Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1392

There are also hills in the center of the island, but there are too many poisonous snakes and insects in those places. Unless a small team of more than ten people dare to live in the cave, there are only one or two people, and it is difficult to watch the night.

Moreover, every cave is a living target, and there is no place to escape.

Lou Ziling's task is to protect Jingxi, so he chose the most conservative and safe place.

He is not in the mood to discuss his IQ with Jingxi, just thinking about how to avoid exposing their positions.

However, the more Lou Ziling did not speak, the more Jingxi wanted to talk to him. She was originally a lively character. It was not easy to meet someone who could speak. She shrank beside him and kept asking in a low voice.

"How old are you?"

"Where did you go to school? You're not a military student, are you? "

"I've eaten all the jerky. What do you eat? Do you eat bark? "

"Don't you remember kissing you when I was a child?"

"I feel a little cold. How about holding me?"


Jingxi murmured, Lou Ziling did not stop her, but did not answer her.

Before he came, he had done a lot of homework about Jingxi. He knew that her nature was lively and even arrogant.

When she was eight years old, Lou Ziling remembered the contact very clearly. He still had some confidence in himself to win Jingxi's favor.

As long as we find the right way, Jingxi is not difficult to get along with.

Lou Ziling is not good at dealing with people, but also dislikes dealing with people. Fortunately, Jingxi is a talkative person and has a great leap of thinking. He doesn't need to bother to say something to please her.

What's more, she's so clever that lies can easily be exposed.

The best way is to keep silent.

In the second half of the night, Jingxi was very tired, and she was not feeling well. She finally stopped talking and leaned against Lou Ziling and fell asleep.

In the dark, I can't see Jingxi's face clearly, but Lou Ziling is sensitive to find that her body is a little hot.

He immediately reached out and touched her forehead.

Within reach of the tentacles, it is delicate and smooth, and the heat is amazing.

She has a fever!

Lou Ziling realized at this moment that Jing Xi said that she was a little cold. Let him hold her. It was not a joke, it was not ambiguous. She was really cold!

Lou Ziling immediately hugged Jingxi's body and gently patted her face: "Jingxi! Wake up! Jingxi

Jingxi was very uncomfortable all over. She leaned against Lou Ziling and felt warm. She called him vaguely: "Mom, I have a stomachache..."

Lou Ziling hugged her, and was helpless for a moment.

After thinking about it, Jingxi's life is more important. He did not hesitate for too long, and soon sent out a distress signal.

The helicopter landed on top of them. Lou Ziling, holding Jingxi, walked into the cabin.

Jingxi felt sleepy for a long time. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in his room!

She rubbed her eyes and sat up fiercely. What about the jungle? What about the island?

Shangguan Ning pushed the door and came in. Seeing her daughter awake, he ran over and hugged her: "Xixi, you scared your mother to death! I've been sleeping for two days, and finally I wake up! "

Mother's arms are warm and soft, fragrant, and Jingxi has loved it since childhood.

She hugged Shangguan Ning's waist and coquettish with her: "Mom, am I not dreaming? I don't know when to go home! I miss you

Shangguan Ning heard her daughter's hoarse voice, and tears fell in an instant: "I miss you too. I miss you every day, but your father doesn't let me see you. I haven't paid attention to him for several days."

Before, when Jing Xi participated in training and various studies, shangguanning would fly abroad to see Jingxi almost every week. Suddenly, she didn't see Jingxi for nearly two months. How could she stand it.

When she saw her daughter's high fever and coma, Shangguan Ning was distressed and angry, so jingyichen suffered a disaster.

Jingxi nest in Shangguan Ning's arms, listening to her gentle voice as always, finally had a sense of reality, she giggled: "it's good to go home! But I can't blame my father. I decided to train myself. He sent several people to protect me

As a mother, she always loves her child very much. She can't see that her child is sick. Shangguan Ning is very kind to Jingxi's baby. Jingxi has never been sick since she was little. Even though she was in the rain, she seldom had a cold or a fever. Her constitution has always been very good.

"Are you stupid? Why don't you go home soon? What's more, it's the first time you haven't been around for the first time

Shangguanning's mother died early. When she came to her first holiday, she was scared to death. At that time, no one taught her those things. Later, she was a servant at home and her aunt told her some common sense. Then she gradually eliminated her fear.

So she taught Jingxi very early, because she was afraid that one day she would be afraid of her period.

It's just that she didn't expect that her daughter would do training on the island when menarche came.Shangguan Ning hopes that she can accompany her daughter at her special time, take care of her and give her the warmest maternal love.

This is a sign that a girl grows up. As a result, she is accompanied by others and a boy. Shangguanning is both distressed and regretful.

Fortunately, Lou Ziling sent a distress signal at the first time, otherwise Jingxi would burn more seriously.

In the future, she can not take part in the cold water training.

Jingxi didn't mind her nagging at all. She leaned against Shangguan Ning and said with a smile, "well, I know all about it. Don't worry about mom!"

Two people said, jingyichen walked in, saw Mother and daughter holding together, he gently smile, way: "I said Xi Xi is OK, you do not believe, now she wakes up, you can always talk to me?"

Shangguan Ning ignored him at all. He didn't even give him a look. He held Jingxi and combed her hair.

Jingxi couldn't see any more. He blinked at jingyichen and said, "Dad, my mother just said she missed you! Did you hear her and come to see me

Shangguan Ning couldn't help patting her daughter's back: "don't talk nonsense. He sent my daughter away. I don't want him!"

Jing Yichen came forward with a smile and put his wife and daughter in his arms. He said in a low voice: "this time, I'm not right. I've neglected the health of Xi Xi Xi. I won't be able to do that again! Is she training, you two has the final say, okay?

Shangguan Ning immediately turned to look at him: "are you serious?"

Jingyichen saw that she was finally willing to talk to himself and said with a smile, "really, when did I cheat you?"

"In that line, all the dangerous projects in Xixi will be cancelled. What will she do as a girl?"

Jingyichen did not speak, Jingxi immediately said: "no, mom, I do not agree!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!