Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1379

Obviously, the servants are cleaning every day. The house is clean, but the room is very warm and suitable for staying.

Open the second floor window, you can see the sea view outside, relaxed and happy.

Zheng yuluo fell in love with it. She hugged Jingzhi's waist happily: "can we live here tonight? I love it so much! "

Jingzhi said in a soft voice, "fool, I brought you here. Don't you live here? Do we come to see a circle, and then reluctantly leave? This is our house. Live as you please! You can stay as long as you want! "

Jingzhi also thinks the house is good. It's far away from the city. It's very quiet and the environment is very good.

He knows that when Jingrui chose this house, he certainly did not consider whether Zheng yuluo would like it or not, but he knew his personality, and he liked to be quiet and undisturbed.

Now, Zheng yuluo likes it too. It's so nice!

Although the servant is not a special cook, her cooking skills are much better than those of Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo. She makes a table of dishes. Zheng yuluo takes the opportunity to learn skills and makes Soup for Jingzhi with happiness.

After dinner, Jingzhi took Zheng yuluo's hand and went for a walk by the sea.

The moon is bright, the waves are rolling, and the bright stars are all over the sky.

Zheng yuluo leaned her head on Jing Zhi's body and walked slowly on the brand-new wooden plank road. She took a breath of fresh air contentedly and said in a soft voice: "Jingzhi, it's my dream that I would like to have a walk by the sea after dinner with you. Now it has come true. I feel so unreal and happy! "

In the past, every time she went out for a walk with Deng Kun after dinner, she felt that it was a kind of torture, like doing a task, not a kind of relaxation.

Now she realized that it wasn't about walking, it was about the wrong people.

Jingzhi was afraid that Zheng Yu would fall cold. He took off his coat and put it on Zheng yuluo's body. Then he took hold of her waist and sighed, "well, it's not true. I always watch you go for a walk after dinner with Deng Kun. I'm almost jealous. So I thought, if I can be with you one day, I must walk with you every night, and I must be more than Deng Kun! "

Hearing Jingzhi say this, Zheng yuluo was heartbroken: "are you stupid? Why didn't you tell me earlier that we two had been together before? You should take me directly from Deng Kun's hand

"I am not afraid that you will not be happy with me?"

With a smile, Jingzhi suddenly remembered one thing and said, "by the way, you may not have known that Deng Kun always makes moves to Zheng Yuwei. I don't know. Zheng Yuwei was so tolerant."

"Do you have any?"

Zheng yuluo was a little angry: "he is not a man! Weiwei never told me. If she had said it earlier, I would not have been with Deng Kun! "

"She is afraid that you will break up with Deng Kun, so she has not said it."

Jingzhi understood Zheng Yuwei's mind, and his face was a little cold: "I checked today. Deng Kun can't be a man now. He is the one you kicked that day. He has been quibbling, saying that he fell accidentally and refused to admit what he had done

Zheng yuluo bit his teeth and said with red eyes, "he deserves it."

"Don't be afraid. It's raining. He won't have a chance to hurt you in the future. Your father won't forgive him, and I won't. today, I've made him suffer a little. I'm sure he'll tell you the truth soon."

It's easy for Jing Zhi to clean up Deng Kun.

In the past, if it was not for the fact that Zheng yuluo would be sad because of Deng Kun, Deng Kun would not have lived to this day.

It was a little cold in late autumn. Jingzhi was worried that Zheng yuluo would catch a cold, so he took her for a while and then went back.

Zheng yuluo comfortably took a hot bath. After the bath, she found that there was no household clothes in the new house. She had nothing to wear!

She lingered in the bathroom and didn't want to go out, but there was a knock on the door.

"Rain, are you going to spend the night in the bathroom? I don't have any clothes to wear. I'm not an outsider anyway. I won't peek at it! "

Zheng Yu fell in the bathroom and stomped angrily: "hum, you must have meant it! You brought your own clothes, but you didn't bring them to me

She wrapped her upper and lower body with two bath towels, opened the door and went out.

"Tut, why are you so tight?"

"To prevent you from peeking!"

"As I said just now, I certainly don't peek. You are my wife. I want to see it openly and honestly."

Jingzhi said, holding Zheng yuluo up, then he lowered his head and bit her towel with his teeth. He wanted to tear the towel away and see the scenery inside.

Zheng Yu falls to cover hard son, smile of can't: "how can you matter son, how even tooth used!"

"I wish I had two big squirrel teeth, and your towel would have been torn off!"

"Why don't you grow two big tusks? That's more convenient! ""Oh, ivory, too! That's worth it, but I've got two tusks. Are you sure there's still a way to kiss me? "

Zheng yuluo imagined the appearance of Jing Zhichang's ivory, and suddenly his stomach ached with laughter! This is so funny!

Zheng yuluo is still giggling, and Jingzhi throws her into their brand-new bed.

The quilts and sheets were bright red, which Jingzhi had ordered the servants to buy and spread yesterday.

Jing Zhi took off his coat and pressed it on Zheng yuluo's body: "the rain is falling. Shall we have a bridal chamber tonight?"

Zheng yuluo listened to his cold not Ding to come out such a sentence, the face suddenly blushed!

No wonder the room looks like a wedding night like this!

First of all, we reached for the rain Let's talk... "

With a low smile, Jingzhi quickly gets up and turns off the headlight, leaving only a floor lamp with soft light.

The light suddenly darkened down, the ambiguous atmosphere rose in the room, Zheng yuluo's heartbeat was fierce.

Jingzhi went back to bed and took Zheng yuluo into his arms. He said vaguely, "my clothes have been taken off. Should you throw away the bath towel? You've packed it so tightly and you've used two bathtubs. I can't do anything about it. "

Zheng yuluo was a little shy. She didn't pull off her towel, but she reached out and touched Jingzhi. After touching her pants, she whispered, "you're lying. Your pants didn't come off!"

Jingzhi immediately laughed: "you can take it off for me!"

He said, the big hand has reached into Zheng yuluo's bath towel, in her delicate skin, gently stroked.

Zheng yuluo's skin is very smooth and feels good. Every time Jingzhi touches her, she feels a little addicted! , the fastest update of the webnovel!