Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1387

Jingxi gently holds the pink bubble in his hand, hesitating whether to use the last one on peixiao's body.

Pei Xiao has already been very familiar with Jingxi to chat: "are you also in X university? Which major? "

Jingxi is now on a foreign university, but this can not be said that he went to school in X university to get closer to Pei Xiao!

"I studied genetics, and you?"

She made up a major casually. Anyway, she learned a lot of genetics knowledge from Shu Yin. She was also very familiar with the situation of X university and was not afraid of getting involved.

Pei Xiao had a bright smile. Just about to speak, a beautiful woman with long hair came to her face. She rushed into his arms and said, "honey, I haven't seen you for several days. Should I forget me and have a good relationship with other women?"

Beauty said, but also with disdainful eyes swept Jing Xi, as if Jing Xi is a bad woman to rob her sweetheart.

Pei Xiao's smile suddenly cracked, but he did not get angry, but calmly pushed the woman away, turned to Jingxi and said: "don't misunderstand, it's just ordinary friends. I only had one girlfriend, a high school classmate, but now I've broken up."

He is calm and unappealing, without a trace of embarrassment, so it is easy to believe his words.

It's a pity that he didn't meet ordinary people.

Jingxi threw the little pink in her hand, and the smile on her face was impeccable: "brother Pei, don't explain it to me. It's normal that you have a girlfriend. After all, you are very handsome."

The beauty was immediately upset: "who are you? Get away from me. Can any cat and dog call my husband brother Pei? Don't take a mirror to look at themselves, grow no chest no buttocks, with a brick like, juvenile also mean to seduce men outside! No shame

Jingxi was a little surprised. She was so old that she was almost always carefully protected by her parents and brothers. Although she had suffered, it was all jingyichen's deliberate training for her. Jingxi was psychologically prepared.

It was the first time in her 13 years of life to be scolded by someone pointing at her nose today.

What's more, Jingxi has been eager to grow up. What's more, she doesn't like to be told that she has no breasts. Although her 13-year-old body has just begun to develop, she does not have breasts.

Peixiao stands aside, looking at Jing Xi's astonished eyes, the whole face has been white.

This is Jingxi!

She has lived a princess's life since she was young. How dare anyone speak to her like that!

What's more, she's totally innocent!

Pei Xiao gave the beauty a slap in the face: "get out! This is my sister. Is this the one you can scold? "

The beauty was slapped fiercely and cried angrily: "you cheat! You are the only one in your family. There is no sister at all! Before coax me to bed, on did not recognize people? Think of beauty

She couldn't beat Pei Xiao and turned her head to slap Jingxi in the face.

However, before her hand touched Jingxi's face, she heard a crack in her wrist!


The beauty screamed with pain. Her face was pale and her expression was startled and angry. It seemed that a fire would come out in her eyes to burn Jingxi to death.

Jing Xi slowly took back his hand, and the smile on his face disappeared: "such a crazy person, now seems to be rare."

Pei Xiao dragged the beauty to her back, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat: "Jingxi, don't be angry. Don't be wise with such people. She doesn't know your identity. She said something wrong. You let her off this time!"

Jingxi looked up at the tall Pei Xiao. For a moment, he felt that he was not handsome at all, and he was ugly.

This is not a matter of identity. If she is just a little girl in an ordinary family, she should be allowed to be humiliated and abused by others?

Pei Xiao clearly has a girlfriend, and may be more than one, but also said that he did not, is really shameless.

Is this what my mother said? People are dangerous?

It turns out that such a sunny and excellent boy has a dark heart.

Jingxi is still confused, but the hands are empty, the lovely pink bubble was snatched away.

The bubble looks like the bubble that children blow out with soapy water. It's translucent, light pink. It looks like it's going to burst when it's stabbed, but it's really elastic and can be squeezed into various shapes.

The beauty behind peixiao is full of malice. She grabs Jingxi's bubble and says: "do you like this thing very much? Well, then I will rob you

She was so angry that if Pei Xiao didn't stop her, she would not just grab a bubble, but grab a rotten Jingxi's face!

Pei Xiaodu was already very angry. He said in a sharp voice: "give it back to me immediately! Who let you touch her stuff? "

Jingxi's beautiful eyes twinkled and her lips showed a smile: "it's OK. It's just a toy. She may be 13 years old just like me. She likes this kind of small thing. Give it to her!"

Jingxi said, immediately turned around and left.

The bubble was just pinched by the beauty. It is estimated that it has reached the critical value. It will burst for a while. It is not for fun!Let the two enjoy it. She is only 13 years old. It's not suitable for children to have that kind of scene!

Not long after Jingxi left, the bubble burst.

The fragrance is overflowing and full-bodied. The heat and dryness rise in peixiao's body instantly!

This kind of feeling is very familiar, Pei Xiao immediately understood what is going on, he scolded a "damned", regardless of the arms of the beautiful woman wrist fracture, dragging her eyes confused quickly into the campus pine forest - at this moment, it is too late to go back to the dormitory or to the hotel!


"Miss, do you want us to teach those two men a lesson?"

"No, they are in love. Don't disturb me."

"Miss, you are so kind that you can't let go of such a person in the future."

"In the end, they will not give me a pink body! Oh, you may catch a cold

Jingxi murmured that she was not in the mood to look for a handsome man on campus. She was a bit bored and didn't do a bad job as a child for many days. Her life was meaningless.

Comparatively speaking, it's more interesting to be squeezed by jingyichen's physical and mental strength to carry out high-intensity training.

The next day, Jing Xi asked to continue training. Jing Yichen sent her daughter abroad again with some doubts.

With the Spring Festival coming soon, Jing Xi didn't even go home for the Spring Festival. At the age of 14, she participated in survival training with more than 100 military academy students on a closed island.

Although this kind of training is a little bitter, Jing Xi likes it very much.

For no other reason, most of the people who took part in the survival training were male, and they were all about 20 years old. They were brave and handsome. A lot of people met the aesthetic standards of Jingxi! , the fastest update of the webnovel!