Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1448

This overbearing and arrogant appearance, does not lose Luo Feiyang that second generation ancestor at all.

Jingxi is too close to Lou Ziling, and his words are so straightforward that Lou Ziling is not comfortable. His ears are slightly flushed, and he feels as if he has been molested by a 15-year-old girl!

Lou Ziling reached out to wipe his face with the tissue in Jingxi's hand, but Jingxi refused to give it to him: "I'll wipe it for you! You asked Miss Wen to wipe it for you just now. Why don't you want me to do it for you now? Do you really like her? "

Jingxi said, eyes are not good, as if as long as Lou Ziling said "yes", she can immediately split Lou Ziling.

Lou Ziling raised her eyes and looked at the fierce little girl in front of her. Her mouth was angry, and she looked delicate and lovely. It was like the most crystal dewdrop in the morning.

He can't help but show a shallow smile: "you sit well, I wipe myself, do not need you."

Jing Xi saw that he even laughed, not from micro Leng.

Lou Ziling really seldom laughs. Every time he laughs, his sense of coldness and pride will disappear. It's like a changed person. People can't help but want to get close to him.

Jingxi thought for a moment, then climbed from the co pilot to Lou Ziling, sat on his lap, and met him face to face.

This posture is too ambiguous. Jingxi doesn't feel anything. But Lou Ziling, a 22-year-old adult man, has a big bang in his mind. Almost all the blood in his body is boiling!

Lou Ziling instinctively hugs Jingxi's waist. When his hand is on Jingxi's slender waist, he realizes what he has done.

I want to take it back, but I'm not willing to.

His palms, through the thin clothes, transmit a kind of blazing temperature to Jingxi, which makes her cheek a little hot.

Jingxi suddenly felt that maybe Lou Ziling didn't like her at all, did she?

Maybe you like it a little bit?

This cognition made her very happy. She unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, dipped it in water with a paper towel, and gently wiped Lou Ziling's face.

When he wiped his face clean, Jing Xi said in a low voice, "you can hide clearly, why don't you hide?"

When pouring coffee, she was really in a hurry, but now she was distressed.

I don't know if the coffee is very hot. The skin on Lou Ziling's face is slightly red.

Lou Ziling looks down at the girl in her arms. She has long hair and shoulders, delicate eyebrows and eyes. Her facial features are impeccable. Her skin is white and flawless. Her red lips are fresh and moist. She looks soft and fragrant. She exudes an attractive smell, which makes people want to take a bite.

Lou Ziling could hardly control herself, so that her breath was unstable.

He fiercely pressed Jingxi into his arms. As soon as Jingxi struggled, louziling immediately roared: "don't move!"

His voice was a little strange, and Jingxi was shocked. He didn't dare to move. He was afraid that he would annoy him and never hold her again.

Lying in the arms of Lou Ziling, she felt that she was getting hotter and hotter, and her happiness was almost overflowing.

For a long time, she raised her head from Lou Ziling's arms, looked into Lou Ziling's eyes, bit her lips and said, "Lou Ziling, you just have a heartbeat of more than one hundred and four per minute!"

Lou Ziling didn't speak, but his fingers unconsciously stroked Jingxi's smooth and soft hair. He probably didn't know how fast his heart was just beating.

Fortunately, his self-control ability is very good, there is no abnormal on his face, and his heart rate gradually returns to normal.

He took Jingxi back to the co pilot and tried to drive away, but he turned his head to fasten the seat belt for Jingxi.

Lou Ziling's face is close at hand. Jingxi suddenly reaches out his hand and holds his face. His eyelashes tremble: "Lou Ziling, you can only be good to me. You can't be so nice to others. You You wait for me. I'll grow up soon. "

This may be the most beautiful love words that Lou Ziling has ever heard in her life.

You wait for me, wait for me to grow up!

Her soft little hands, holding his face, give him a good touch.

Unfortunately, he can't respond, he can't respond.

He took Jingxi back home and sat alone in the car, silent.

He felt that his whole body was full of Jingxi breath, soft, fragrant and beautiful.

Every time he saw her, his willpower would be weakened a little, and a layer of his hard shell would be broken.

I can't see you again. I can't see you again.

She's only 15 years old. She's a little girl. She doesn't know anything. But he's not. He's an adult. He's responsible for everything.

It's OK. In a few days, she will return to the United States again. If she can't see it in the future, everything will return to normal.

Lou Ziling drove back to the company, but all afternoon's work was somewhat absent-minded.

This has never been before.

Even Lou Mingyang found his abnormality: "Ziling, are you not feeling well? If you don't feel well, go home and have a rest. You haven't had a rest for months. You will not be able to eat if you go on like this. "

Floor son Ling head did not lift, light way: "I am OK."

"Didn't you go to meet Miss Wen today? How did you come back so early? At least have lunch and dinner with her, and then take her to a movie! Will you fall in love or not? "

Lou Ziling was silent for a moment and said, "No

He has never been in love, and he really can't coax girls.

As for watching movies, he felt very boring. Under the pressure of Jingxi, he accompanied her to watch TV dramas at her home, and had never accompanied others to see movies.

Lou Mingyang was in a hurry: "you can't just learn! How about meeting Miss Wen today? You won't be cold again, don't you talk to people? What girl can stand your temper! If you don't behave well today, you should apologize to others! If you can't get married, you can't have a feud. The Wen family has a deep political background, so we can't afford to offend them! "

"Well, I see!"

When Lou Mingyang left, Lou Ziling called Wen Yan.

Without Lou Mingyang's reminding, he also wants to call Wen Yan, who has suffered a disaster.

The power of a family can not be underestimated. If we can cooperate with Wen family, the market of Lou family will be further expanded.

Phone contact is very smooth, Wen Yan still has a soft voice, seems to have nothing to do with the coffee spilled, but also concerned about whether Lou Ziling was scalded by coffee.

Lou Ziling's voice is still not warm, but it can't be cold.

As if he was talking about cooperation, he talked to Wen Yan and asked her to have dinner with her tomorrow.

A week later, Jingxi returned to the United States, Luo Feiyang also went back, and the Lou family also got the support of Wen family, the company's orders increased rapidly, Lou Ziling was more and more busy.

At the same time, Wen Yan officially became Lou Ziling's girlfriend.