Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1364

"Well, it's not good. The best way is for Zheng yuluo to marry Deng Kun, and then you have to live and die, but you have to pretend to be magnanimous. "

Jingrui pokes Jingzhi's heart with no politeness. He says indifferently, "I'm waiting for your marriage certificate." then he hangs up.

Jingzhi is a little silly. Should his brother do things so simply!

It's too efficient!

"Is it true?"

Zheng Jing looked at Jing Zhi in a bad mood and said, "OK, hurry up. My little daughter is still locked in the basement. Only your marriage certificate can save her."

Zheng yuluo pulled Jingzhi's sleeve: "let's go!"

Jing Zhi regained his mind, but he could only smile bitterly: "no, my registered permanent residence is still with my father. He is now in North America and may also be in Europe..."

Zheng Jing directly said, "you don't need to register a residence card. The household registration certificate issued by the public security organ has the same legal effect as the account book. I'll let you have the certificate now, and you must get the certificate tonight."

That's ok?!

Jingzhi has been stunned!

He didn't know that marriage could be certified by the public security bureau!

Now there is no problem. Zheng Jing is the director of the Public Security Bureau. It is just a small matter to open a certificate.

Jingzhi's excited hands were shaking. He took Zheng yuluo's hand and said happily, "go, rain falls, let's get married!"

Half an hour later, two small red books were handed over to a new couple.

Both felt a little bit like a dream!

No, I didn't expect to get married so soon!

Jingzhi sighs in his heart, brother is really great! He was willing to be a bad man for him.

However, the greater part of Jingrui is still ahead.

When Jing Zhi and others rush to Jingrui's home, Jing Rui kneels down in front of him.

In the dark of the night, the light in the garden is not very bright. Jingrui stands with his hands on his hands, and his voice is cold and solemn: "Chen Yijie?"

"Who are you? Why arrest me? You're breaking the law. Let me go

Chen Yijie is pressed to the ground by Gao ya, her hands and feet are tied together, and she can't run if she wants to run.

She was scared out of her soul. She just yelled, hoping to give herself some courage.

"You blackmailed my brother six million and forgot so soon?"

Chen Yijie was shocked all over her body. Her arrogance quickly disappeared, and her body trembled even more.


This man is Jing Rui!

It's over. She hasn't had time to spend so much money. She won't have a chance to spend it again!

Before blackmailing Jing Zhi, she knew his real identity from Deng Kun long ago. She thought that her plan was extremely thorough and there was no flaw in it. Even if the Jing family had the means to connect with the heaven, she could not find her.

However, she is too naive!

She has been hiding all the way, afraid to use her real identity, as far as possible not to appear under the monitoring, even dare not eat into a good restaurant.

Finally ran to Thailand, the results have not drunk a sip of local water, was knocked out.

And then she showed up here.

This strength, too terrible!

"You think it's safe to escape abroad? Think my brother's money is so easy to cheat? You know so well about Zheng yuluo's kidnapping that you are ready to die? "

Jingrui's indifferent voice has a unique dignity of the superior. He is not angry at all, and his voice is not loud. However, listening to Chen Yijie's ears, he is heartbroken.

"No, no, no, I didn't kidnap her. It has nothing to do with me! I just cheated the money. I'll give it back to you. I'll give it back to you! Please don't kill me

"I'm not going to kill you. Someone else wants to."

"Who Who? "

Jingrui waves, Gao Ya puts a sack on Chen Yijie again and carries her to the basement where Zheng Yuwei is locked.

Seeing someone go, Jingrui flicks his dew stained clothes and goes into the villa. He goes to the bedroom on the second floor. Seeing that Shuyin is still sleeping, the cold on his face disappears, and a smile appears on the corner of his lips. He kisses her gently.

Shuyin was very sleepy after she was pregnant.

Jing Rui didn't want to deal with Zheng yuluo and Zheng Yuwei's broken things in his own home, but he didn't trust to leave Shu Yin at home alone, so he had to settle all the things in the big garden at home.

Only by guarding Shu Yin nearby can Jing Rui feel at ease.

In the basement outside the villa, Zheng Yuwei still didn't give up her plan to escape. She was fighting with the cold wind when she saw Gao Ya carrying a large group of things.

The cold wind immediately closed his hand and said, "no more fighting. Our boss has given you a gift!"

Gift giving?

It's impossible!

Zheng Yuwei sneered: "I'll be fine if he doesn't starve to death. Give me a gift? If you can't beat me, you can tell me straight. You don't have to make such a bad excuseThe cold wind didn't care about her. She opened the sack and rolled out of it.

"Chen Yijie?"

All of Zheng yuluo's colleagues, Zheng Yuwei, all know each other, and together with Zheng Jing, everyone has done a file investigation.

What's more, Chen Yijie had an affair with Deng Kun. Zheng yuluo also showed her their bed photos.

Therefore, Zheng Yuwei recognized Chen Yijie at a glance.

"What are you doing with her?"

Zheng Yuwei looked at the cold wind and Gao Ya in doubt and said, "is this the great ceremony?"

Before the cold wind and Gao Ya opened their mouth, Chen Yijie cried out: "Zheng yuluo, I didn't kidnap you. It has nothing to do with me! Deng Kun did it all by himself. He said he wanted to play with you. I just took the opportunity to make a fortune! I'm not really involved in the kidnapping! The people who kidnapped you that day were all men

Even though Zheng Yuwei was a little embarrassed and her face was stained with dust, she looked too much like Zheng yuluo, and Chen Yijie directly regarded her as Zheng yuluo.

Zheng Yuwei was shocked and her eyes showed cold and fierce light.

She grabbed Chen Yijie's hair and said angrily, "what did your mother say?! Tell me again


Chen Yijie's hair was torn and she screamed in pain. She didn't even pay attention to it. Why is Zheng yuluo today so different from her usual gentle appearance.

"Don't hit me! I'm telling the truth! I admit that I gave Deng Kun advice. I also found several people, but I also informed Jingzhi! Didn't he go to save you? How can you blame me for your loss? *****Your man is Deng Kun


Zheng Yuwei felt that she was shaking all over her body!

What happened to my sister that day! No wonder she was hurt all over!

Zheng Yuwei shook her hand and slapped Chen Yijie two times. She hit her mouth and directly shed blood.

This woman is not a good thing. She gave Deng Kun the trick. Damn it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!