Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1366

Zheng yuluo is a little unclear, so she doesn't remember what her sister did to apologize to her!

"It's OK. It's OK. We're sisters. I'm sure I'll forgive you. Don't cry. Why do you have so many injuries?"

Zheng yuluo herself was kidnapped and violated. She looked at Zheng Yuwei and thought she was also violated.

However, Zheng Yuwei didn't care about her injuries. When she was in the military academy, she suffered more than now.

When she heard Zheng yuluo forgive her, she was happy and sad, crying and laughing, just like a madman.

Jing Rui doesn't have a good feeling for the two sisters. Now they are crying and crying, and his face is even colder.

He said in a cold voice: "director Zheng, Chen Yijie will be handed over to you. Your bureau will definitely let her tell the whole story of the kidnapping case completely. If you don't want to be robbed of six million yuan by Zheng Zhi, you don't have to worry about being robbed of six million yuan for me

After Jing Rui finishes, Gao Ya throws Chen Yijie in front of Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing was stunned, and Jingzhi was also stunned!

He found the killer so soon?

When Zheng yuluo saw Chen Yijie, he was shocked: "is it you?"

Chen Yijie shook her head flustered: "no, no, it's not me! I didn't kidnap you, it was Deng Kun! He did it all

Zheng Yu fell in his mind and was shocked!

Deng Kun?!

The images of that night reappeared in Zheng yuluo's mind.

No wonder she felt a little familiar with the figure of the man!

No wonder he always felt that he was speaking with his voice pressed. He was afraid that she would recognize him with his normal voice!

No wonder after she jumped into the water, someone on the bank called "she can't swim"!

She knows how to swim. Deng Kun is the only one who thinks she can't swim!

On weekdays, Deng Kun is gentle, gentle and considerate, and seldom even speaks loudly. How could Zheng yuluo think that the so-called gold master who is abnormal and crazy will be Deng Kun!

That night, he punched and kicked her, abused her wantonly, slapped her face and tore her clothes!

It's worse than a beast!

Is this the real Deng Kun?

Zheng yuluo is unbelievable!

She only felt that her whole body strength seemed to be pulled away in an instant, and she leaned on her sister's body.

She murmured, "it's impossible How could it be him? The day I woke up in the hospital, he was still beside my bed, and a car looked at me with concern... "

Is Deng Kun schizophrenic?

Otherwise, how could his character have such a big contrast!

Zheng Jing also felt that he didn't believe it, and he and his two sisters could not accept it emotionally. He really didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart: "Luoluo, don't listen to this person's nonsense. I'll take her back to the Bureau and examine it first. Deng Kun likes you so much and wants to marry you. He won't do such things. "

Jing Rui says that he has arrested a man. He is a kidnapper. Is that right?

Zheng Jing doesn't believe Ren Jingrui and Jingzhi very much now. Who knows if they dug a hole and waited for their family to jump in?

It's easy for Zheng Yu to believe in this kind of plot.

It is Zheng Yuwei. It seems that she is in good condition. Although she looks embarrassed, she knows that she has not suffered any substantial damage. Otherwise, she will not be in the mood to cry.

When Zheng Yuwei is really facing the threat of life and death, she has always been particularly rational and calm. She is different from Zheng yuluo and seldom tears.

Zheng Jing soon took Zheng Yuwei and Chen Yijie away.

Only Jing Rui, Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo are left in the garden.

He took a look at Zheng yuluo who was out of his mind, and Jing Zhi, who was holding Zheng yuluo's face with heartache, felt that these two people were particularly eye-catching.

"The second uncle doesn't know about your marriage yet. Tell him yourself."

Jingzhi was silent for a moment and said in a low voice, "thank you, brother."

Jing Rui said faintly: "no, I can't just watch you die, bring you back from North America and restore your memory. It's to make your life better. If you like this woman, I'll marry it for you."

"Brother, I..."

"Of course, if she dies again, I will not kill her, I will only kill Zheng Yuwei! So you two had better not have any problem again, otherwise Zheng Yuwei's death will be too unjust! "

Zheng Yu immediately widened his eyes and said, "don't move my sister! It has nothing to do with her! I'm sure I'll have a good time with Jingzhi! "

Zheng yuluo and his sister have hardly quarreled since childhood. Their feelings are better than anyone else. Zheng Yuwei was shut up for two days and beaten again because of her affairs. Zheng yuluo is almost sad to death.

If you are really killed by Jing Rui, Zheng yuluo can't think of it!

"Elder brother, you still don't move Zheng Yuwei, I won't do stupid things in the future, you see, I'm not very good with rain fall now!""It depends on Zheng yuluo's performance. If she loves her sister, she will live with you in peace and contentment. If she doesn't, what are you worrying about! When they tied you up and gave you away, you forgot all about it? "

Jing Rui stood there straight, his eyes a little cold, tone is also very indifferent: "you forget, I did not forget!"

Hearing Jing Rui mention that matter, Zheng Yu falls not to speak. She is a little guilty and holds Jingzhi's hand tightly. She doesn't know what to do.

Jing Zhi looked at her and said in a low voice, "she didn't like me at that time. Now it's different..."

"Well, needless to say, today you are newly married, go home!"

Jing Rui has no expression on his face, because he really doesn't like Zheng yuluo, but he has no way to avoid this person.


Gao Ya answered, and then went forward to pass a paper bag to Jing Zhi.

Jing Zhi confusedly takes it over and opens it. There are house property certificates and some real estate information.

"Brother, is this?"

"My wedding present to you, happy wedding!"

Jing Zhi smiles: "it's really a brother!"

Jing Rui doesn't like Zheng yuluo any more. He gives them face.

Two, Zheng Zhi didn't drive them back with the cold wind.

On the way, Zheng yuluo inadvertently saw that there were many injuries on both arms of the cold wind. She suddenly thought of her sister's injuries, which seemed to be the same.

She asked tentatively: "cold wind, what is the wound on your body?"

Cold wind sitting in front of the car, head does not return to the cold way: "Zheng Yuwei hit."

"And you hit my sister's wound?"

The cold wind admitted: "yes."

"She's in custody. Have you been guarding her?"


Speaking with Jingrui is a style. After being together for a long time, will the character become very similar? It's raining a little bit.

However, know is cold wind guards Zheng Yuwei, and cold wind oneself also injured, Zheng yuluo is relieved.

The cold wind can become Jing Rui's most important right-hand man. His character is no problem. He will not behave against Zheng Yuwei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!