Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1390

If Jing Xi really goes back to complain, his stay here for more than a month will become meaningless.

The future of Lou family is in the hands of Jing family.

Both jingyichen and Jingrui have a special love for Jingxi. She is the most beloved child of the Jing family and the most popular girl in a city.

With her, generations will be able to rest assured.

Lou Mingyang has a square temperament. He almost never forces his children to do things he doesn't like, and he seldom uses despicable means to seek benefits.

Therefore, the Jing family did not give up the Lou family completely, and the cooperation between the two families was slowly recovering.

However, when there is a shortcut to a road, any businessman will not bother to go around the long way.

Lou Mingyang doesn't ask his son to marry Jingxi, but he asks his son to have a good relationship with Jing family.

There is no breakthrough from Jingrui. The most direct and effective one is Jingxi.

The future of the Lou family will definitely be handed over to Lou Ziling. If Lou Ziling can have a good relationship with Jingxi, it will be in the near future for the Lou family to recover its former glory.

Lou Ziling took a deep breath, turned back and picked up Jingxi from the grass.

Jingxi originally wanted to dislike him touching her, but now her abdominal pain was unbearable, her body was cold, and she had no strength to swear.

Compared with the tall Lou Ziling, less than 1.6 meters of Jingxi was held by him in his arms, looking a little petite. Her pale face still had obvious childishness, and she was a child at a glance.

And this child, perhaps do not know, she has not yet grown up, has become a big family a city want to eat in the fat.

For more than a month, Lou Ziling didn't feel that Jingxi was anything special. Instead, she admired jingyichen more and more.

He didn't teach Jingxi to be a simple girl because of her family conditions. He even allowed her to contact the darkness of society and the unbearable human nature at such a young age.

He also deployed people in the dark to protect Jingxi's safety.

It doesn't matter if she is eliminated. She can do it again later, but her life can't be affected.

The reason why he was able to protect Jingxi was that Lou Mingyang went to jingyichen to fight for it.

This is also due to the fact that he had accidentally rescued Jingxi once when she was eight years old, without any selfish thoughts and interests.

It's a pity that now his mind is full of interests.

Lou Ziling took Jingxi to his own site, where he set up a mechanism to remove poisonous snakes and other dangerous animals, so that he could temporarily settle down.

He put Jingxi on the ground, frowned and asked, "are you hurt?"

Jingxi covered his stomach and leaned against him. He said weakly, "no, the bullet hit me, but even the clothes didn't penetrate! I must have been poisoned? "

Lou Ziling raised his arm: "then why are you bleeding?"

His camouflage clothes were dyed red a small piece, Jingxi looked at all stunned: "am I bleeding? It's impossible. I didn't get hurt. Is the bullet so powerful now? "

She tugged at Lou Ziling's clothes and pulled up her sleeve to see if his arm was hurt and bleeding.

Turn over, the lower body suddenly a hot, something slowly flow out.

Jingxi stayed for a full minute, and then his pale face turned red and red!

It's a shame!

Jingxi's whole life, for the first time, knew what was shame and indignation!

She has never been as embarrassed as she is now. She blew up the school and the Jingsheng group building. She has never wanted to find a place to get in!

Lou Ziling looked at Jing Xi's face, suddenly red like a ripe tomato, puzzled: "do you have a fever? Where is the wound? I'll take care of it for you! "

Jingxi was surrounded by a group of people, holding a gun pointed, did not want to send a distress signal, but now want to send a distress signal immediately, let people take themselves away!

"That I'm not hurt. Don't worry about me. Let's go

She pushed Lou Ziling aside, trying to stay away from him.

But Lou Ziling is not a vegetarian. Seeing that Jingxi is getting more and more wrong, he grabs Jingxi's arm. The doubts in his eyes become more and more serious: "you said that you had stomachache just now. You said you were poisoned. How can you be OK in a while?"

Jing Xi was so angry that she would jump off her feet: "it's all right. You should quickly disappear from my eyes. I want to solve my physiological problems!"

Lou Zi Ling is slightly a Leng, hindsight's reaction comes over, the bloodstain on his clothes is how to return a responsibility.

He grabs the hand of Jing Xi's arm to release instantly, in the heart some uneasiness, but the face is still indifferent: "I left."

This can't blame Lou Ziling. She can't think of some private things about girls. Because he's so old, one of the women he contacts most is his sister Lou Ruofei, but Lou Ruofei is a typical lady in a big family. She is very safe in speaking and doing things. How can she let her brother know about such a private matter!Lou Ziling has always been a lonesome character. His brother and sister are not close to each other. He knows something about girls, but his mother reveals them occasionally.

For example, on the days when my sister was not feeling well, her mother would always boil her thick brown sugar water for her to drink. When he was very young, because he loved to eat sugar, he also drank it.

Lou Ziling didn't leave too far away. Jingxi didn't know that he had come to the moon. He even said that he was poisoned. It's ridiculous!

If he didn't guess wrong, this should be the first time Jingxi came to the moon.

Otherwise, she would not be so ignorant.

When Lou Ziling left, Jingxi was relieved. She was about to die of her own stupidity!

She felt her pants, and her fingers were stained with red blood. She thought of the part on Lou Ziling's clothes. Jingxi wanted to hit a tree!

She has never been on a holiday. Shangguanning has taught her a lot of this knowledge before. She knows everything she should know.

But theory is not the same thing as practice!

Jingxi didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. When he was training on an isolated island, he had his period.

The abdomen is still in faint pain, but Jingxi can't care about the pain. She needs sanitary supplies badly!

She went through her backpack and found that there was nothing she needed except bullets!

The house leak happened to meet the night rain, she was suffering, the sun disappeared, dark clouds covered the sky, the big beans of the rain point crackled down.

Jingxi sighed helplessly. He pulled out his hat from his bag and put it on. Then he took off his coat and tied it to his waist to block his dirty trousers. He was ready to rob with a gun.

She remembered that the military academy seemed to distribute sanitary supplies to girls.

Otherwise, what have they been doing for more than a month? It's impossible not to have a period, right?

Just, before she left, Lou Ziling came slowly towards her from the rain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!