Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1452

For several days in a row, Luo Feiyang did not go to find Jing Xi again. He was frightened.

Ji Mo Xuan also has a lingering fear, want to find Jing Xi, but every move all over the body are sore, dare not go out at will.

Luo Feiyang called and scolded Ji Mo Xuan eight hundred times. He thought that he deliberately pulled him into the water and was beaten.

Therefore, he personally called Wu Wei and revealed the hotel where Ji Mo Xuan lived.

Ji Mo Xuan opened the door of the hotel, and the moment he saw Wu Wei, he knew it was Luo Feiyang's good deed again.

However, Ji Moxuan didn't drive Wu Wei away. In fact, he often met with Wu Wei. Every time he came to the United States, he would help Wu Wei solve some of her difficulties, such as being entangled, or being short of money to pay the rent.

Wu Wei is 20 years old this year. His appearance is delicate and his temperament is more and more mature and charming. The whole person is full of temptation, like a ripe peach, waiting for people to pick.

She obviously learned from Luo Feiyang that Ji Mo Xuan was injured, so she specially took the medicine for the injury, carefully applied it to Ji Mo Xuan on the bruise, and gently massaged him.

Beautiful as flowers, gentle as water, body and hot sexy, is a man can not control.

Ji Moxuan hesitated again and again, but still did not let Wu Wei stay. Although he liked Wu Wei's character, he thought that he could only make friends with Wu Wei when he thought of Jingxi.

Even if he could not marry Jingxi, Ji Moxuan knew from a very early time that he would not marry Wu Wei.

Wu Wei has always wanted to be a star, and has been squeezing into the entertainment industry.

Even if she succeeds and becomes a star studded female star, Ji Moxuan will not marry her.

Jibo would never agree to let her in anyway.

Wu Wei was Ji Mo Xuan out of the hotel, she sat in his car, a face of unwilling and angry.

Among the people she knows, in addition to Luo Feiyang, Ji Moxuan is the richest. Even her Mercedes Benz sports car is given by Ji Moxuan.

Luo Feiyang there, she is absolutely useless.

Luo Feiyang is different from Ji Moxuan. He likes and dislikes clearly. After being hurt by her once, he never uses the right eye to see her any more. No matter how flattering and how weak she is, Luo Feiyang does not waver at all.

Maybe it's because Luo Feiyang has experienced too many women. Although his reputation of being romantic is far more than Ji Moxuan, in fact, his desire for women's body is far lower than Ji Moxuan.

It's no use tempting him with body and soft words.

But this is very effective for Ji Moxuan.

Wu Wei doesn't know Ji Moxuan has never planned to marry her. She also wants to take advantage of her body to win Ji Moxuan.

Ji Moxuan soon returned to a city. Wu Wei was sure that he had left. He went to Jingxi's school and waited for her for several days. Finally, she met him.

It was still hot at the end of August. Jingxi wore a lake blue short sleeve silk skirt, held a beautiful sunshade, and walked out of the school with a brand-new pink leather bag.

Just walked a few steps away, was Wu Wei and she brought a few men stopped.

Jing Xi is surprised, this posture, is to start with her?

These days, it is very rare for such a person to know nothing about life and death!

She has a good memory. Although she has not seen Wu Wei for more than a year, she can still recognize her at a glance.

Jingxi blinked his eyes, a little strange in his heart. Did Ji Mo Xuan and Luo Feiyang never tell Wu Wei that she hurt people very much?

She kindly advised Wu Wei: "Miss Wu, you'd better stay away from Jimo xuanluo in the future. These two people really don't care about you. You are so beautiful, you can find someone who sincerely treats you."

Jingxi's words are sincere. She feels that she has no hatred with Wu Wei. She doesn't need to be angry with her.

However, Wu Wei felt that Jingxi was showing off to her and mocking her.

On her beautiful face, there is no charm and tenderness in the face of Ji Moxuan, and some are just hateful: "you should stay away from them! I tell you, Mo Xuan and Feiyang don't like your style, they all like me

"To tell you the truth, the reason why Feiyang has a bad relationship with Mo Xuan is that he always fights because Mo Xuan has been pursuing me, and he has been unable to let me go. You'd better have self-knowledge, leave Feiyang and Mo Xuan, don't pester them again

Jingxi will be angry with her smile, who is entangled in the end who ah!

It's obvious that the two of them couldn't get rid of. If they hadn't been beaten by her fight coach a few days ago, they would still be with her now.

Jingxi was not the kind of person who could be irritated since childhood. Even Lou Ziling was poured with hot coffee by her. Instead of being liked by Wu Wei, Jingxi would not be polite.

She said with a smile: "Miss Wu is really greedy. One Ji Mo Xuan is not enough. She also wants to occupy Luo Feiyang. Are you going to serve together with two men? You are willing to serve two, but you don't know whether they would like to share a woman or not

As Jingxi said, he took up his umbrella, threw the umbrella and the small bag to the side of the road. He lifted the long skirt and tied it up, revealing a thin, snow-white leg.As soon as her actions were finished, Wu Wei's angry voice rang out: "you several go on together and teach her a lesson. A wild girl who doesn't know where to come out dare to talk to me like this!"

There were five men following Wu.

Wu Wei brought so many people here, not knowing that Jingxi is good at it, but trying to make Jingxi afraid.

This kind of thing, she used to do, Ji Mo Xuan's pursuers, she is using this means to scare away.

Threatening some time, really can't hit again, generally no girl dares to pester Ji Moxuan.

Of course, there will be girls who go to Ji Moxuan to complain, but Wu Weiyi Xiang has the biggest say in Ji Moxuan. She looks gentle, kind and beautiful. Ji Moxuan never believes that she is the kind of cruel role who can find someone to do something to some little girls.

The only five men who got up with Wu were astonished at the first sight of Jingxi. At the moment, they slowly surrounded Jingxi, and their eyes burst out with evil light.

Some of them stare at Jingxi's beautiful calves, and some stare at her newly formed chest.

Jingxi's temperament is pure and elegant, which is quite different from the charming Wu Wei.

Wu Wei's wind and dust atmosphere is too heavy. The men who roam in the Fengyue arena all the year round will not like her, but prefer Jingxi, a cold girl without impurities.

Surrounded by people and staring at them with malicious eyes, the smile on Jingxi's face disappears. In her clear eyes, there is a trace of coldness that is very similar to jingyichen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!