Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1381

In the prison of a city, Deng Kun was lying on the cold and hard ground.

He was black and blue, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his whole body was in severe pain.

Just now, because of a conflict with several prisoners living in the same room, he was jointly beaten.

He used to be the most outstanding master's student of X university and an excellent employee of foreign banks. He lived a life of luxury and respectability. All things changed overnight!

He was reduced to a ridiculous prisoner!

All of his things are in vain. Even if he can be released from prison in the future, he will not have a good company to ask him with his criminal record!

He will never marry a good woman again!

Women Ha ha, all blame Zheng yuluo that bitch! She not only kicked the symbol of his man to the bad, but also let him become nothing, let him into a dark prison!

All of them are criminals. They kill and set fire to others. The greatest pleasure of living in prison is to torture new people!

And Chen Yijie, that cheap woman. If she was not greedy and blackmailed Jing Zhi with Zheng yuluo's news, he would have got it. Zheng yuluo was severely played by him. No one would know the place. Even if Zheng yuluo died there, no one would have found it in a short time!

The only idea that sustained Deng Kun to survive was revenge!

If he wants to live to get out of prison, the attempted rape and violent assault are not enough to be sentenced to death. According to the law, even if the rape is really successful, the maximum sentence can only be 10 years.

Deng Kun was sentenced to five years in prison. If he behaved well in prison, he would be able to get out of prison in two or three years!

As long as he can get out, he must kill those two women!

No one can understand Deng Kun's inner malice and resentment, because he showed his disguise to the extreme.

He originally refused to admit what he had done, but now he not only admitted it, but also constantly apologized and repented, full of sincerity.

In this matter, as long as the Jing family does not interfere, Deng Kun is sure to let the Zheng family slowly forgive him!

He knows Zheng family so well! Understand Zheng Jing, understand Zheng yuluo!

Deng Kun now knows that it is Jing Rui's credit that Zheng Jing solved the case so quickly. Chen Yijie was arrested by his people from Thailand.

He used to underestimate the strength of Jing family, but now he dare not underestimate it!

Life in prison is hard to endure. Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi outside the prison are preparing for the wedding.

They have forgotten Deng Kun. There is no trace of him in their life.

Because Zheng Jing asked her daughter to marry, Jing Yiran raised the standard of the wedding, and invited a lot of people. Those who had family ties with Jing's family and had close cooperation were invited.

The Zheng family, too, has dozens of tables for relatives and friends.

The wedding is a combination of Chinese and Western culture. Zheng yuluo has been busy these days and personally participated in the design and layout of the venue. The day before the wedding, she was tired and had backache.

Jingzhi follows Zheng yuluo almost all the time. He has no requirement for the wedding. As long as the bride is Zheng yuluo, he doesn't care about the rest.

However, Zheng yuluo is very picky about the details of marriage, and after learning a lot from others, he will inevitably be tired a lot.

"Tomorrow is the wedding. Go home and have a rest."

Jingzhi refused to let Zheng yuluo be busy any more. He directly picked up Zheng yuluo and stuffed him into the car to take him home.

"It's just because tomorrow is the wedding, so I have to check it all carefully."

Although Zheng yuluo was tired, she was excited and happy when she was preparing for her wedding. Her white face was filled with a faint smile: "I'm not sure what others have done. I want to see it with my own eyes."

"Your family has helped you to read it, especially Yuwei. Just give it to her."

Zheng yuluo shook his head: "Weiwei, her character is too careless. There are many small details that she can't notice. It's OK for her to fight and prepare a beautiful wedding. It's really hard for her! I heard my mother say that she has gone to other people's cold wind to challenge countless times, but she never gives up. "

Thinking of this, Zheng yuluo asked Jingzhi with some expectation: "what do you think of cold wind people?"

"He? You can beat people up to ten, but it seems that they are not enlightened in terms of emotion. They are inseparable from Gao ya all day long. I have always suspected that they are a couple

Jingzhi looks a little strange: "do you want Zheng Yuwei and Hanfeng two..."

"No, I just ask casually. After all, Wei Wei seems to have never been so active with any boy."

In fact, Zheng yuluo thinks that Zheng Yuwei is too different from the cold wind. She always said that learning skills is used to deal with bad people. She will not fight with people casually, nor will she go to the door of other people to challenge her.

"Love and marriage are her own business. I won't interfere. I just help her find out her character and character. I think the cold wind is still very good."As they were talking, Zheng Yuwei came to their villa.

She came in disheartened. Zheng Yu looked at her like this and knew that she had gone to find fault again.

"Weiwei, are you going to challenge the cold wind again? Did it hurt anywhere? "

Zheng Yuwei rubbed her numb arm and said, "it's OK, elder sister, don't worry, that stinky boy can't get any advantage by fighting with me!"

Zheng yuluo doesn't think so. Looking at the clear handprint on Zheng Yuwei's chest, she thinks that her sister has been occupied with stool!

But she also did not break, smile Yingying asked: "so late, how did you come?"

"My parents asked me to take you home! My mother said that if you get married from our family, you can't live in Jingzhi this evening. "

This matter Zheng Lun said before, Zheng yuluo has been busy dizzy, need to go home this matter to forget!

She took her bag and mobile phone, followed Zheng Yuwei directly out.

Jingzhi stood behind her and complained: "this is not good. Why did my brother and Shuyin sleep together the night before they got married? Why do you have to go home and sleep?"

He was reluctant to let Zheng yuluo leave. They were married for only a short time. They were used to sleeping with Zheng yuluo every night. If Zheng yuluo was not around him, he would not be able to sleep all night.

Hearing this, Zheng yuluo wanted to laugh. She turned around and hugged Jingzhi: "I need to get married from home tomorrow morning. I must live there in the evening. I'll sleep with you tomorrow night. It's just a night apart."

"I don't want to leave all night!"

Jingzhi hugs Zheng yuluo and caresses her hair.

One side of Zheng Yuwei some speechless, she has not seen so much sticky two people! , the fastest update of the webnovel!