Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1389

With food and plenty of bullets, Jingxi will no longer continue to trap people.

She leisurely wandered on the island, the island is very large, she came for more than a month, just run for her life, now finally have the mood and time to have a good stroll.

Located in the tropical island, the scenery is very beautiful. When it is sunny, you can even see the dolphins jumping to the sea level and moving forward happily.

The main purpose of Jing Xi's training here is not to take what is the first. It's just that Jing Yichen wants to make her life richer and more substantial.

So, she never goes all out.

Although the military academy training is cruel, it generally does not threaten life. Everyone's bullets are specially made and can't kill people.

But so far, seven of the more than 120 people have died.

If you are not careful, or if you are too lucky, you will be killed if you fall into the sea and are swallowed by a shark.

So Jingxi usually sits on a high tree branch to see the scenery, rather than sitting on the beach.

She even felt that after this training, she would have a little psychological shadow on the beach at home. After all, she had witnessed a girl who was too careless and was eaten by a shark.

The weather is very good these days, and Jingxi is in a good mood. She really doesn't like the rain. Although it will be cooler, it's wet everywhere. It's hard for her clothes to stick to her body.

She lay comfortably on the branch, eating the bird's eggs from the bird's nest, reaching out to touch the bun on her chest and muttering, "after eating so many eggs, why is it still not long? My mother's is very big. Why didn't she inherit it to me? "

"Help, friend in the tree, can you help me? I was bitten by a poisonous snake

Under the tree came a girl's pitiful voice, but Jingxi didn't even look at it. He continued to eat the bird's eggs, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Do you have any medicine? I'll exchange it with you for anything else

The voice is still going on, which means perseverance.

Jingxi of course has medicine, but it is also robbed of others, her share has been cheated away by others.

Now she won't be fooled any more.

The military academy threw a large group of people on an isolated island. Of course, it was not for everyone to die. There were many kinds of poisonous snakes on the island. They were killed if they were bitten carelessly. Therefore, the military academy provided everyone with antidotes, various anti-inflammatory drugs, and even distributed an extra set of clothes to everyone, as well as other miscellaneous small things, such as lighters.

Jingxi doesn't want to take care of the people under the tree, but she can't stand each other's shouting, which makes her headache.

She jumped down from the tree and pointed the gun at the other side's chest: "robbery!"

"We are all girls, can't you help me? There are few girls on this island. Why should we fight against each other to get rid of the men in the end? "

Chai Ruoyun covers the injured calf and sits there watching Jingxi. She also holds a gun in her hand and tries to persuade Jingxi.

"You helped me this time, and I'll help you next time!"

Jing Xi immediately laughed. She had heard this for many times since she came to this island!

"Don't talk nonsense. Hand over all your things, and I will let you live, or you will be eliminated immediately!"

Jingxizheng said, suddenly from all directions gushed several people, she quickly counted, a total of five, formed a perfect circle of encirclement.

"Oh, catch me, and use such a big battle! I'll tell you, you must be pretending to be bitten by a poisonous snake when you shout so much

Jingxi does not seem to have any panic, a total of six people, if the use of good, she can kill all the people.

Chai Ruoyun has quickly stood up from the ground, her gun muzzle aimed at Jing Xi's head, hatefully said: "of course I was pretending, you caused my boyfriend to leave early, this revenge I must avenge for him!"

Jingxi suddenly some suddenly: "no wonder are the same despicable!"

She said, shooting without hesitation.

Chai Ruoyun was hit, the body's distress signal automatically released out.

And Chai Ruoyun shot a second later than Jingxi, and did not hit the fatal part of Jingxi.

The other five people are a little nervous shooting at Jingxi, they have heard that a girl is not only very good at personal standing, but also good at pitching people!

Several small teams were completely destroyed in her hands, and the five people also had a long time of psychological construction before they came.

Today, I was sure that she was completely alone.

However, Jingxi is not a person at all, she also led a group of snakes!

The guns of the five men were all crooked, because suddenly many poisonous snakes appeared in the jungle and rushed at them.

What's more, another team from the periphery is waiting for an opportunity to intercept them.

Jingxi successfully escaped, but he was shot twice. The bullet was not fatal, and even could not penetrate the protective vest, but it was also painful.She sat pale under a tree and tried to bury herself in the grass.

I thought it would be OK to have a rest for a while, but my stomach is getting more and more painful. Jingxi keeps recalling what happened just now. Is she poisoned?

No, she just ate a few eggs? I've had it before. I've never been poisoned.

She is very sensitive to things like poison. If someone uses it on her, she can definitely detect it.

Abdominal pain has already made Jing Xi unable to sit still. She is curled up in the grass, constantly analyzing various possibilities in her mind.

A pair of neat military boots appeared in her sight, and her voice was a little aloof and a little cold: "you look very white now, send a distress signal!"

Jingxi raised his head, looked at the other side, gritted his teeth and said, "I just have a stomachache. I have eaten bad food. What kind of distress signal do you send! You stay away from me, don't take advantage of others' "

"If I wanted to take advantage of the danger, I wouldn't have given you anything last time."

Jing Xi covered his stomach and asked with a white face, "what's your father's name?"

The man was silent for a moment and said, "the building is famous."

Hearing this familiar name, Jingxi was relieved at last. Well, this is really his own person.

Throughout the island, no one knew her true identity.

"Are you Lou Ziling?"

Lou Ziling nodded: "yes."

"No, I remember you used to be very handsome. How can you be disabled now?"

"It looks like you're all right, then I'll go!"

Lou Ziling said, turned around and left. He didn't mean to be joking at all.

Jingxi was very angry: "Hello, Hello, you come back! That's what your father told you to take care of me? I'll tell my dad when I go back! "

Lou Ziling's feet stopped.

He was forced by Lou Mingyang to protect Jingxi in such a place, all in order to make the Lou family rise again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!