Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1365

"Don't talk nonsense here! Deng Kun is my sister's boyfriend. He loves my sister very much! They are going to get married. It can't be him who kidnapped my sister! Say, who is it? "

In fact, Zheng Yuwei has already believed Chen Yijie's words, but she knows this fact intellectually, but she is emotionally difficult to accept!

If it's Deng Kun, isn't it that their family hurt Zheng yuluo?!

When Chen Yijie heard Zheng Yuwei's words, she knew that she was not Zheng yuluo, but Zheng yuluo's sister.

Everyone in the company knows that Zheng yuluo is a twin.

No wonder the character is not like at all, the original is not the same person.

"Nonsense! It's really Deng Kun! He has always hated your sister for losing his face on the day of engagement and always wanted to possess your sister. He couldn't bear it, so he found someone to kidnap her and wanted to fall in love with her! And then he dumped her

Chen Yijie has been scared out of her wits and said everything. As long as she can pick out her own identity, she would like to tell all of Deng Kun's crimes.

"He's not a good man. He sleeps with me all the time! He doesn't love your sister at all! He's pretending

"He has a lot of women! He said that he has always been in love with your sister, in order to serve him in bed together

"He promised to pay me to hire someone to take your sister to an abandoned factory in the suburbs! He also found a lot of gangsters to let them insult Zheng yuluo together! "


Zheng Yuwei was angry. She grabbed Chen Yijie's neck and said crazily, "I'm going to kill you! You are not people

The cold wind was scared and quickly went forward to pull her apart: "are you crazy?! She's the only witness! If she dies, who will tell your parents the truth! "

Zheng Yuwei rushed into his arms and cried: "it's all my fault! I shouldn't advise my sister to fall in love with Deng Kun. I shouldn't let my sister marry him. I know he is a lecher

"He pretended so well that I thought my sister would be happy to marry him! That scum had the face to see my sister the day she was in hospital

"I nearly killed my sister! I'm damned! My sister will never forgive me in her life! "

Cold wind body stiff let Zheng Yuwei lean on his body, he wanted to push people away, but see her cry so sad, so sad, and put down his hand.

Gao Ya stood aside and looked at the cold wind in surprise and said with his mouth, "have you conquered her?"

The cold wind glared at him and said, "don't talk nonsense!"

Gao Ya's white face appeared a lovely blush, some excited smile: "she is very beautiful!"

The cold wind was silent, so he simply ignored his nervousness.

Gao Ya looks gentle and quiet, like a shy big boy. In fact, he is very dark. He is very cruel.

The cold wind doesn't want to be trapped by him.

As soon as he took back his eyes, Zheng Yuwei in his arms wiped her tears and said: "no, I'm going to castrate that bastard Deng Kun first! Avenge my sister

She said, turning and leaving.

Cold wind headache incomparable, hurry up a few steps, a drag her back.

"Can you have a little brain? So impulsive, Deng Kun is OK, you put yourself in prison first! He must have been cleaned up. You don't need your help. "

Zheng Yuwei was very close to the cold wind. She raised her head, looked at the cold wind's eyes, and suddenly said, "well, you go and help me castrate Deng Kun! You are a hundred times better than me. You come and go without a trace. You leave immediately after castration. No one can catch you! "

The cold wind was stunned by her brain circuits!

They have fought for thousands of times. Every time they fight, Zheng Yuwei's moves are cruel. But for his strong strength, he would have been dead!

Why did he castrate Deng Kun for her?

Finally, the cold wind couldn't help but scolded: "neuropathy!"

Zheng Yuwei: you're not going, are you

"Why should I go?"

Zheng Yuwei stands on tiptoe and kisses on the cold wind's lips: "so?"

Cold wind a Leng, immediately pushed away Zheng Yuwei: "honest back to the basement to stay!"

"I'm not going back to the basement. I'm going to avenge my sister!"

Zheng Yuwei left, Gao Ya let her leave, not to chase.

The cold wind was a little angry: "why don't you stop her?"

"The boss gave me the task of looking at the woman in the sack. Your woman ran away, of course you went after it!"

Cold wind does not care to correct Gao Ya's words, quickly to chase Zheng Yuwei.

A moment later, he came back carrying Zheng Yuwei.

Zheng Yuwei punched and kicked him on the shoulder: "hooligan! Let me go! I'm going out! You're kidnapping. You're in jail! My father is the director of the Public Security Bureau. You are going to have bad luck! "

Zheng Yuwei and Zheng yuluo are the same. When they encounter things that can't be solved, they like to say: my father is the director of the Public Security Bureau.This is a deep-rooted thought since childhood, because the two sisters have always felt that Zheng Jing is a police officer who specializes in catching bad people.

Zheng Yuwei is scolding, Gao Ya received the message of brothers guarding the outside of the villa: Zheng Jing and his party are coming.

He put Chen Yijie back into the sack, picked her up and said, "cold wind, go, these two women are finally taken over by someone!"

The two brothers carry one by one and go into the garden one by one. Jingrui is already standing there.

He nodded to Goya: "let them all come in."

Goya gives orders to the gatekeeper. The gate opens and several people are taken into the garden.

Zheng Yu fell to see the dishevelled, dishevelled Zheng Yuwei, immediately ran to embrace her: "Wei Wei!"

Seeing her, Zheng Yuwei burst into tears: "sister! Sister! I miss you so much

Zheng Yu shed tears as like as two peas fell down, and the two sisters had exactly the same connection. But they cried the opposite way. A crying pear was wearing flowers and rain, and a crying crazy.

Zheng yuluo touched Zheng Yuwei's face and looked up and down in a hurry. Seeing that her face was bruised and her arms were all green, she was in a panic: "Weiwei, did they bully you? Don't cry, let your brother-in-law beat him! "

Zheng Yuwei was still crying. When she heard this, she stopped crying.

How familiar this tone is! I don't know. I thought her brother-in-law has existed for several years!

She wiped her tears with her sleeve and said, "sister, are you really married with Jingzhi?"

Zheng yuluo quickly took out the small book from the bag: "married, this is the marriage certificate, Weiwei, you are free! I'm sorry, it's all my fault that has made you suffer. I wish I had come earlier! "

Zheng Yuwei saw her marriage certificate and listened to her complaining about herself. She immediately cried again: "sister, I'm sorry for you! I'm not good. I almost hurt you! Sister, you beat me hard , the fastest update of the webnovel!