Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1361

However, Zheng Yuwei's wailing is so miserable that Zheng Lun will be scared to death!

With her daughter in her arms, she asks Jingrui to let Zheng Yuwei go. However, Jingrui is indifferent. With a gentle wave of his hand, the cold wind repeats his old skill. She knocks Zheng Yuwei unconscious with one palm, carries it up and goes away.

Zheng Lun is almost scared to death. She thinks that Jing Rui really wants to do something to Zheng Yuwei. She goes home crying. She wakes up Zheng Jing in the middle of the night and describes Zheng Yuwei's miserable situation into 12 points. Zheng Jing quickly agrees to Zheng yuluo's marriage with Jingzhi.

It has to be said that Jing Rui's move is too cruel and quite useful.

Zheng Jing's pressure increased exponentially. Zheng Lun cried out several times. His voice was completely hoarse and refused to eat. He took his household registration book and Zheng yuluo's ID card and asked Zheng Jing to send it to Zheng yuluo.

Let Zheng yuluo look at her sister's suffering, and quickly marry Jing Zhi.

Only after a day, Zheng Lun seems to be older than a decade, vicissitudes of life is not like.

Zheng Lun is only in her forties this year. She was loved by her parents and her husband before. She has never been wronged. After her marriage, she still has the same life as a girl. She doesn't have to worry about anything. She is young and well maintained. She looks like a man in her thirties.

And now, she is a lot older.

"Luoluo has always liked Jingzhi, and Jingzhi also likes Luoluo. You can see from the gifts he gives to Luoluo. He will put Luoluo in his palm in the future. I didn't agree with you to ask Deng Kun to be a new boyfriend for Luoluo. Shouldn't you find someone you like when you get married?"

Zheng Lun's voice is hoarse. Her eyes have been swollen into peaches. She hasn't quarreled with Zheng Jing for so many years after marriage. Now she would like to scold him to death.

It's a pity that she can't help but urge Zheng Jing to find Zheng yuluo.

"It's a lost thing. How can you exchange Wei Wei's life? She didn't even eat anything! If you know it, you will have a bad conscience! "

Zheng Lun collapsed, forcing Zheng Jing to collapse.

Therefore, one day later, Zheng Jing was forced to take the household register and Zheng yuluo's ID card and went to Jingzhi's villa.

But he went to the empty!

Jingzhi is afraid that Zheng Jing will come again to take Zheng yuluo away. He takes a lot of daily necessities and stays with Zheng yuluo in the hotel.

During this period, Zheng Yuwei is still tenacious to compete with the cold wind.

Gao Ya came to eat with the cold wind. Seeing Zheng Yuwei lying on the ground regardless of her image and gasping for breath, she could not help blaming her: "cold wind, you are really. Just watch her. Don't let her run. You can avoid beating people, or you will die and have a bad job."

Cold wind straight stare: "it is this woman who does not know the height of the earth to challenge me, I will sit here, she will kick over every ten minutes, is it I sit and let her kick?"

"Oh, that's a good beating! You are really too hard, this is your favorite fresh meat shepherd's purse dumplings, the boss specially ordered the kitchen to do. You eat more. If you're full, you'll beat people up. "

Gao Yawen quietly looks, showing a man and animal harmless smile, hands him a big box of dumplings and fruit, mineral water, did not look at Zheng Yuwei, turned around and left.

Zheng Yuwei got up from the ground: "Hello, Hello! You, where is my meal? I want to eat! "

She has been locked up for two nights and a day. She only drank a little water and ate a bun. Now she is hungry and has Venus in her eyes!

Gao ya did not hear that, and soon he was gone.

Zheng Yuwei can not see rice, immediately to the cold wind body.

The cold wind didn't even lift her head, and supported Zheng Yuwei's body with one hand.

What a coincidence, his hand just propped up on Zheng Yuwei's plump soft.

Zheng Yuwei immediately yelled: "where are you touching?"?! You play rogue! You don't want face

Cold wind as if nothing happened to take back his hands, open the lunch box, break open disposable wooden chopsticks, big mouth to eat dumplings.

Among Zheng Yuwei's favorite food, dumplings are also ranked first. She especially missed the fresh and juicy meat dumplings at home. Looking at the cold wind, she sat on the ground and cried: "Mom, I want to go home! I was in the military academy, they didn't treat me so hard! The military academy has meat to eat! I Want to Go Home! Dad, mom, come and help me

Seeing the dumplings in the cold wind lunch box disappear one by one, Zheng Yuwei cried for a while and then carefully squatted beside him, swallowing and pleading: "give me one, OK?"

"Let you eat, have the strength to hit me, have the strength to run?"

"I don't run! I won't hit you either! Even if I eat 100 dumplings, I can't beat you! "

"I will obey! I'll never get married with my sister again

"Cold wind, you are the most handsome, you are the best. Give me something to eat!"In order to eat, Zheng Yuwei swears, all kinds of flattery sell good.

Let's get the food first!

Otherwise, there is no strength to run!

But the cold wind is not stupid, how also refused to let her eat, only picked a smallest longan from the fruit and threw it to her: "this is your lunch, nothing else."

If Zheng Yuwei can beat the cold wind, she must beat the cold wind into meat sauce!

A small longan, the nail cover is so big, the skin has been removed and the core has been removed. The remaining meat is not enough to plug the teeth!

She would like to have the backbone to throw the longan back to the cold wind, but she was not willing to.

Mosquito meat is also meat! Is longan bigger than mosquito?

She quickly peeled longan and put it into her mouth.

The sweet taste makes Zheng Yuwei, who doesn't like to eat these things all the time, want to swallow the core together!

Why didn't she know longan was so delicious?

It's a pity that a longan really can only plug the teeth. Zheng Yuwei thinks it's OK not to eat. If she eats a little, she feels more hungry!

She kept circling around the cold wind, trying to grab a dumpling to eat, or grab his bag of fruit.

But she tried several angles and was perfectly blocked back by the cold wind.

He could even sit there steadily and eat dumplings without delay.

Zheng Yuwei licked her lips and tentatively said, "you like to touch your chest, don't you? You touch it! I will not scold you or beat you, as long as you can give me something to eat. "

The cold wind almost choked by the dumplings I ate!

"Cough, cough..."

"No? Why don't I kiss you and give me a dumpling? This is my first kiss. It's very valuable! "

"Shut up!"

"Cold wind, can't go too far, or Kiss a dumpling? Kiss three times, the most! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!