Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1380

Jingzhi can't help kissing Zheng yuluo on the cheek and gnawing at her earlobe. He just wants to eat her into his stomach.

Zheng yuluo feels that Jingzhi's hand is electrified. Where his hand touches, there will be a crisp electric current, which makes her want to get closer to Jingzhi.

And then he will touch his back and touch his face.

Jing Zhi's body is obviously stiff, but Zheng yuluo, like finding a new toy, bites it over and over again, enjoying it.

Jing Zhi couldn't bear to tear off Zheng yuluo's bath towel and pressed her tightly in his arms. Her voice was full of obvious sexiness and bewitchment: "honey, you've failed to learn! This is playing with fire, you know? "

He said, raised Zheng Yu's chin, aimed at her red lips, deeply kisses.

Entangled do not know how long, Jing Zhicai let her slightly red and swollen lips, all the way to kiss her delicate chin, sexy clavicle.

Soft, tender, full of the temptation of young girls!

"The rain falls, how do I feel bigger..."

Jingzhi's voice is very low, gentle can make people sink.

Zheng yuluo was a little embarrassed, but now her desire for Jingzhi has exceeded everything. Her hands caress Jingzhi's body and touches his pants. She can't help but open the zipper of his pants.

Even if you don't have to look in the mirror, Zheng yuluo knows that he must be blushing at the moment.

She felt like she was crazy and could do everything!

Zheng Yu falls off too slowly, and Jing Zhi is not willing to be difficult for her. She quickly takes off a clean, and finally gets close to Zheng yuluo's skin.

Zheng yuluo accidentally touched his somewhere, only felt that he was a little hot!

She has not done such a thing with Jing Zhi for too long. Now she is very shy.

Jing Zhi is as passionate as fire. He kisses her crazily and runs across her abdomen.

Zheng yuluo couldn't help but sing out a voice, but Jingzhi's fingers were more flexible to arouse her inner desire.

He took back his fingers and slowly pressed her on his body until she was already in a bad state.

Zheng Yu fell too long did not accommodate him, lower body has a kind of tearing like feeling, she can not help but cry out: "husband, good pain!"

Jingzhi's forehead is covered with sweat. He kisses Zheng yuluo and coaxes her softly: "baby, it will be OK in a moment. Before, we were not very suitable? You'll like it, honey... "

Zheng yuluo's tightness is no less than her first time, which is also a kind of torture to Jingzhi.

He wanted her like crazy, but he was afraid that it would hurt her too much. He was trying to restrain himself.

However, unlike the first time, Zheng yuluo is deeply in love with Jingzhi. Although she is in pain, she is deeply moved by the thought of their close combination.

So pain was soon replaced by indescribable pleasure.

Moreover, Zheng yuluo now also has a little experience, she knows how to make her pain a little lighter, know to kiss Jingzhi, give him encouragement.

One night, Zheng yuluo was immersed in the ocean of happiness, unable to extricate himself.

Her delicate voice is the best catalyst for Jingzhi.

Later, she begged for mercy, but Jing Zhi still refused to let her go.

The next day, Zheng yuluo got up late without doubt.

She picked up her mobile phone and looked at the time. It was more than ten o'clock in the morning!

"Jingzhi! All blame you. What should I do now? I'm too late! You are so bad

She hit Jing Zhi angrily. She found that her fist had no strength at all. She simply bit him with her teeth. After a while, she remembered that she could not bite his skin. She kicked Jingzhi angrily with her foot.

But Jing Zhi just low smile, let her mischievous.

When Zheng Yu falls to make enough trouble and is tired, he contentedly holds people in his arms and dotes on him and says, "we don't go to work today. Anyway, I support you. What's wrong with being absent from work for a day?"

Zheng Yu fell in his arms, wrinkled his lovely nose, and whispered, "if you are so used to me, I will want to be absent from work every day..."

"That's OK. We've opened a bar. You can be the boss's wife. You can earn all the money."

"What if I don't know how to operate and pay for it by accident?"

Jing Zhi kisses her and says, "if you lose, it's all mine."

Zheng yuluo gently smile, she hugs Jing Zhi's neck, also kiss him: "no one will love me more than you!"

Jingzhi nodded with pride: "well, I think so too!"

Two people lie on the bed, holding each other and whispering, until noon to get up lazily.

When I came here yesterday, it was already evening. It was dark and the surrounding scenery could not be seen clearly.

At noon today, after lunch, Zheng yuluo excitedly went out with Jingzhi to go around. The beautiful sea view was at a glance. On a road in the distance, there was a large red maple leaf forest!Beautiful like a poem, like a picture!

Zheng yuluo made a decision and didn't go to work this afternoon!

"How beautiful! It's really good to live here! "

Zheng yuluo sincerely exclaimed, but Jing Zhi was used to this kind of scene. Seeing Zheng yuluo like it, he also showed a faint smile on his face.

He followed Zheng Yu to the path in the maple leaf forest.

There are not many people on the way. Most of them come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Most of them are lovers. For a moment, Zheng yuluo felt as if she was back in college. She once walked on campus with Jing Zhi.

Happy feeling arises spontaneously, Zheng yuluo feels even the ache on the body has reduced most half!

She happily picked up the maple leaf: "husband, you see, this is beautiful! Hold it for me

She picked up a lot of them on the ground, and later found that the trees were more beautiful: "husband, I want the one on the tree, see? The biggest one, pick it for me

Jing Zhi shakes his head helplessly. He feels that there is no difference between these maple leaves. Why is there a difference between good and bad in Zheng yuluo's eyes?

They all look the same!

He jumped up with a smile to help Zheng yuluo pick that maple leaf, coax her to be happy: "the most beautiful maple leaf gives the most beautiful you, this maple leaf is not worthy of others!"

Zheng yuluo laughed: "when did you learn to say love words? It's not like this before. It's very poisonous! You said I was ugly

"You still need to learn this? You are the most beautiful in my heart

Jingzhi took a bunch of maple leaves in one hand, took Zheng yuluo's shoulder in the other hand, and said with a smile, "when did I say you were ugly? Oh, you are mistaken , the fastest update of the webnovel!