Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1450

Not really. He broke up with his latest girlfriend

"Oh, that's good."

"But he's dating his ex girlfriend's brother again!"


Jing Xi just drank a mouthful of water to gush out suddenly, a face of disbelief: "what do you say?"

"Really, I didn't lie to you! Lou Ziling's boyfriend, Ning Ruochuan, is a handsome brother. Ning Ruochuan also praises Lou Ziling everywhere. His love is beyond words! And Lou Ziling and Ning Ruochuan get along very well. They are closer than all his former girlfriends combined! "

Luo Feiyang almost swears, for fear that Jingxi will not believe it. He also opens his mobile phone and shows the photos collected by the people under his hand to Jingxi one by one.

After watching it, Jingxi didn't even have a picture of two people having intimate behavior. The most intimate one was just because of the angle problem. It looked like a kiss.

"This should be a good friend, can you not be so shadowy, almost catch up with gossip reporters!"

"Xixi, it's not me. Don't deceive yourself. Lingming doesn't like women. His previous girlfriends just couldn't stand him and kicked him! Which two good friends do you see that kiss

In order to defeat Lou Ziling, the most competitive opponent, Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan unite and secretly send countless people to stare at Lou Ziling's private life.

After staring for a year, he found that no matter what kind of beauty she was sent to Lou Ziling, he couldn't even raise a trace of interest!

In a short year, he has talked about five girlfriends, but he is a gentleman. The five beauties with different personalities have never touched the corner of their clothes!

He is too busy is one of the reasons, but Luo Feiyang thinks that the main reason is that Louzi Lingzi doesn't like women. Otherwise, how can he be indifferent to the beautiful women who come to his mouth?

"Ji Moxuan and I are also good brothers, and we have known each other since childhood. When did you see us kiss?"

Jingxi finally couldn't help but laugh.

She simply can't imagine what kind of scene Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan embrace and kiss each other!

As long as you think about it, you'll get goose bumps!

She was happy for a long time, and her clear eyes were full of smiles: "when did you two become good brothers? How can I think you two are enemies? Just pinch when you meet!"

"Er It's also true. I just made an inappropriate analogy. Ji Moxuan is such a hypocrite. Every time I see him, I really want to strangle him! But it means that no two normal men kiss unless one of them is crooked! Lou Ziling must be a homosexual. Don't worry about him! "

"Your picture is so vague and the angle is wrong. You can't see that they are kissing. If you have the ability, you can take a positive one and take a clear one. If Lou Ziling really likes men, I will..."

"You give him up?"

"I'll castrate him!"

Jingxi look light, Luo Feiyang but inexplicably feel a tight body!

He felt that it was better not to provoke the beautiful people in front of them. When they were cruel, they were like snakes and scorpions!

If Jingxi is really married home, will he die if he is not careful!

But give up Jing Xi, Luo Feiyang is reluctant to give up anyway.

He has been chasing Jingxi for a year. During this year, she is the only one in his life. There are no other girls and no girlfriend.

He kept Jingxi for a long time. If he looked at other girls, he couldn't get into his eyes!

"Hi hee, I'll treat you to dinner. I've reserved a table in the restaurant and I'll wait for you."

"No, I'll go home and eat."

She refused to get on the car, and didn't even leave the driver with a whim to go home.

Luo Feiyang looked at Jing Xi to leave and touched his short hair in frustration: "it's hard to catch up with you!"

The next day was Saturday. Ji Moxuan flew to the United States early in the morning.

The driver went to pick up the plane, and then directly planted him in front of Jingxi's house.

But Ji Mo Xuan didn't go in. He looked at the time and waited for about half an hour. He estimated that Jingxi got up and went to knock on the door.

He is more careful, afraid to disturb Jingxi's sleep, so he would rather wait outside than wake her up.

The servant opened the door and saw him. He invited Ji Mo Xuan in with a smile.

Jingxi did just get up, but she was not half of the improper, neat clothes, not like some people just get up will appear a little sloppy.

Except for her slightly disordered hair, everything else is fine.

This is the result of strict tutoring, and Jingxi didn't understand it when she was a child, until later she invited a special etiquette teacher to correct her behavior and habits.

Today, she even sleeps very well. She can't kick quilts and sleep in a big way. She usually sleeps on her side with a healthy and graceful posture.

It's not harshness, it's an instinct.

Her pajamas are soft suits, short sleeves and comfortable trousers, and less nightdress. Since she came to the United States, she always worried that Luo Feiyang, a psychopath, would suddenly break in, so Jingxi wrapped herself up tightly.

Seeing Ji Moxuan, Jingxi was not surprised. She said hello to him lightly. Then she tied up her long hair, wore a delicate bow hairpin, and received her hair together, revealing her delicate and flawless face.

Ji Moxuan knows that she is going to wash.

Now 16-year-old Jing Xi is 1.65 meters tall. She is wearing a pair of green pajamas with drooping texture. However, because of the fresh color, Jingxi is full of vigor and vitality, just like the grass with dew in the morning.

Her pajamas were formal, and her long legs were covered by long trousers. Only the short sleeve jacket showed her two white lotus arms.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and the beauty is just right. Even if she doesn't wash her face, her skin still looks delicate and smooth, like a shelled egg. She wants to be possessed by others.

Such as the Pearl like jade girl in front, Ji Mo Xuan also with Luo Feiyang, can not see any girl.

Every time I see Jing Xi, Ji Moxuan swears in his heart that he will marry her home!

No one can rob him, Lou Ziling can't, Luo Feiyang can't!

Jingxi washed quickly. She wiped her face, walked out of the bathroom and sat down at the table in the living room for breakfast.

"Mo Xuan, come and eat together!"

Ji Mo Xuan is not polite, sitting next to her on the seat, while slowly eating, while carefully taking care of Jing Xi.

He helped her to fill porridge, to help her with vegetables, to help her pour water.