Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1384

"Don't laugh, it's true! I used to think that, my second brother is very handsome, and it's very nice to marry him. Musen is also very handsome. He has a good temper and is also good to marry him. But I just went to see them two. Why are they not handsome! They are both not handsome. Can they be handsome? "

When Jingxi was a child, she quarreled to marry Musen and Jingzhi. Shangguan Ning knew all these things. She never took her daughter's childish words to heart.

In any case, she will change her target in a few days. Except for her own brother Jing Rui, she has always called for marriage to others. Shangguanning has been used to it for a long time.

Now that her daughter actually dislikes people who are not handsome, Shangguan Ning feels a little strange: "Jingzhi and Musen have not changed. At most, Jingzhi has become thinner, and Musen has turned white. Both of them are very handsome young men. Do you like foreign ones now? "

Shangguanning suspects that her daughter has been abroad for too long. She has fallen in love with white people or Black?

Of course, Jingxi knew the meaning of shangguanning. She said helplessly: "Mom, where do you want to go? I still like to grow with me alone! However, among the yellow people, it seems that the handsome men have disappeared. Like my father, you have already taken the lead. So, I can't get married! "

Dad, you can't marry your father. You can't marry your father

"Oh, my mother, forget it. My father's previous life and his lover must be you. I can only be his daughter for several years! You don't know, I came back this morning and he went to pick up the plane. I wanted to give him a hug, but he didn't want to! "

"Are your clothes dirty? Your father has a habit of cleanliness

Jingxi pulled his clothes to Shangguan Ning and said, "this is my new dress. It's my first time to wear it! Clean and clean

"Oh, maybe he is afraid that hugging will wrinkle his clothes. He has a very important meeting today. He will send you back and go straight away."

"When you held him, you didn't see my father, who was afraid of wrinkling his clothes! You don't want to hold him! "

King Xi Tucao's own father, then make complaints about it: "I can't marry, you see everyone else is married, I'm not married!"

Since she was a child, her daughter has been crazy about getting married. Shangguan listens to her crying and just laughs, without criticizing her at all.

"Your second brother's wedding tomorrow, you can go and have fun. Maybe there's a handsome guy at the wedding? "

Jingxi eyes a bright, climbed up to embrace Shangguan Ning's face "Bo" kiss: "only mother in the world is good!"

She happily jumped off the sofa barefoot and went to look through the clothes to wear tomorrow.

Seeing that she was still childish, Shangguan Ning went to pick with her with a smile: "don't pick too mature. I see you are wearing your face outside. How nice to be so lively at home!"

"That's different. You're my mother. I can do whatever I want in front of you. Who else is used to me! Of course, I must be mature and quiet, otherwise I will easily suffer losses! "

Jingxi's maturity and composure are not pretending to be. As she grows older, she is facing more and more tests. Jing Yichen does not relax her requirements and sharpen her because she is a girl.

From the inside out, she is really different from the ordinary 13-year-old girl.

In the past two years, she did not play abroad. She spent every day in high-intensity study and physical training.

She is also in front of shangguanning, like a child. She is cute and lively.

"What's more, my father said that if he doesn't help me clean up the problems I've caused myself, he will let me solve them by myself. Now I don't dare to make such a fool of myself, otherwise I don't have so much money to pay for it

Jingxi chose two sets of clothes, but also did not avoid shangguanning. In front of her, she took off her original clothes and put on new clothes.

Shangguan Ning saw some bruises on her body, but she was distressed: "what do you train for every day? Your brother can't train alone. Now I'll let you follow. Your father listens to me in everything else, that is, in the education of both of you, he won't give in. "

Jingxi didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "yes, because my brother and I are willing to, otherwise, how can we protect you and my father in the future! It's rare that my father doesn't listen to you. It's rare! "

In fact, Jing Yichen has made great concessions in Jingxi's education. If it wasn't for Shangguan's unwillingness, Jingxi would have started training at the age of six.

Jingxi has been playing in China until he is 11, which is the limit.

Shangguan Ning touched her daughter's head and said in a soft voice, "I hope you can be stronger. Girls are too weak and not good. They are easy to suffer losses. Your father and I can't protect you for a lifetime. Your brother also has his own home. When he is busy, he will not take care of you. Who is strong is not as strong as yourself

Listening to her mother's words, Jingxi was shocked.

Who is strong is not as strong as yourself!

Jingxi wants to be stronger, and his goal has always been to protect his mother and father, but he has not thought about protecting himself.In the eyes of outsiders, the scenery of the Jing family is infinite. She has been carefree for 13 years, but it is jingyichen and Jingrui who have blocked all the dangers.

Jingxi doesn't want to be protected by them forever. She hopes that one day she can protect her family.

She is so smart that she can learn anything!

My brother will, and she must be able to learn!

When jingyichen finished her work and returned home, she saw his wife and daughter holding each other. Their eyes were red.

He could not help frowning: "Xi Xi, how can you make your mother angry as soon as you come back?"

Jingxi immediately raised his head and filed a complaint with Guan Ning: "Mom, my father yelled at me!"

Shangguan Ning immediately laughed: "Yi Chen, Xi Xi Xi is so obedient. How could she make me angry? I just saw her bruise and hurt a little."

Jingyichen light "Oh" a, thought, or way: "then let Xi Xi rest for two days."

Jingxi shook his head helplessly: "Mom, you still have a big face. My father didn't intend to let me go to my second brother's wedding and let me do training! Am I a girl or not? "

"You made so many troubles when you were a child. I've already thrown you away, not your daughter."

Jing Yichen's face shows a faint smile. In fact, he is very satisfied with his daughter. Now Jingxi is more sensible than before!

At least, now I'm going abroad to harm people. No one in a city's schools, teachers and classmates will complain to him any more!

"Your second brother's wedding tomorrow. Don't make a fool of yourself when you go."

"How could it be?"

Jingxi suddenly laughed and said, "I just gave my second brother a copy of my handicrafts. He will certainly like it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!