Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1393

Jingyichen smiles, and he knows that Jingxi himself will not agree.

Shangguan Ning poked her finger at Jingxi's forehead and said with concern: "silly boy, listen to me. Don't go to training. You can go to school. If you don't fall in love, you can play at home. If you feel bored, you can learn to dance and draw!"

"I can dance and draw. Those are not difficult and challenging."

Jingxi still doesn't want to. She doesn't have any friends to play with. It's boring to stay at home.

"Mom, I have to go out and look around the world. I used to think I was very smart, but when I saw many people, I knew that I was not very good in all aspects. There are many people who are better than me, and I have to learn more!"

What the daughter said was so reasonable that Shangguan Ning could not refute it.

After all, the reason why she agreed to let Jingxi go abroad at the age of 12 to study and train in various places was to let her have more insight and better growth.

It is impossible for her to prevent her from contacting new things and her progress just to make Jingxi safer.

Shangguan Ning hesitated again and again, and finally said, "Xi Xi, you can go out to study and train. Your mother won't stop you, but you should do what you can, and you can't be arrogant. Like the situation of the last two days, you can't have any more, OK?"

Jingxi hugged her happily and said in a loud voice, "OK! I'm sure I'll take care of myself. If I feel sick, I'll call you right away. You and dad will pick me up and go home! "

Shangguan Ning hugs Jingxi with a smile and kisses her on her tender face. She asks her carefully whether she is uncomfortable, what she wants to eat and whether she wants to drink water.

"Mom, I'm thirsty!"

"Well, Yi Chen, pour water to Xi Xi Xi quickly. It should be hot!"

Shangguan Ning is reluctant to leave her daughter for half a step, and directly orders her husband to do the work.

Jingyichen left with a smile, and soon came in with a cup of hot water and handed it to Jingxi: "I thought your mother was going to ignore me for the rest of her life. You fell asleep for two days. Your mother didn't sleep for two days, and she didn't let me sleep. The bedroom door was locked by her!"

After Jing Xi was taken to the helicopter by Lou Ziling, the medical team showed it to Jing Xi. She just had a fever in the rain because of her decreased immunity. Although Jing Yichen also loves her daughter, she doesn't worry too much.

Shangguan Ning was worried about sleeping and eating. Most of the time, he kept Jingxi.

Jingxi took the water and sipped it. Suddenly, he felt very happy.

She had a strong father, who sheltered her from the wind and rain, and carefully planned the future for her.

She also has a gentle mother who loves her wholeheartedly and takes care of her body for fear that she will be wronged.

Jingxi smiles and praises her parents. Remembering her promise to Lou Ziling, she says to jingyichen, "Dad, Lou Ziling is taking care of me on the island. Do you want to take care of the downstairs?"

"You've spoken for him. Of course, I'll take care of your face. This time, he has done meritorious deeds again. The Lou family may soon be handed over to Lou Ziling."

Jingyichen usually doesn't mention the conflicts of interests of various families outside. He doesn't want to involve his wife and daughter in those matters.

Lou Mingyang finds another way to let Lou Ziling protect Jingxi. In fact, jingyichen is not happy.

If he had not believed in Lou's well-known character, Lou Ziling would not have had a chance to approach Jingxi.

Fortunately, although Lou Zi Ling Ren is aloof and aloof, his disposition is just like that of Lou Mingyang. He doesn't take the opportunity to please Jingxi and keep a proper distance. He doesn't have the idea of playing Jingxi like other families.

The next day Jingxi wakes up, jingyichen and Jingrui meet Lou Mingyang and Lou Ziling in the meeting room on the top floor of Jingsheng group.

Different from the casual dress up in the past, Lou Ziling is wearing a white shirt, a black hand-made suit, and black leather shoes with excellent texture. Her hair is well combed and looks mature and steady.

Both Jing Yichen and Jing Rui have seen Lou Mingyang, but it is the first time they have seen Lou Ziling.

When they first met, jingyichen and Jingrui both had a good impression on Lou Ziling. Both of them had a strong aura. Jingyichen had been in a high position for a long time, and his manner was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Jing Rui has been a killer for seven years. The fierce in his eyes and the cold Su on his body are not what ordinary people can stand.

Although Lou Ziling is extremely reticent, she has a good psychological quality. She looks respectful to jingyichen and Jingrui, but is not nervous at all.

On the contrary, Lou Mingyang is a little nervous and under great pressure for fear that his son will leave a bad impression on the other party.

In addition to saying hello to jingyichen and Jingrui at the beginning, Lou Ziling did not speak any more during the whole process.

Even after the meeting, Lou Mingyang, who seldom criticized his son, couldn't help saying, "our family can only be considered a third rate family at most. It's a great honor for the king family and his son to receive us at the same time! If we don't seize the opportunity, there will be countless families and companies waiting in line to get orders from Jingjia in city a and even other cities! ""What a rare scene today, and the atmosphere is very good. You don't say a word and keep silent. How can Jing family trust you with a huge amount of business? Two more words can kill you! "

"Isn't the business you're doing? It won't be given to me. "

Lou Ziling opened her mouth slowly. There was no expression on her face and no waves in her tone. At first glance, she didn't care much about the business of the house.

Lou Mingyang felt that there was something wrong with his son's education before. He never fought for it before. His brother, Lou Mingzhen, took over all the business of the Lou family and didn't let him interfere. He kept a low-key patience and never let his children fight for it.

Now Lou Ziling is so indifferent that he doesn't take the family business seriously. He has an unshirkable responsibility as a father.

"I'm doing it now, but it will be your turn soon. You must learn how to deal with people and get the support of Jing family."

Lou Mingyang rubbed his sore temple and said earnestly: "if you don't have the support of the Jing family, in order to make the Lou family develop, you must marry a wife of a big family, with the help of her family's strength. I'm so strongly recommending you to the king's family. I want you to have a strong support. You don't need to trade your marriage in the future! "

Lou Ziling's deep eyes were calm: "it's the same to marry anyone. If you can make the family develop better, you can arrange a suitable wife for me. I don't mind trading marriage." , the fastest update of the webnovel!