Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1395

"What ancestor, Jingxi's family education is very good, the personality is also very lively, does not have a little elder lady's arrogance! She is also very beautiful. I have never seen a better girl than her! "

Listen to son dislike Jingxi, Jibo immediately not willing.

Such a good girl, if you can't marry back, it will be a great loss!

He is not the same as the Lou family. What they care about is not the appearance and character of Jing Xi, but the strength of the whole Jing family behind her. Ji Bo is strong and powerful, and the Ji family is already the second largest family in a city. They do not need to rely on the support of the Jing family.

Ji Bo sees Jing Xi in her eyes. It has nothing to do with whether her family name is Jing Xi.

"I'll find a time to let you and Jingxi meet. This time, you are not allowed to sneak away!"

Jibo thinks that young muai will like her after her son meets Jingxi.

Before he had secretly arranged to let Ji Mo Xuan and Jing Xi meet, but Jing Xi arrived, Ji Mo Xuan ran away!

"Oh, Dad, what else do you see? I know she must be very beautiful. I have seen both her parents. No matter how ugly a child a parent has, it can't be ugly!"

Ji Mo Xuan is not interested in seeing girls. He thinks that these girls are basically the same thing. They are used to be disrespectful and noisy by the family, or they are just affectated. He has a headache to deal with these girls.

"If it's really fate, I'm sure I can see her. I'm only sixteen. Don't you have to be so anxious to arrange my blind date?"

Jibo was laughed by his son: "nonsense, what is a blind date? Let you meet a girl, just make a friend. Do you think the girl in the family of Jing is so casual? Whether I can call Jingxi out is still an unknown number! Jingyichen looks at his daughter like a baby. If he knew your attitude, he would not agree with Jingxi's marriage to our family! "

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention.

Ji Moxuan immediately grasped the key point of Jibo's words. As long as he had a bad attitude and didn't like Jingxi, the Jing family would take the initiative to avoid him.

There will be no follow-up to his affair with Jingxi.

What a good way!

"Well, I'll wait for your arrangement. I won't run away this time. I'll always meet the legendary little princess."

Ji Mo Xuan promised to come down, but in his heart thinking how to keep his image, and can make Jing Xi hate.

Jibo is very happy, he thinks that Jingxi people see people love, there is no reason why his son does not like her.

However, when he began to arrange Ji Mo Xuan and Jing Xi to meet, it was very difficult.

Jingyichen does not agree to meet the two children at all. His reason is the same every time: Jingxi is too young.

Jibo has been looking for opportunities for two months. Unfortunately, all the itineraries of Jingxi are strictly confidential. He wants his son to have a chance encounter with Jingxi.

Jibo is a little anxious. With the growth of Jingxi's age, her appearance and temperament will become more and more excellent. In addition, with her extremely prominent family background, there will be many people pursuing her.

If she first moved to other boys, that season Mo Xuan will lose all the advantages.

In fact, Jibo is totally worried. Jingxi has not a thousand handsome men, and there are 800, but she likes fast and dislikes faster.

In the past two months, she likes to ride a horse. She goes to the racecourse every day and takes a fancy to a handsome man who often goes riding.

The handsome man's name is Yang Nuo. He is not from a city. His aunt is married in a city. He comes here to play for a while.

He is a mixed race, both eastern and Western beauty, brave and upright, wearing riding clothes when sitting on the horse, handsome mess, aristocratic temperament.

Jingxi especially loves riding with him. Yang Nuo doesn't know Jingxi's identity. She is just an ordinary little girl, and she often points out her safety.

If he was still a child, Jing Xi might directly say to others, "I like you and want to marry you.".

But now that she's grown up, she already knows that she can't say anything casually.

When she didn't smile, she was quite cold. Yang Nuo always kept a proper distance from her, as if afraid of offending her.

In addition to the two of them, there will be others occasionally, including Lou Ziling.

Since Lou Ziling has saved Jingxi twice, and there are some coincidences in fact, shangguanning thinks that maybe he is born with better luck, so he persuades jingyichen to promise to protect Jingxi by louziling.

Jing Yichen agreed, but the bodyguard should be given to Jingxi. Lou Ziling is just playing an auxiliary role.

The Lou family is regarded as the business partner of the Jing family. Lou Ziling will inherit the Lou family and become the owner of the Lou family in the future. Jing Yichen can't really use him as a bodyguard, which is disrespectful to the Lou family and does no good to Jingxi.

Lou Ziling doesn't come every day, and even if he does, he usually looks at Jingxi from a distance and seldom gets close to him unless Jingxi takes the initiative to approach him.For example, now --

"Lou Ziling, I'm thirsty!"

Lou Ziling looked pale and threw the mineral water in his hand.

Jingxi took it, took two drinks, covered it, and then threw it back.

Drive a horse to run a circle, said a few words with Yang Nuo, Jing Xi satisfied stopped.

Yang Nuo has left. Jingxi stops by Lou Ziling and looks at him riding on his horse. He asks curiously, "what else can't you do?"

She just started to learn how to ride a horse. Although she has been very good for two months, she still has a big gap compared with Lou Ziling.

Lou Ziling didn't answer Jingxi's words, so boring questions, he didn't have the desire to open his mouth.

Jingxi has been in contact with him for some time. He knows that he is almost mute. The outside world always says that her father, jingyichen, is as timid and indifferent as gold. However, compared with Lou Ziling, jingyichen is really normal.

At least when jingyichen is at home, he will respond when he talks to him.

Lou Ziling is good. Everything is the same as not hearing.

However, every time Jingxi meets someone who doesn't like to talk, the more she likes to talk to each other.

"When did you learn to ride? You look so professional. Have you ever participated in a competition? Have you got the first place? "

"Why is your horse so tall and strong, and mine so small?"

"Why don't we change?"


Jingxi sits on a horse, side by side with Lou Ziling, but Lou Ziling is not only taller than her, but also her horse.

Lou Ziling didn't say a word, and Jingxi climbed to his horse with both hands and feet.

"Go down and I'll try you. I haven't ridden so strong yet!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!