Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1388

The island has a large area and low risk. There is only one basic and fatal problem: lack of food.

People on the island are being eliminated one after another, and some people quit because they can't hold on to it.

In a month's time, there are only half of them left.

Jingxi's survival skills improved rapidly, and his temperament was also slowly changing.

She grew up under the wings of her parents. She listened to me a lot but experienced very little.

However, in this more than a month time, she has experienced more than a dozen betrayal.

At first, she would give her food generously to her teammates, fight side by side and eliminate others.

It's a pity that, in order to eat food, some people think that she will be a huge threat and want to solve her in advance.

Because of her kindness and blind trust, she paid a heavy price, not only hurt, but also ran out of food.

The weather on the island is changing rapidly. The first moment is sunny and dark clouds, the next moment is pouring rain.

Jingxi is lying under a thick tree. The cold rain has wet her clothes, and her whole body is in pain. But her eyes are bright, without any depression.

In the past, her mother taught her the truth of life, is to be honest and kind, and help others when they are in trouble.

Jing Yichen has never refuted these views. He also said that a man should have the most basic integrity.

However, now, Jing Xi has understood that Jing Yichen is telling her with cruel facts that kindness cannot be blind.

Some people can help, others can never help.

Just yesterday, there was a girl who she had helped to give her fresh water to keep her alive.

Among more than 100 people, there are still good people.

Another person slowly into her line of sight, with fresh fish, squatting beside her, put into her mouth.

But Jing Xi doesn't remember helping the man in front of him.

She ate the fish and was in a good mood. She looked up and down at the wet man.

Well, he has a good figure, is very tall, and looks very strong. His skin is actually very white. He hasn't turned black after being exposed to the sun for more than a month on the island. It's really rare!

Good, handsome!

"You are reduced to this kind of situation, still have the mood to evaluate others handsome or not?"

Jingxi was a little surprised: "do you know mind reading?"

"Your expression says everything. You can't read your mind and know what you're thinking. You should be less crazy about men, maybe you can live longer

Jingxi laughed and said in a clear voice, "the days here are so hard, I have to find some fun?"

She seems to be crazy about men, but in fact, it's the best disguise.

She is now on guard against anyone. It is absolutely impossible for her to fall into love because she is handsome and brave.

In fact, at the age of 14, she has never fallen in love with anyone.

There are more than ten handsome men on the island who have been eliminated by her own "taking their lives". It doesn't mean that she won't do it!

If you don't want to die, I'm not going to die.

Jingxi got up from the ground and sat on the tree. He didn't care about being drenched by the heavy rain. Anyway, the sun would come out soon, and it would dry quickly.

"Why did you help me? I don't seem to have helped you, is it because I think I'm beautiful

Jingxi was smiling, and there was no depression and unwillingness in the predicament.

The man was surprised by her optimism, but he didn't seem to care whether she was optimistic or pessimistic.

He stood up with his gun in his hand. He didn't look at Jingxi. He said faintly, "it's hard to disobey my father's life."

"Why, your father asked you to protect me?"

Jingxi was surprised and said strangely, "it shouldn't be. Why did your father let you come, but not my father? It seems that only my father will find someone to protect me all the time? We're not the same dad, are we? Are you my long lost brother? Oh, yes, maybe we are half brothers and sisters! Oh, my mother is so pitiful. She must not know that my father is out there! "

This thinking jump too fast, the man some speechless, he said four words, she came to a lot of messy conclusions! If jingyichen knew that she was framed by her daughter, would she be angry and throw her daughter on the island!

"You don't remember me?"

"Ah, did we know each other before? What's your name? I know so many handsome men that I can't remember for a while

Jingxi finally some serious, she carefully looked at the people in front of her, thought for a long time, even the rain has stopped, she still did not remember who is in front of her.

The other party seems to have no intention of revealing his identity. He took the gun with his bag on his back and walked away without delay.The sun shines on him, and the bright Jingxi can't open his eyes.

She covered the sun with her hands and tried to remember the man's back. She was not sure whether the other party was an enemy or a friend. Of course, she would not trust him all the time.

After the sun came out, the temperature on the island rose rapidly. Jingxi took off his coat and only wore a camouflage vest. He found a small puddle, washed his coat and hung it on the branches to dry.

She climbed up the tree and picked some wild fruits to satisfy her hunger.

When I jumped down from the tree, I saw that I had only two small bulging breasts on my chest. I couldn't help sighing: "no, I have to eat more nutritious things, otherwise the small buns will never grow up!"

Just now the man was too mean, so he gave her some fish to eat. If you want to avoid starvation, you have to find your own way.

Jingxi put on a half dry coat, stepped on the small leather boots into the water, leisurely and ran to trap people.

She has a lot of ghost ideas, such as idle people is not her opponent, as long as she is willing, can guarantee that she has a good life.

She trusted her teammates too much before. The food and other things were handed over to the captain. She never thought that she would be kicked out of the team!

Her contribution is obviously the highest, but it is rejected by all people. This is not scientific!

So, Jingxi went back to revenge!

In their team, there are nine people, except for Jing Xi, there are eight.

Although Jingxi's combat effectiveness is very strong, but it is impossible to defeat eight guys carrying guns with bare hands.

So she sneaked on another team and led people to her original team.

Two teams were fighting fiercely below, and she sat alone on a high branch to watch the excitement.

There's a constant call for help, and the cadet will take them away soon.

Jingxi happily jumped off the branch, picked up food and guns and ammunition, turned to see a man hidden in the grass, she raised her hand is a gun.

The other side was extremely unwilling, but was soon taken away.

Jingxi old-fashioned with a crisp voice: "come out to mix, sooner or later is to return!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!