Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1362

Who is not so lively as Yu Wei!

The first moment to fight with him, a fierce force to his life, the next moment can kiss two three.

Flexible enough!

If she were a man, she would have made a great achievement.

The cold wind unscrewed a bottle of water and pressed down her cough. Zheng Yuwei on one side saw the opportunity and threw herself directly on him, holding him.

She learned to be good this time. She didn't play the cold wind any more. She had been entangled in him like octopus all the time. It was difficult for the cold wind to get rid of her.

"I want water! I'm dying of thirst

The cold wind was hit by Zheng Yuwei, and he stepped back two steps. The mineral water in his hand splashed his face.

Zheng Yuwei couldn't drink from the bottle. Seeing the dripping water on the cold wind's face, she immediately put her mouth on the cold wind chin to suck.

The cold wind made the whole person stiff, and then instantly threw Zheng Yuwei out.

Zheng Yuwei fell to the ground, falling all over the pain.

She lay there, thinking of her own pitiful, suddenly died to cry.

This is really sad, tears fall.

Cold wind sat back on the chair, picked up chopsticks and wanted to continue eating dumplings. After a look at Zheng Yuwei, who was in a state of confusion and disheartened, he finally put down his chopsticks and said, "come and eat!"

Zheng Yuwei ignored him and continued to cry.

"If you don't eat, I'll eat it all. You won't have anything to eat today!"

Zheng Yuwei's crying stopped suddenly. She didn't care about her pain. She jumped up and snatched the dumplings. She rubbed her dirty hands on her body and ate one.

She ate so fast that she almost choked. She snatched the mineral water in the cold wind's hand and took a gulp of it. She took dumplings and water in the corner of the basement and ate it quickly.

Cold wind leaning on the basement door, looking at Zheng Yuwei's gobbling appearance, there is a trace of intolerance in the heart.

She is just a girl who has suffered a disaster. She is only twenty-two years old. She has such a strong psychological quality and fighting ability when she is locked here.

Ordinary girls, treated like this, are bound to collapse.

It is estimated that when I was in the military academy, I suffered a lot.

He had noticed before that Zheng Yuwei's hands were different from those of ordinary girls. Her palms had tiny thin cocoons, and there were also some on her fingers, which were obviously left by long-term training.

Cold wind also has thin cocoons on his hands. He knows that these humble cocoons mean that his owner has experienced the most rigorous training and repeated practice with sweat.

Zheng Yuwei quickly swept away the dumplings left half of the cold wind. She didn't want to drink all the water, only a little bit.

Then she picked up the bottle cap that the cold wind had thrown away from the ground, squeezed the bottle flat, screwed the lid on, and put it into her clothes on her chest - to prevent the cold wind from taking the water back.

She sat on the ground without any image, touched her bulging stomach and sighed: "the original shepherd's purse dumplings are so delicious. When I go out, let my mother make a big pot for me! I eat it every day

The world is delicious!

Does the chef here cook so well?

Hello, the sunshine blocks the wind a little, Zheng Wei eats the dumplings far away from me

The cold wind did not move, still leaning against the door.

He looked at Zheng Yuwei, who turned over his face immediately after dinner and suddenly felt that it was unnecessary for him to sympathize with her!

This girl is heartless. He saved his lunch and let her eat half of it. She even hated him for blocking the light!

No more names. Hello!

She should have starved to death just now!

Zheng Yuwei sat lazily. When she recovered a little strength, she felt that she was almost digested. She sat up from the ground and ran out.

She could just run out of the door, and the cold wind caught her back.

He carried her on his shoulders, went into the basement and threw her to the ground like a sack.

But she continued to jump.

The cold wind catches up again and carries people back.

I've been tossing back and forth for more than ten times. I'm tired of the cold wind!

He would like to slap himself now!

What dumplings should I give her? I've got enough to run!

He put Zheng Yuwei down on the ground, put his hand into her clothes, and took out the mineral water she pinched.

The girl can't even give her water!

Zheng Yuwei cried out heartily: "this is my water, give it back to me! You don't want to face, deliberately take advantage of me, touch my chest, grab water from my clothes! You have ruined my innocence

However, the cold wind's hand didn't touch her skin at all, just accurately squeezed the bottle and pulled it out.

He threw the water out of the door and said faintly, "if you have the strength to toss, you will die of thirst.""I was wrong, I was wrong! I'm obedient, I don't make trouble, you give me water quickly, I can't live without water! Cold wind, you are the best. You won't argue with me, a girl? "

Zheng Yuwei went out of her way. She grabbed the cold wind's clothes and leaned over to "bar haw" to kiss the cold wind's face: "you see, how sincere I am, give me water quickly!"

I'm kidding. The water she saved was taken away! Zheng Yuwei is not reconciled!

Anyway, I can't die after kissing him. The cold wind man is also handsome. If I kiss him, I don't know who will take advantage of him and who will suffer from it!

The cold wind wiped off the saliva on his face and said without expression: "you'd better look in a mirror and see what you look like now. I'll only think I've been bitten by a toad."

"Pooh, Pooh! You are the toad! toad! I am a swan

Although Zheng Yuwei scolds the cold wind, she still can't help but take out her mobile phone which has no electricity from her pocket and takes a look at her face with the small mirror on the mobile phone case.

God, who's that moron in there?!

How do you feel like a beggar!

She severely kicked the cold wind: "all blame you! What a beautiful face I am! Now you have made me ugly

The cold wind seized Zheng Yuwei's leg: "if you use violence again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Han, do you touch your chest enough now, but do you touch your legs? You have no face! How can Jingrui have a man like you? Hum, he must not be a good man

Han Feng doesn't have a surname of Han at all, but Zheng Yuwei doesn't know what his surname is. When he scolds people, he uses his surname first, because it will be more powerful.

The cold wind can't stand others saying that Jingrui is not good, so he directly gives Zheng Yuwei a punch.

Zheng Yuwei did not want to be outdone, so they fought for another afternoon.

In the evening, Zheng Lun brought a lot of food to see his daughter.

The mother and daughter cried bitterly. Zheng Lun saw that her daughter had almost no human appearance. She was distressed. She assured her that Zheng Jing had agreed to marry Jingzhi. She could be rescued immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!