Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1449

It's just that Lou Ziling is too indifferent. Apart from occasionally having dinner with Wen Yan and picking her up to work, she can't do anything romantic, not even sending flowers.

Wen Yan also liked his cool and cool appearance at first, but she couldn't stand it after a month.

She said a hundred words with Lou Ziling, and he could reply, even if he was enthusiastic!

It's better not to have such a boyfriend!

Otherwise, in the name of a boyfriend, and then go out with other heterosexual, it is easy to damage their own reputation.

Two months later, Wen Yan broke up.

Lou Ziling is still indifferent as before. She sends Wenyan to meet her new boyfriend and pays for their candlelight dinner.

Wen Yan was greatly moved, so she introduced him to a new girlfriend.

The product quality of Loujia company is excellent, and the production technology is first-class, but the price is the lowest in the industry. Wenjia is not stupid. She did not give up cooperation with Loujia because Wenyan broke up with Lou Ziling.

On the contrary, Lou Mingyang and Lou Ziling worked hard and cooperated very well. They never deliberately made difficulties. Wen family deepened their cooperation with Lou family.

This year, under the efforts of Lou Ziling, the company's performance has increased five times.

Lou Ziling has a new girlfriend, not from a city, but also a daughter of a certain group. Her name is Han Yun.

Han Yun is a member of the appearance Association. Seeing Lou Ziling's first face, he is crazy after him.

Han Yun and Wen Yan are college students. She doesn't mind that Lou Ziling is Wen Yan's ex boyfriend, and she doesn't mind Lou Ziling's indifference and arrogance. She takes herself as Lou Ziling's girlfriend every day. Lou Ziling doesn't deny it, but she doesn't admit it.

It's just that the more intense the passion, the faster it fades.

Only a month later, Han Yun fell in love with someone else. Although he still called Lou Ziling occasionally, he would not go to his company to pester him.

However, Han Yun gave up Lou Ziling, but the Han family fell in love with Lou Ziling.

A week after the two broke up, the Han family took the initiative to find the Lou family to cooperate.

Lou Ziling has a long-term vision. He combined with the actual situation of the company and carried out drastic reform. He laid off a number of unqualified old employees and introduced a large number of talents.

All kinds of sporting goods manufactured by the company began to be graded, new materials were introduced, and the latest high-end brands were launched, and the prices were greatly increased.

He visited all the presidents and directors he knew at Lou Ruofei's engagement banquet. The sporting goods of Lou's family began to be sold all over the world and even appeared in numerous world-class sports events.

In the first quarter of the new year, the turnover of several companies managed by louziling has exceeded 1 billion yuan.

This is the highest performance of the building.

Lou Ziling has become the youngest and most promising entrepreneur in a city. Among the ten outstanding young people selected by city a, his popularity ranks first and his personal assets are also the highest.

He is the second outstanding contributor of a city under 25 years old after Jing Rui.

In July, in the hot summer, Lou Ziling inherited all the assets of Lou family, merged with its subsidiaries, acquired more than a dozen small sporting goods manufacturers and established Lou's group.

Lou Ziling, 23, became the first president of Lou's group.

As always, he is indifferent, aloof, and does not like to talk. Only close people will find that he is more mature and more indifferent to his girlfriend.

In August, his fifth girlfriend, Ning ruoxing, broke up with him.

When breaking up, Ning ruoxing is very sad, but she is very determined. She says to Lou Ziling:

Lou Ziling, you have no heart.

Lou Ziling looks indifferent, still busy with the group's affairs, half a word did not reply.

He has never promised anyone, nor given Ning ruoxing. He doesn't even know when Ning ruoxing became his girlfriend.

He only went to the Ning family once, visited the helmsman of the Ning family, and became a close friend with Ning Ruochuan, the successor of the Ning family. Then he was entangled by the unknown Ning ruoxing.

Of course, after Ning ruoxing went home and cried a lot, her brother Ning Ruochuan came to find Lou Ziling to settle the account and had a fight with Lou Ziling.

However, Ning Ruochuan was beaten by Lou Ziling, and within a few days he was all right again. People came to Lou Ziling.

"Ziling, our family has developed a new material. Would you like to come and have a look?"

"You are such a workaholic. How beautiful my sister is Oh, forget it. I don't want to marry my sister to you. You work twenty-four hours a day. You'd better go and harm others. "

"Mr. Lou, don't you like women at all? Why don't I introduce some handsome men to you?"


Lou Ziling finally raised his head from the document and said faintly, "no, you are quite suitable."

If you don't like it, lengchuan doesn't like it! I only like beautiful women

Ning Ruochuan smilingly left, to find a new boyfriend for the sad sister.

Wu Shen, Lou Ziling's assistant, came in and showed him the latest financial statements. Seeing Lou Ziling holding a piece of jade Guanyin in his hand, he was puzzled.

He has been working as an assistant to Lou Ziling for nearly a year. He is responsible for almost all the affairs of Lou Ziling. No one knows more about his work and emotion than Wu Shen.

Lou Ziling always likes to be concise. She has no accessories except watch.

Wu Shen has seen that piece of jade Guanyin many times. It has become Lou Ziling's dependence and habit.

Jade is a kind of Hetian jade with excellent texture. It's crystal clear. You can see that it's valuable.

However, the sculptors were so mediocre that the one who carved Guanyin seemed to have gained weight and his face was very big. Wu Shen also relied on speculation and thought that it should have been carved with Guanyin.

It's obvious that someone carved it himself and gave it to Lou Ziling.

Wu Shen is just wondering who sent this jade ornament. It is so ugly that Lou Ziling can carry it with him all the time.

The United States, a closed physical training ground.

Jingxi wiped the sweat on his face with a white towel, took a shower, changed his clothes, and walked out of the training ground with his backpack on his back.

Outside, Luo Feiyang leaned against his luxurious red Porsche sports car and waved to Jingxi: "beauty, this way!"

Jingxi ignored him and went straight to his car.

Luo Feiyang is helpless and runs to her side, grabs Jingxi's clothes and doesn't let her get on the bus

"Hello, Hello, how could you give me face! I've brought you the latest news about Lou Ziling. Would you like to hear it? Love enemy to do my share, there is no one! I stare at Lou Ziling every day. I don't know. I thought I fell in love with him! "

Jingxi unscrewed a bottle of water, drank a mouthful, light way: "how, he has a new girlfriend again?"