Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1386


Jingzhi's hoarse voice came from Zheng Yu's falling head, and then a gentle kiss.

Zheng yuluo was sleepless, and her eyes widened: "we..."

She was in pain all over her body, especially in some part of her lower body!

"Well, honey, you were so warm last night that I couldn't help it, so It's a little fierce. "

"How! I thought I thought it was a dream

Zheng yuluo's face turned red. Did she tangle with Jingzhi all night?

But her impression is so vague that I can't remember the details!

Never before!

Jing Zhi grinned and pinched Zheng Yu's chin: "who let you open the gift given by Xi Xi Xi, we both fell into the trap of a little girl!"

"You mean that pink bubble?"

"Yes, her masterpiece!"


Jing Xi, who gave her "masterpiece", did not realize her second brother's consciousness at all. She felt that she was creating welfare for her second brother.

Of course, she has never used pink bubble herself, but she has tested it with various kinds of small animals, and the effect is remarkable, and the pregnancy rate is greatly improved.

Several pairs of kittens and puppies she tested have already had babies and are in good health.

Jing Xi holds a pink bubble in his hand, wondering if he should give it to his parents.

After using it, will she be killed by her father.

Xi Xi has to be careful to wear a pink mask every time.

Jingxi in tangled, with her small bubble on the street.

Small bubbles have the maximum load-bearing limit. They can't be broken by light kneading. After hard pinching, their elasticity will slowly disappear, and then they will be broken by touching them gently.

So Jingxi just threw it in his hand and didn't pinch it.

At Jingzhi's wedding yesterday, Jingxi really saw several handsome men, one of the most outstanding is a distant cousin of Zheng yuluo.

He is a relative of Pei Xinhua, Zheng yuluo's grandmother. His name is Pei Xiao.

He looks young, handsome and sunny. He smiles with white teeth and gives people a warm feeling.

Such a boy, it seems that he has not suffered much since childhood, some conceited, but also some naive.

Jingxi recently like this one, she doesn't like too cold, hard to catch up, also don't like too enthusiastic, chase up no energy.

Yesterday, Jingxi had already inquired about Pei Xiao.

She is 19 years old, a freshman, and has a girlfriend who has been in love for three years in high school. Now she is in a different place. Her girlfriend is going to university in other places, while Pei Xiao is in the local X university.

What is puppy love, Jingxi does not care at all, but she has always believed that the results of puppy love will basically die.

The driver sent Jingxi to X University, and two bodyguards in suits and suits followed Jingxi, protecting her at any time.

But Jingxi thought it was too conspicuous and drove the two bodyguards away.

If anyone doesn't have long eyes and dares to fight her idea, a pink bubble will have to lie in the hospital for several days and nights to get out of bed, unless the other party has the willpower and physical strength of Jing Zhi.

The two bodyguards have already seen the power of the cute little bubble in Jingxi's hand, and there is no problem in Jingxi's self-protection.

So two people just follow from afar, not close.

Jingxi slowly around the campus, pretending to accidentally bump into peixiao.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you ok?"

Pei Xiao politely apologizes with Jing Xi who deliberately bumps into him. When Jing Xi looks up, he is a little surprised and says, "Jingxi?"

Oh, I know her!

At the wedding yesterday, they only said a word, and Jingxi didn't tell him what her name was.

The surname "Jing" is too ostentatious in city A. in other cities, people will suspect that she has anything to do with the Jing family. Therefore, when Jing Xi is outside, she usually says that her surname is Shangguan.

Although Shangguan's surname is relatively rare, it's only that. No one will think that Jingxi has such a great background that she can make her idea.

It's the same for Jing Xi to have her father's or mother's.

Pei Xiaoneng called out her real name. She must have asked the Zheng family about her.

In other words, the handsome guy is also interested in her.

Jingxi is very happy, rarely met with an interest in her, many men always dislike her small, eyes only on those charming women with big chest and thin waist.

"Do you know me?"

"Of course! We met yesterday at my cousin's wedding and talked to each other. You may not have noticedPei Xiao's smile is a little bright. It seems that she is very happy to meet Jingxi.

How can you be unhappy?

This is the only daughter of the Jing family. She is the apple of jingyichen's eye. She is a princess who combines beauty and wealth.

She knew at a glance that she was still a young Lori, dressed up a little mature and tall, but she had a baby face and a little baby fat, and her immature appearance could not deceive people.

"We are also relatives! My name is Pei Xiao. Zheng yuluo is my cousin. I've heard her praise you many times. When I saw you yesterday, I thought that the "Little Fairy" she said before was not exaggerated at all! "

Pei Xiao is extroverted. He is proud of others. He is not in front of Jingxi. He is sunny and funny. He feels very good.

Never before has the male so undisguised praise Jingxi, his good impression to her, almost all written on the face.

Pei Xiaosen regards her sister as beautiful, but she doesn't feel the same as her sister.

Jingxi has never experienced the love between men and women. At the age of 13, although she knows everything she should know and should not know, she has never had a real heart.

She can't understand love yet.

She just thinks that love is marriage.

In front of her, Pei Xiao is handsome and tall, humorous and funny, and she looks very attentive.

Jingxi touched her heart, a little confused, how did her heartbeat seem to have no change at all! Shouldn't your heart beat faster?

Oh, I don't care. Anyway, she looks good at Pei Xiao!

She called peixiao in a clear voice: "brother Pei, you are also very handsome! Is your girlfriend beautiful, too

Pei Xiao only stopped for a second and then said with a smile, "I don't have a girlfriend!"

Jingxi a Leng, break up?

She said, early love is not reliable, after long-distance college love, sooner or later to break up!

Well, the handsome guy is single now. Can she do it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!