Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1446

girl friend?!

Ji Mo Xuan's eyes are bright!

Jing Xi, sitting next to him, frowned.

"Beautiful, good and good. I didn't expect the second young master of the Luo family to do something reliable."

Ji Mo Xuan thinks that Luo Feiyang has a good brain. He stares at Lou Zi Ling and Wen Yan who are separated by several tables for a while, and smiles on his face.

Wenyan's appearance is really good, although not amazing type, but gentle temperament, smile when there are two shallow pear vortex, it is easy to make people feel good.

At least Ji Moxuan thinks that she is really suitable for Lou Ziling.

"Where is it beautiful? Not at all beautiful

Jingxi looked at Wenyan more than ten meters away in the face of Lou Ziling gentle smile, feel that the smile is particularly dazzling.

She seldom gets angry and angry, but now her eyes are cold as a knife. She suddenly slides to Luo Feiyang, who is sitting opposite her. She says in a cold voice, "don't introduce any woman to Lou Ziling, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Luo Feiyang's proud smile suddenly froze on his face. A trace of amazement flashed in his eyes. He looked at the indifferent and angry Jing Xi, as if he didn't know her any more.

Know Jing Xi for such a long time, this is the first time Luo Feiyang saw Jing Xi lose his temper.

It is also the first time to know that under her lively and generous smile, there is also a kind of emotion called callous indifference.

In fact, Jingxi's appearance is more like shangguanning. It makes people feel comfortable when they laugh, like a spring breeze. But when they don't smile, they are cold and clear, and they have a momentum of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Hee, are you angry? You don't really like Lou Ziling, do you? "

If he is 15 years old, he will not hurt her. If he is too weak, he will not hurt her.

He only cares about Jingxi's attitude towards Lou Ziling.

Do you like Lou Ziling?

Jingxi himself has always had this question.

But she didn't know what to like until now, and she didn't know how long it would last.

But she knew that it was hard for her to see Lou Ziling with other women.

As for introducing Lou Ziling's girlfriend, don't even think about it! She would never agree!

Ji Moxuan's reaction to Jingxi is also somewhat unexpected. He originally thought that it was Lou Ziling who had been pursuing Jingxi, but now it seems that it is not so!

This is troublesome!

"Xixi, louziling is not worthy of you. You are not suitable for your family background, ability, or personal age and personality."

"Yes, yes, you are not suitable! I am the most suitable, I am so handsome, Xixi, you should think about me more! "

Luo Feiyang grabs to show himself, although his words are as cheeky as ever, but the tone unconsciously takes a trace of caution.

He was afraid to make Jingxi angry, but he was not afraid of the strength of the Jingxi family, but was afraid that Jingxi would be angry, and he would never pay attention to him again.

Jing Xi's eyes are still very cold. She stood up and said slowly, "I'm not suitable for you either. I still have something to do. I'm going to leave first."

She said, stepped forward and walked towards the Lou Zi Ling side.

Luo Feiyang watched her leave them and walk to Lou Ziling. He could not help feeling uncomfortable. He murmured, "I think I'm good. Why doesn't she like me..."

Ji Mo Xuan wry smile: "I also think I am very good, at least better than you, you have hundreds of girlfriends, I also only have one Wu Wei."

Luo Feiyang's frustration in his heart was suddenly dispersed by Ji Mo Xuan's words, staring at him: "I'm all ex girlfriends! Ex girlfriend! Now I don't even have a female fly around me. I'm like a jade

"You haven't learned Chinese well, so you'd better go back to school and learn it again. The word" keep your body like jade "is not suitable for you. The most suitable idiom for you is that you have experienced many battles!"

Here, two "good brothers" began to attack each other. Over there, Jingxi has stood in front of louziling.

Lou Ziling saw the familiar pink dress around her, but she didn't look up. Instead, she looked at Wen Yan opposite her indifferently and continued her conversation: "Miss Wen, do you have any plans after returning home?"

In fact, when he came to this cafe, he had already seen Jing Xi and Ji Mo Xuan sitting over there, but he just didn't see it and sat down directly at Wen Yan's side.

But he didn't expect that Jingxi would come to him.

Wen Yan heard Lou Ziling's question, but did not answer him. Instead, she was surprised and puzzled. She looked at Jing Xi with a cold look and hesitantly asked, "who are you?"

Jingxi reached out and pointed to Lou Ziling: "I'm his girlfriend!"

Lou Ziling's hand holding the coffee cup suddenly tightened, and a beat was missed in a certain place in the heart.

He slowly raised his head, Jing Xi's cold eyes suddenly fell into his eyes.

"Don't monkey around and go back to your own place!"

"I'm not fooling around, I'll be your girlfriend from today on! If you refuse, it's easy to handle. All the companies in the building will go bankrupt tomorrow! "

The sunlight from the clean glass of the coffee shop comes in and sprinkles on Jingxi's body, adding a kind of light brilliance to her whole person.

She is so big that she has never used her family's strength to oppress others, nor has she ever shown any willfulness and arrogance of the king's little princess. But now, she does not hesitate to use her most powerful weapon!

For Lou Ziling, this is the most direct and effective way!

Her coquetry, her entreaty and her persistence have no effect on Lou Ziling!

Sorry, it can only work in a way!

The power of the family was originally a part of her life. Jingxi was always proud of it, and didn't think it was wrong to use the power of the family.

Jingxi is obviously angry. Lou Ziling is familiar with her for a long time, and now she can feel her anger.

Can hear that she wants to let the company of Lou family go bankrupt, for a time angry speechless!

He didn't like to talk, and he didn't want to quarrel with Jingxi.

Wen Yan, who was sitting opposite louziling, suddenly laughed. She caressed her long hair gracefully and held her chest in both hands. Looking at Jingxi's still immature face, she said in a gentle voice, "little sister, how old are you? When you go out later, don't learn to talk big. Even I dare not say that I will let the company of Lou family close down tomorrow! "

Jingxi's vision is broad. Influenced by Jing Yichen, she has a long-term vision, and has never been fussy. She is quite different from ordinary girls.

She seldom dislikes a person, but at the moment, she feels that Wen Yan, who pretends to be gentle and generous, is very annoying!

She looked at Wen Yan coldly: "what's your name?"

"I don't want to be named Wen. As long as you are from a city, you must have heard of it. Wen's family is..."

Wen Yan's words have not finished, Jing Xi is not polite to interrupt her: "never heard of it! You can go