Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1447

Wen Yan almost didn't vomit blood!

She was born in a family with outstanding academic achievements. She is beautiful and grows so big that she has been praised by many stars. She has never been choked by a little girl!

The smile on her face could not be strained. She looked at Lou Ziling wrongly. Her voice was soft and sweet. She looked like a coquettish girl: "what's the matter? You have a girlfriend and you call me to meet you! How can there be such a bully? I didn't ask to marry you... "

"I don't have a girlfriend. She's only 15 years old. She's just a child. You don't have to take it seriously."

It's only fifteen?

Wen Yan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She turned her head and took a look at Jingxi. As expected, she was still a childish little fart child!

She is very fond of the handsome louziling who is in a mess, cold and steady. The two families are in perfect harmony, so she doesn't want to be destroyed.

She has never been in love with her brother-in-law!

No woman likes a amorous and romantic man. It's better to be cold and silent. This kind of man can hold on, and it's not easy for a third party to intervene in the future. The marriage life will be more stable and happy.

Wen Yan doesn't think a 15-year-old girl can compete with her.

What's more, looking at Lou Ziling's indifference, she doesn't like this arrogant little fart child.

The gentle smile returned to Wenyan's face. She laughed at Jingxi: "little sister, go back to school quickly. You are so young, and you are not suitable for falling in love! It's not good to fall in love early. It's easy not to go to college in the future. "

Wen Yan's sarcasm, Jing Xi did not listen to a word. Before she was ten years old, she had completed all the courses in primary, middle and high schools. If it had not been for Jing Yichen, in order to let her have more fun and increase her experience and insight, she would have graduated from the world's top famous universities at the age of 12, just like her brother Jing Rui.

What Jingxi cares about is not Wen Yan's attitude, but Lou Ziling's.

She frowned and looked at Lou Ziling tightly: "you choose her not me?"

Lou Ziling's voice was cold: "go out! This is my business, it has nothing to do with you! "

Jingxi picked up the coffee in his hand and poured it directly on the handsome face of Lou Ziling.

Hearing Yan's "ah" scream, she scolds Jingxi for "are you crazy?" and quickly takes a tissue to wipe Lou Ziling's face gently.

Lou Ziling sat there, her eyes looking at Jingxi deeply. She didn't hide or speak.

Jingxi can't bear to see other women touching Lou Ziling, even with a paper towel!

She picked up Wenyan's coffee and poured it on Wenyan's face.


There was another scream, and this one was louder and more exaggerated.

Wenyan can't care to wipe Lou Ziling's face. She finds a clean paper towel in a hurry. While crying, she wipes the coffee on her face. Her expensive and luxurious custom-made white Chanel dress has scattered a lot of coffee stains, which makes her deeply distressed.

Not far away Ji Mo Xuan and Luo Feiyang look at Jingxi's strong fighting capacity, suddenly some sympathy Lou Ziling.

Today's situation, it is estimated that Wen Yan will never take care of Lou Ziling again!

Lou Ziling got up slowly and saw that Wen Yan was crying in a low voice. She said faintly, "Miss Wen, I'm sorry about today's business. We'll make an appointment another day. Then we'll make amends to you. We'll be here first. I'll go first."

With that, he grabbed Jingxi's wrist, tugged her hard, took her out of the cafe, got on his brand-new black Jaguar, and left quickly.

The car stopped suddenly on a quiet path. Lou Ziling held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and his voice was filled with anger: "can you stop fooling around?"

Jingxi's voice was more angry than Lou Ziling: "no! I don't accept you falling in love with any woman! "

"It's my own business!"

"I don't care. You're mine! Lou Ziling, you don't want to touch any woman! You have to wait for me to grow up! "

Lou Ziling's heart suddenly seems to be caught by something. The whole heart seems to have no longer belonged to him.

His anger dissipated and his voice calmed down: "I can't wait, I won't wait." It's no use waiting.

Jingxi turned to look at him and asked him sadly, "why? Didn't you say you didn't hate me

"You are still young. When you grow up, you will forget me."

Three years, five years, or ten years.

She is only 15 years old now. When she is 25 years old, she will know more things, clearly realize the gap between him and her, and realize his utilization, then she will forget him.

"I am not small! You will not forget me

"Yes, there will be better people waiting for you. After my blind date, you don't want to destroy it. My energy is limited. "

Lou Ziling looks cold. There are a lot of obvious coffee stains on his white shirt. However, he doesn't care at all. Jingxi spills coffee. He always loves to be clean, but he can't get angry with her.

If anyone throws his coffee, he may call that person to the hospital.

"Do you like the girl just now?"

Lou Ziling was silent and did not answer Jingxi.

And Jingxi didn't seem to need him to answer. She quickly replied, "you don't like her. I don't believe you will like her the first time you see her. I've been with you for such a long time, and you don't like me either. The lady Wen just now is not as beautiful as I am, that is, she has a bigger breast

"But it doesn't matter. I'll be big in two years. I'm a little slow in this. If you still have a blind date in the future, I will destroy it until no one wants to marry you. "

"I used to blow up our Jingsheng group building. It's a piece of cake to blow up other people's companies! I'll blow up anyone you're dating, and I'll blow it up with the building. I'll see who can't hold on first! "

Lou Ziling was shocked to see Jing Xi on the co pilot's seat, but after careful consideration, Jing Xi could really do it!

When she was young, her "great achievements" were famous in the whole a city. At that time, no school dared to accept her, and she had been indefatigable in destroying people.

Lou Ziling's face was gloomy. He said in a cold voice, "you're only 15 years old. It's not suitable to fall in love! If you blow up the building, I won't like you either

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you don't like me. You won't like others anyway."

Jingxi's face was cold, with a touch of self-confidence: "at present, I haven't met a girl who is smarter and more beautiful than me. You don't even like me, and other women can't go into your heart."

She said, from the floor Ling car in the paper towel out of a, side over to Lou Zi Ling wipe the coffee on the face.

Her voice is light, the breath between breath pours on Lou Ziling's face: "your heart won't give others casually, so I have to guard your body, which dares to touch, which will chop off the hand!"