Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1383

Jingxi sighed and shook his head helplessly: "Oh, another one! There are so many liars these days

She stood there and waited. Three minutes later, the beggar was caught by her bodyguard.

The bodyguard stepped forward and kicked the man, and said coldly: "blind your dog's eye, even our young lady's things dare to rob! I'm not satisfied to give you 100 yuan. I deserve to beg all my life! "

The begging man covered his stomach, which hurt when he was kicked. He knelt down in front of Jingxi: "Miss, I'm wrong. I dare not! I want to get more money to treat the elderly and buy a meal for the children! You can see that there are rich people. Shouldn't we save the poor? Please let me go

Such a thing, Jing Xi already did not know how many times, the other side said, she did not even believe half a word.

Even if the family is really poor, Jingxi will not help. Their money is not from the sky!

Those who have hands and feet, who do not work to earn money, who have to beg or even rob, are not worth helping.

"Originally, I thought you were a lame man, and I gave you a hundred. Now it seems that I have given too much, causing your greed?"

Jingxi has a gentle look. She doesn't look angry at all. She signals the bodyguard to take the money back and put it back in her small bag. Then she gets into the car and leaves.

The beggar was still kneeling on the ground. Seeing that Jingxi left with those ferocious bodyguards, he could not believe that he was out of the tiger's mouth.

He stood up swearing and thought that he was too unlucky to look at it!

As he walked along, he suddenly felt a special itch on his face. He scratched it hard, and it took a long time for the itchy feeling to disappear.

When he got home by taxi, he looked in the mirror and found that there were two big characters on his face: robbery!

The handwriting is clear, is extremely eye-catching bright red!

The man was shocked and quickly washed his face. However, no matter how he washed it, he couldn't wash it off. The word simply didn't look like it was written on, but grew out of meat!

He suddenly remembered that his face was extremely itchy before. When he was itching, was he growing this?

How could that be possible!

How can the face grow two words for no reason!


Is it the little girl who made it?

He has been begging all day, only snatching the little girl's bag!


Jingxi was sitting in the car. The bodyguard on the front passenger seat said helplessly, "Miss, you can give money to beggars in the future. Don't give it so much. It's too tempting for thieves."

He didn't know how many times he had lost money. He thought that Jingxi would never pity those people again. Unexpectedly, every time she met beggars, she would still give money.

Jingxi laughed and said in a crisp voice: "a hundred yuan can see through a person's heart. It's more cost-effective. Besides, we've got the money back again? He didn't take advantage of it

What's more, the two characters on his face are enough for him to suffer for a while!

I don't know why, Jingxi feels like a special thief. Does she look like a "I have money, I'm stupid" image?

She looked down at her clothes. The clothes were very ordinary. They were not famous brands.

Before, when she was abroad, she also recruited thieves. She walked alone and was often robbed. Sometimes she saw a beggar pitifully, and the next second she gave the money, she would be robbed of her purse.

She was so annoyed that she didn't dare to give money freely abroad.

I thought it would be OK to go back to a city, but I was robbed on the first day of returning home.

It was still early, but Jingxi didn't go home. She called her mother and told her that she would come home later. Then she went to Mu's hospital.

Musen is off work. He is changing his white coat in his office. When a girl pushes the door and sees him, he says, "brother Mu!" with a smile

Hee Sen: "a Leng?"

"Well, it's me. I'm back home!"

Jingxi see Mu Sen can recognize her so quickly, can't help but be very happy, smile way: "wood elder brother, you are more and more handsome!"

When he saw that it was really her, he was surprised and pleased: "you are more and more beautiful. If it was not for the shadow of the past, I would not recognize it! It's only two years. Are you that tall? "

He didn't care to change his coat. He went to Jingxi in his shirt and looked her up and down. He thought that the scene in front of him was surprisingly amazing!

She was a little girl when she was a little girl. Now she's a little bit more beautiful!

He asked Jingxi to sit down with a smile, made tea for her and asked her about her life abroad.

"It's interesting. I learn everything. My father has found many teachers for me, and my mother often visits me. I don't feel much different from being at home. It's just that overseas are all handsome men with blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't like it. I still like black hair and black eyes! "

Jingxi's eyes are crooked, the corners of his lips are slightly raised, his smile is pure and beautiful, and his tone is obviously publicized. It can be seen that he has really had a good time abroad.All over her body, she has the youth and beauty that a 13-year-old girl should have, but she also has the maturity and calmness that ordinary 13-year-old girls do not have.

The pranks and slovenness of her childhood were gone. She was natural and natural. Even if she was joking, she didn't even dare to touch her head.

Her surname is Jing. Just because of her birth, countless people in the world will be scared.

Now she has a beautiful and refined appearance and extraordinary intelligence. In the future, there will be fewer and fewer men who dare to touch her.

Jingxi didn't think she was different. She still said with a smile to Musen: "there are fewer and fewer handsome men. I went to see my second brother just now. How do I think he has become ugly? When I was a child, I remember him the most handsome

She wanted to say, how mu Sen also became ugly, but in front of him, she didn't mean to say it.

Just said that he was handsome. It was just polite.

Jingxi is a bit bored in the heart. She thinks that everyone seems to be different from her appearance two years ago. Really, she comes to see the handsome guy in a hurry, but all of them are not handsome.

After a few words, she learned that Musen was Jing Zhi's best man. She said with a smile, "you are the next one to get married." then she left quickly.

After returning home, Jingxi was depressed. Shangguanning was a little strange: "Xixi, you are very happy when you go out. How come you are wilting? Who has offended you? "

Jingxi put his head on Shangguan Ning's thigh and said, "Mom, I don't think I can get married!"

Shangguan Ning chuckled. She touched her daughter's soft and smooth hair. She could not help laughing and said, "how old are you? Do you think you can't get married? My daughter is so excellent, there must be many people who like you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!