Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1382

Zheng Yuwei comes forward and pulls Zheng Yu away, until the two people are driving away. Jingzhi still stands outside the villa, looking at the distance, motionless.

The villa is red and jubilant. There are two servants in the villa, but Jingzhi still feels empty.

Since living in this villa, Zheng yuluo has never left him.

Originally, Jingzhi was very happy at the wedding, but now there is no one around, he feels very lost.

He did not know how long he stood there, and a girl came in with light feet.

Her voice was clear and crisp, just like Oriole Birds. She said, "second brother, are you standing here waiting for me?"

The girl's hair is long, her smile is like flowers, her skin is as white as jade, and she is thin and beautiful.

She stood in the bright light, the whole person was dizzy dyed with a layer of dim light, the United States is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks between people, amazing!

Jing Zhi was stunned. After five seconds, he asked, "Xi Xi?"

Jingxi's smile was brilliant, showing a mouth of white and neat teeth, and a pair of starry eyes bloomed with Brilliance: "second brother, if you haven't seen me for two years, don't you know me? Oh, I'm so sad. Thanks to my carefully prepared wedding gift for you

Jingzhi still didn't come back from the shock. The girl in front of her was graceful and graceful, like a pure and elegant snow lotus. Her temperament was out of the dust. She couldn't match the little witch in her memory!

He asked in disbelief, "hee, is it really you?"

Jingxi laughed. She picked up the corner of her skirt, turned a circle in place, tilted her head and asked, "am I not really? Second brother, when I left, your IQ was still above the sea level. How come this time, your IQ dropped so much! Didn't you go to see the brain? "

Jingzhi finally came back to his senses, laughing and holding Jingxi standing there: "ha ha ha, Xi Xi, how can you grow so tall! Is ginseng grown abroad? "

Jingxi is 13 years old this year, but his height is nearly 1.6 meters!

Two years ago, before she went abroad to study, she was still childish. How could she become a graceful girl two years later!

Jingxi was helpless about Jingzhi's habit of holding her up, and he hated to pat him on the arm: "put me down quickly, so much to affect my lady image! You are going to have a wedding tomorrow. You have a beautiful woman in your arms. What if my sister-in-law misunderstands you? "

Jingzhi put Jingxi down with a smile and laughed at her: "I've never seen you so cheeky. You're boasting your lady and your beauty!"

After Jingxi stood firm, he gently smoothed the folds on his clothes and arranged his appearance. Then he raised his head and said with a smile, "you can't be too modest. I always abide by this sentence."

She handed Jing Zhi a paper bag in her hand: "this is a handmade by myself. It's a wedding gift for you and your sister-in-law! Where's my sister-in-law? Let me see the bride first. I haven't seen her for a long time

Jingzhi took the gift and took Jingxi to the villa: "unfortunately, the bride has just been taken home by her family. You can only see it tomorrow!"

In the past, Jingxi had already stamped her feet in a hurry, but now she follows Jingzhi to the living room and sits quietly on the sofa, which is indescribable and elegant.

The 13-year-old girl's facial features have opened a little, in the light, she looks very beautiful.

A small face can pinch water in general, it can be broken by blowing bullets!

Jingzhi can't help but want to pinch it, but he just stretched out his hand, and his hand was suddenly numb.


Jingzhi couldn't help crying out, but Jingxi was sitting there in a graceful posture and said coldly: "second brother, if you do something again, I will let you marry tomorrow."

"What do you mean? I'm your brother. I can't squeeze your face? Not often when I was a child? "

Jingzhi's hand is numb. It doesn't hurt or itch, but it's numb. It's hard to feel the hands!

He was completely cheated by the girl's beautiful and pure appearance. For a time, he even forgot how much loss he had suffered in her hands before!

She looks more beautiful, her heart seems to be more black!

"My brother didn't pinch my face, my cousin couldn't pinch my face, my father couldn't either!"

Jingxi didn't have a smile on her face, but she looked a little cold.

"Of course, my father is not interested in my face, he also dislikes me for being ugly, not as good-looking as my mother!"

At the end of the speech, a trace of childishness and childishness that a 13-year-old girl should have.

Jingzhi thinks that he can't understand Jingxi's mind when he hasn't seen him for two years!

Originally, she was a little girl with black belly. Now she has learned not to expose her emotions. It's all right. If anyone offends her in the future, she will die miserably!

Anyway, he will never dare to touch Jingxi's face again!

Touch a useless hand, this price is too high!"If you don't let people touch you, what will you do when you find a boyfriend? Love in spirit

Jingzhi glares at Jingxi, and suddenly feels that the gift in his hand is a little tricky.

Just now, Jingxi said that it was her own "handmade", and he didn't take it seriously. At this moment, she finally realized that Jingxi was still the original Jingxi. This gift should not be a bomb made by herself?

Jingzhi was shocked by Jingzhi!

Jingxi has already resumed a smile: "of course, my boyfriend can touch me, but he has to be handsome enough. If you are so ugly, there is no chance."

Jing Zhi almost choked on her!

Who doesn't praise him as handsome? Didn't Jingxi think he was the most handsome second brother? Why do you think he's ugly again?

This little witch, Jing Zhi does not dare to keep her for a minute. Otherwise, his villa will be bombed. What can we do!

He rushed to Jingxi, and Jingxi could only sigh. Alas, it seems that the name is too loud, which is not a good thing!

She really just came to give her blessing and present this evening. Jingzhi wanted to pinch her face. Of course, she disagreed and gave him a small punishment. As a result, Jing Zhi was scared to death.

Jingxi warned himself in his heart: in the future, we should hide more strength and not expose it too early.

Her appearance is still deceptive!

On the way back, she didn't take a car, but walked along the seaside slowly. The drivers and bodyguards sent by jingyichen followed her far away.

Someone in ragged clothes was begging with a bowl on crutches. Seeing that he only wore a broken short sleeve in the cold weather, Jingxi thought it was not easy for him, so he took out a hundred yuan from his small bag and gave it to him.

I didn't expect that the beggars were open to money, and saw that she was a childish little girl. She pulled her small bag and ran away. Her legs were not lame, and crutches were not needed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!