Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1385

Jing Yichen is worried about her daughter's mischief at the wedding ceremony, and Jing Zhi, the bridegroom official, is even more worried.

For a long time, he didn't open the gift for Xinjing.

But it's no good to throw it away. If Jingxi really gives her some works of art, it's not only a pity to throw it away, but also if Jingxi knows that he has thrown away the gift, it will be miserable.

So Jingzhi kept the gift and wanted to open it in two days.

After dawn, according to the wedding custom, Jingzhi, together with Jing Rui, Mu Sen and others, takes a long luxurious motorcade to Zheng's house to pick up the bride.

The wedding ceremony is very grand, half a city people are following the fun, robbing the wedding candy.

With the king's marriage, the Zheng family's status in a city has been upgraded to a new level.

Zheng Jing didn't like Jingzhi any more. On such a happy day, he would not show a trace of it. When Jingzhi and Zheng Yu offered him tea, he handed him a red envelope with a smile on his face.

Zheng yuluo was very happy. Jing Zhi changed his words and called Zheng Jing "Dad". Zheng Jing also looked very satisfied and said a lot of blessing words. Finally, the two people were no longer at war.

Out of the Zheng family, a group of people around most of a city, went to the church.

Zheng Jing personally sent her daughter to Jing Zhi's hand, and the two men swore and exchanged rings under the chairmanship of the priest.

Originally, Zheng yuluo wanted to omit this link. She wanted to have only a Chinese wedding, but Jing Zhi didn't agree. He would rather be more troublesome and would like to marry Zheng yuluo in a solemn church.

He didn't want to let Zheng yuluo leave any regrets, after all, they only had this once in their life.

The whole wedding to the end, Jingxi also did not have any movement, she stood by shangguanning all the way, quiet, not a bit to destroy the appearance.

Jingzhi finally puts down his mind and thinks that he may have been worried. After all, Jingxi has grown up and won't be as mischievous as he was when he was a child.

The wedding banquet ended at more than four o'clock in the afternoon. When Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo got home, it was only five o'clock.

Because of his marriage, Zheng yuluo was dressed in a bright red Chinese style dress, showing a trace of charm.

She put on make-up, the facial features are particularly three-dimensional, delicate.

But she deeply remembered that Jingzhi didn't like her make-up, so as soon as she got home, she washed her face clean.

Seeing her coming out of the bathroom, Jing Zhi could not help but embrace her with a smile: "what are you doing with your makeup removed so quickly? I haven't seen enough! "

"Don't you like my make-up? Last time I was in a bar, I put on my make-up, and you said I was! "

Zheng yuluo touched his face, blinked and asked Jingzhi, "do I look good in makeup or plain?"

Jingzhi really likes Zheng yuluo without makeup. Her facial features are good enough and do not need any cosmetic modification.

However, today's make-up of Zheng yuluo also do not have some amorous feelings, very beautiful.

"It's all good-looking. As long as it's you, I like it!"

Zheng yuluo suddenly smiles. She has found that Jing Zhi is more and more able to speak. The edges and corners of his body before have disappeared. His words are no longer prickly. What remains is only gentleness.

Jing Zhi kisses Zheng Yu's bright and clean face, and then goes to the bathroom to take a bath and change clothes.

Zheng yuluo wanders around the villa alone. There are many wedding gifts in the living room. There are kitchenware, tableware, cups, etc. sent by relatives of Zheng's family. It means that the new couple love each other for a lifetime and get married as soon as possible.

There is a paper bag, inside the gift package is tight, Zheng yuluo can't remember someone sent this, she opened it curiously.

The gift was wrapped one layer after another. When Zheng yuluo removed all the packages, his fingers were sour!

Inside is a beautiful pink bubble, a little like jelly, fragrance overflowing, a little intoxicated.

Finger prick, translucent bubble can also be sunken in, full of elasticity, very fun.

Jingzhi comes out of the bathroom and sees Zheng Yu poking and poking at a pink bubble the size of a palm.

"What is this? Balloon

Jingzhi also has some doubts. He reaches out his finger and pinches it. As soon as he touches the little pink, the bubble "poops" and bursts!

The strong aroma immediately wrapped the two people.

Zheng yuluo was stunned: "how can I pinch it just now? Why do you break it when you touch it?"

When Jing Zhi smelled the aroma, he suddenly had a bad feeling. He took a look at the dozens of layers of wrapping paper torn by Zheng yuluo and asked, "are you the bubble from a paper bag?"

Zheng Yu nodded: "yes, who gave this gift? Why is it a little like a bubble for children to play with? "

"Xi Xi gave it to her. Isn't she just a child?"

"Oh, she did! When I saw her today, I almost couldn't recognize her. She has changed her mind since she was 13 years old, and she has become a great beauty! "

Zheng yuluo said, touching his face, wondering: "why do I feel a little hot? My cheeks are a little hot, and my heart rate seems to be abnormal? "Jingzhi closed his eyes, immediately picked up Zheng yuluo and strode upstairs.

"I said," why is she so honest today! It's waiting for me here

Jing Zhi's breath has been completely disordered. The wedding gift sent by the little girl is actually a kind of powerful urge emotion medicine!

Ordinary medicaments generally do not work on Jing Zhi. It is estimated that this kind of medicine was specially developed by Jingxi for his physique.

No wonder she said it was her own craft!

For a while, Zheng yuluo's eyes have been blurred, her face has been rubbing against his chest, tongue is still unconsciously licking!

Jingzhi is going crazy. He throws Zheng yuluo onto the bed. Bearing some strong desire in his heart, he takes off Zheng yuluo's clothes and presses them up.

The effect of medicine is very strong, Zheng yuluo actively hugs Jingzhi, takes the initiative to kiss him, constantly calls his name, entangles with him.

How can Jingzhi stand this!

He didn't know to scold Jingxi now, or to thank her!

Jingzhi hugs Zheng yuluo's body, and feels his blood boiling. He soon climbs to the top with her.

However, this is only the beginning.

Zheng yuluo only felt that he had made a long, fragrant dream. In the dream, she and Jingzhi were shameless and indefatigable.

The dream is extremely beautiful. Zheng yuluo doesn't even want to wake up. She hugs Jingzhi's neck tightly and cooperates with his stormy wind and rain. She can't help but recite.

Outside, the sun is bright, the light shines through the window into the bedroom, a warm and peaceful.

Zheng yuluo some trance, how to return a responsibility, now should not be at night? Why is the sun so big outside?

She moved gently, the result was so sore that she could hardly get up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!