Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1394

For Lou Ziling, there is no difference between a woman and a woman, but he is lonely, does not like to talk and socialize. It is better to find a woman who also likes quiet and does not have much to do with his wife.

Marriage is very popular in big families in a city. Marriage is the highest guarantee and chip of interests. Otherwise, there will not be so many people staring at Jingxi eagerly, looking forward to her growing up and eating her into his stomach.

However, Jingxi is only 14 years old this year. She is still a child who hasn't grown up. Even the girl's menarche is just coming. Lou Ziling won't hit her attention. It's too animal.

There are a lot of marriageable women of the right age in a city, and there are also many gold medals of large families. Marriage will be mutually beneficial and win-win.

"Do you really want to marry a girl who has no feelings?"

Lou Mingyang is worried. His son has behaved differently from others since he was a child. He almost has no friends. He hopes that in the future, his son can find a girl he loves and spend his life happily, instead of being alone all the time.

Lou Ziling's voice was calm and clear: "yes."

"Ziling, I take back the power of controlling the family from your uncle, and have been trying to restore the prosperity of the family. What is the purpose? It's to make you and your sister angry, so that in the future you can both stand up and live the life you want. "

Looking at his tall and handsome son, Lou Mingyang felt a little relieved: "I'm very happy that you're willing to marry a strange woman. You don't have to let your temperament go wild like you did when you were a child."

"It's just that marriage is a big thing, you'd better think about it again. Our primary goal is to win the support of the Jing family. With their support, you can marry anyone you want, and you don't have to marry a lady from a wealthy family. "

"You did a good job on the island this time. Jingyichen sent me a formal email to express my thanks for teaching a good son! It seems that Jingxi said good things for you in front of jingyichen! "

Lou Mingyang's heart is surging. Jingyichen has always been a mythical existence. It's not easy to get his praise and thanks.

"In the future, get close to the little girl more. You have saved her twice. It's a life friendship. She is too young to get married. You can take care of her as a sister. "

Lou Mingyang doesn't want to fight Jingxi. The difference between louziling and Jingxi is only seven years old. Jingxi is 14 years old this year, so what if Lou Ziling waited for her for ten or eight years?

He didn't dare to make Jingxi's idea.

The more you get in touch with jingyichen, the more you will know that he is terrible. The strength of the Jing family is unfathomable. If the Lou family moves a crooked mind, jingyichen will surely know it soon.

All efforts will be in vain.

The best way is to work steadfastly and be honest.

This is also the survival law that Lou Mingyang has always believed in.

Miss Jingxi, far more than the Lou family, the whole a city who knows the existence of Jingxi, are trying to get close to her.

14 years old, said small is not small, 14-year-old junior high school students, love a lot.

This age, is the most ignorant period, but also the beginning of love period.

At this age, young men and girls are easy to have hazy and beautiful love, and this love, without any impurities.

It is said that the only daughter of Jing family is fond of handsome boys with lively personality. Although he occasionally likes pranks, he is simple and kind-hearted and easy to get along with.

Now the second largest family in a city is still Ji family.

Ji Bo, who is in charge of the family, has always maintained a good relationship with Jing Yichen in recent years. He is both a competitor and a partner.

Jibo once had a short marriage. For a long time, he was single. Later, under the pressure of his parents, he married a well-known family.

Therefore, Jibo is over 50 years old, and his son Ji Moxuan is only 16 years old this year.

Since the day Jingxi was born, Jibo has mentioned with jingyichen countless times that he wants to marry Jingxi to Jijia.

Jibo only loved shangguanning in his life. He refused to marry because he couldn't find a better person than shangguanning.

The more Jing Xi grows up, the more he looks like shangguanning. Jibo fails to marry his beloved. He hopes that at least he can let his son marry shangguanning's daughter.

The frequency of seeing Jingxi is very few, but Jibo has even regarded her as a daughter.

The whole a city, can be worthy of Jingxi, Jibo thinks, only his own son.

Ji Moxuan is not only outstanding in appearance, but also intelligent in mind. He has no habit of being a dandy. He can bear hardships and enjoy himself. He is very compatible with Jingxi.

Ji Bo can't figure out why Jing Yichen has refused to let go of her two children's marriage.

Is it because he once liked shangguanning?

But now all past so many years, the love that should have, has already dissipated, the remaining only has no one to say regret.

Ji Moxuan went home after physical training. His mother was not at home as usual. He went to the beauty salon to do meticulous maintenance. Unexpectedly, his father, who was always busy, was sitting in the living room, watching the news in his notebook."Dad, why don't you go to the study? My mother will come home in a moment and see you sitting here. She must be pulling you to identify her beauty results again! "

"I've been waiting for you here."

When Jibo saw his son, his smile was a little deep. He closed his notebook and patted the sofa beside him: "come and sit down."


Ji Moxuan sat beside Jibo. Although his face was puzzled, he was already aware of what Jibo was going to say.

"You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

"No, I'm so busy now that I don't even have time to sleep. I don't have time to fall in love! And, you said, I can't have a girlfriend without your permission. "

Ji Moxuan laughed and said, "Dad, you don't want to mention Jingxi to me again? How old are we? Can you take it easy

In the past two years, Jibo has told Ji Moxuan at least a dozen times about Jingxi. Ji Moxuan's ears are cocooned.

As long as Jibo holds a notebook and waits for him alone in the living room, he must be talking about Jingxi.

Ji Mo Xuan has not met Jing Xi, has been on her name.

"What do you know? It's because you are still young, so you should seize the time to settle the matter, or when she grows up, you will have no chance!"

"Dad, I don't even know whether she is flat or round. What are you going to order! She is the little princess of the Jing family. We can't offer her anything when we marry her! I don't want an ancestor! "

Ji Moxuan shook his head. He was mature and participated in a lot of company affairs with Jibo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!