Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1363

When Zheng Lun is gone, the cold wind confiscates all the delicious food she has brought. She carries Zheng Yuwei back to the basement. He sits on the chair outside and starts to pick and choose, eating beef jerky and preserved fruit brought by Zheng Lun.

Zheng Yuwei was angry. She fought with the cold wind, but she didn't get the upper hand from the beginning to the end. Instead, she made herself exhausted and hungry.

"My mother brought them to me. Do you have humanity? How can you eat my food with pleasure?"

"Don't eat my dried mangoes! Don't eat my little cake

"Can you keep some for me?"


Zheng yuluo doesn't know that because of herself, her sister is suffering. She lives in the hotel with Jingzhi, watching the surveillance video outside the bar and looking for the group who once kidnapped her.

That night, Zheng yuluo will never forget.

Now when she thinks about it, she will even be filled with fear and fear.

She couldn't understand who would hate her so much and kill her.

Now she has a lot of bruises all over her body. There are blue and purple palm prints on her cheek. Her hands and feet have been cut by a sharp blade. Those people didn't treat her as a human at that time.

Jing Zhi has been searching all day, but there are few clues.

The other party was very careful and kept changing cars and people. That day, he took Zheng yuluo away in a hurry. Although the people who hurt Zheng yuluo were injured by him, they soon disappeared from the abandoned factory building.

Extortion money that phone, also did not find people, the other side is using a new number, after using up directly throw.

Jing Zhi holds Zheng Yu down on the bed, opens her clothes, and carefully wipes her with a cotton swab.

"Musen said, this is the best medicine in their family. After two days, the bruise will subside, and it will not hurt."

Zheng Yu fell on the bed, gently "um" a sound.

She didn't know how many feet she had been kicked. The bruise really hurt when she touched it, and always reminded her of that picture that night.

She didn't dare to think, but she had to.

Only she saw the appearance of those people, the so-called gold Lord, she did not see the face, but could describe his general body shape and voice.

Zheng Jing is the best at solving cases.

Unfortunately, Zheng yuluo dare not go to him now.

At that time, Zheng Jing didn't have the first time to solve the case and arrest those people. Instead, he went to Jing Zhi's house and wanted to take her home.

Zheng yuluo thought that maybe Zheng Jing didn't have enough clues and evidence in his hand. The reason why he knew she had been kidnapped might be to listen to what Mu Sen said.

What Musen knew was also what Jingzhi said at that time.

After smearing the ointment, Jingzhi directly took Zheng yuluo into his arms and comforted her in a low voice: "rain, don't be afraid. Such things will not happen in the future. Those people can definitely be caught. I'll go to my brother tomorrow. He has more energy and should be able to find some clues. "

Although he may be scolded, for the sake of Zheng yuluo's safety, Jing Zhi, even if he is scolded to death by Jing Rui, has to go to find him.

Zheng Jing spent a whole day, using his power in his hands, and finally in the middle of the night, he found the residence of Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo.

He entered the hotel with a cold face and knocked on the door.

As soon as Jingzhi opened the door, he almost had to close it again!

But Zheng Jing handed the things to him and asked, "where is my daughter? Here are her account book and ID card. I agree that you are married

Jingzhi seriously suspected that he was too happy with Zheng yuluo these two days, which led to a more happy illusion!

Zheng Jing gave it to him. Shouldn't it be bomb poison?

How could he agree with Zheng yuluo to marry him?

Seeing that Jingzhi didn't pick up, Zheng Jing took things and went directly into the hotel room.

Zheng yuluo came out of the room, opened his mouth and said, "Dad, I won't go home! You don't want to take me back! "

Zheng Jing's mouth was crooked: "OK, OK, I've raised you for so many years in vain! Here's your account book, and get married with Jing Zhi


Zheng yuluo's eyes widened with disbelief and took over the account book and ID card in disbelief.

She looked over and over to make sure it was true.

"Dad, you..." It's been replaced, right?

Or did he change a new way of deception to a warm one?

"Jingrui has captured your sister and locked her in the basement. He has not only no food to eat, but also has to be beaten. He said that unless you marry Jingzhi, Weiwei will be locked up all the time! "


The amount of information is too large, Zheng yuluo felt that his brain was a little inadequate.

What does her marriage have to do with Zheng Yuwei?

And isn't Jing Rui always hating her?

Jing Zhi also came over and thought that Zheng Jing's words were too incredible."No way, my brother has always disagreed with me and rain falling! Did Zheng Yuwei do something wrong to offend my brother? "

Zheng Jing didn't want to explain a word to these two people. He was upset when he saw them.

"I went to the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau and asked him to open the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau for you. Jingzhi, you take your household registration book and ID card and go to register with rain and get married!"

No, it's too fast, isn't it?

Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi are stunned there. They both think that it is Zheng Jing's conspiracy to cheat Zheng yuluo out.

"What are you waiting for! If you linger, your sister will die! "

Zheng Jing roared at Zheng yuluo. At the thought that his daughter would marry Jingzhi, he felt like a knife in his heart. He always felt that in this way, his daughter would not be his.

But if you don't marry this daughter, that daughter will be beaten.

Anyway, Zheng yuluo refused to go home. It would be very good to rescue Zheng Yuwei and not let them both be outside.

Zheng Jing has been urging them to get married. Jingzhi thinks that the contrast is too great. He immediately takes out his mobile phone and calls Jingrui.

"Brother, you take Zheng Yuwei Tied? "


"If I don't marry yuluo, she will always be locked up by you Do you want to fight? "


Jing Zhi makes a special hand-free. Zheng yuluo listens to the conversation clearly. She can't believe Zheng Jing easily, but she knows that Jing Rui will never make fun of this kind of thing!

Zheng Yu's forehead was suddenly sweating: "I, I, I I'll marry Jingzhi right away. You'll let my sister go! Don't hit her

At the other end of the phone, Jing Rui's indifferent voice came: "I don't like you, and I don't like Zheng Yuwei. She's dead or alive. It depends on your performance. If my brother has any problems because of you, your sister will be light without arms and legs."

Jingzhi was a little confused. He grabbed his hair and said, "that Isn't that great, brother? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!