman took out a packet of wet tissue and handed it to Jingxi respectfully.

Jingxi took out a wet towel and wiped his hands slowly. On the other hand, he said to Wu Wei, who was frightened and angry: "only this time, it's not an example again. Go back and tell Ji Moxuan that I am so kind to you. He owes me a favor. "

She said, throwing the wipes into the trash can, and then slowly into a black Porsche parked on the side of the road, two bodyguards followed in, the car quickly away.

Wu Wei suddenly collapsed on the ground. She covered her swollen and painful face and cried to Ji Moxuan, who was far away in city a: "Mo Xuan, I was bullied. Someone hit me. I was hurt, scared, Wuwu..."

Ji Mo Xuan frowned, Wu Wei cried heartbroken, voice full of grievances, he was a little angry: "who moved you? Don't cry, I'll take it out for you

"I I don't know who she is, a very arrogant girl, she not only hit me, but also hit my friends! Mo Xuan, come on, I'm here alone. I'm going to be bullied to death! "

Wu Wei cried out of breath, as if the next moment will be out of breath.

She described herself as extremely miserable and described Jingxi as extremely vicious, but she did not say that she knew Jingxi.

Wu Wei did not have any relatives in the United States. Ji Moxuan did not trust her. He was afraid of her accident. He quickly asked his assistant to buy a ticket and fly to the United States.

By the time we arrived in the United States, it was already in the middle of the night.

When Ji Mo Xuan appeared in Wu Wei's dormitory, Wu Wei cried and rushed into his arms: "Mo Xuan, how can you come? I miss you so much!"

Her cheek was deliberately left untreated, and until now she was a little red and swollen. On her fair skin, there were two clear palm prints.

Ji Mo Xuan raised Wu Wei's chin with some heartache: "tell me, who hit you? Why hit you? "

Wu Wei weeps and doesn't speak. Her tears do not need money.

Ji Mo Xuan had no choice but to comfort her: "it's OK. If anyone bullies you, I'll take revenge for you. You can have a good rest. Your eyes are swollen with tears."

Wu Wei cried for a while, choked: "I want to go home, I don't want to stay here..."

Ji Mo Xuan slightly a Leng, some hesitation in the heart.

The relationship between him and Wu Wei is not clear. After returning to city a, Jibo finds that they are still involved. He must have a scolding.

Moreover, Jingxi will soon graduate and return home. The city a is so big in total and belongs to the Jing family. If Jingxi sees them together, Ji Moxuan thinks that he can't explain clearly in any case.

Wu Wei saw his hesitation, and immediately cried even more: "my family are in a city, I want to go back to take care of them, here is so far away, my parents are ill, I can do nothing! I was beaten, and there was no one to comfort me. I could only bear it by myself. I was homesick... "She must return to a city, in a city Ji Mo Xuan protection, no one dares to bully her!

And she can use the power of Ji family to realize her star dream!

She is an Asian face. It is impossible for her to become a big star in North America!

Compared with the European and American people, her facial features are not solid enough, and her figure is also a little poor. Here, she has no advantage.

Being beaten this time is a rare opportunity to return to city a!

Ji Moxuan was upset by Wu Wei's tears. Before, he was always moved by Wu Wei's tears. However, when she cried many times, Ji Moxuan only felt that her tears were too worthless.

However, he couldn't stand Wu Wei's insistence and finally let go: "it's not impossible to go back to city a, but you can't look for me in the future."

"As long as I can go home, I won't pester you any more!"

Wu Wei immediately agreed.

, he has the final say, and if he can go back, he will not find Ji Moxuan, but he will not have the final say.

Although Ji Moxuan said he wanted to break up and stay with Jingxi before, but Jingxi was so violent that Wu Wei felt that Ji Moxuan would not like her any more after she knew her true face!

At noon the next day, Wu Wei took Ji Moxuan to Jingxi's school, waiting for Jingxi to come out at the school gate.

Ji Mo Xuan sitting in the car, inexplicably rising in the heart of a restless.

This is Jingxi's school. He and Wu Wei are waiting here. If we meet Jingxi later, how can we explain it?

When he came to the United States this time, he didn't tell Jing Xi that today is not the weekend.

Afraid of what, Ji Moxuan waited for a while, then saw Jingxi came out of the school with a sun umbrella. Moreover, she had seen his car and walked straight towards him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!