Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1358

Zheng yuluo immediately said, "I will not go back! When I get home, you all lie to me

Zheng Yuwei stepped forward and grabbed Zheng yuluo's arm: "sister, don't move, or you will be in trouble if you are hurt! Let's go home. After you go home, you can discuss with your father. If he loves you so much, there will always be a way. "

"You cheat! liar! Why do I have to fall in love with Deng Kun? You've cheated me. I won't go home! "

Zheng yuluo struggled desperately. When she couldn't get rid of it, she lowered her head and bit Zheng Yuwei's hand.

Zheng Yuwei eats pain, releases the left hand at the same time, the right hand splits in Zheng yuluo's back neck.

Zheng Yu falls stuffy hum, soft fell on Zheng Yuwei's body.

Zheng Yuwei is just about to leave with Zheng Yu on her back, but her hands are empty. She has been held in her arms by Jing Zhi.

Why did he not want to take the place of her?! Get out of here! This is my villa, you are not qualified to step in! Get out of here! Don't make me do it

"You put my sister down! She belongs to our family, and you are not qualified to leave her here! "

Zheng Yuwei angrily goes up to grab people with Jingzhi. Zheng Jing also starts to fight together. He also does not allow Zheng yuluo to stay in Jingzhi, otherwise Zheng yuluo will not go home after falling.

With Zheng yuluo in his arms, Jing Zhi can't make a move to fight against them. Moreover, he is afraid that Zheng Jing and Zheng Yuwei will be hurt, so he will be bound up.

But he can't give up Zheng yuluo, can't hit people, he is a little bit oppressive, but if Zheng Jing and Zheng Yuwei are really kicked out with their feet, he is afraid that Zheng yuluo will be distressed.

Jing Zhi has no choice but to walk away with Zheng Yu.

In terms of speed, even if he was holding an individual in his arms, Zheng Jing and his wife could not reach him.

Therefore, Jing Zhi soon got rid of people completely.

The autumn wind is a little cold. Jingzhi is not afraid of freezing himself, but he is worried about freezing Zheng Yu.

He is holding the unconscious Zheng yuluo, walking in the street, looking for a hotel, ready to check in.

However, the star hotels refused to let both of them stay. Jingzhi didn't bring his ID card or money. He didn't wear his own coat. Zheng Yu in his arms was in a coma. People thought he was not a good man.

Jingzhi thinks that he may not have been in such a mess in his life.

He never thought it would happen to him when he was driven out of his home.

He is the world's top killer, but now he is like a homeless dog on the street.

He stood on the road, feeling Zheng Yu's cold face, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He can't let Zheng yuluo live such a life with him all the time?

Zheng Jing obviously won't give up. He will definitely ask him for his daughter.

Jing Zhi wanted to talk to Zheng Jing, but it didn't work. Zheng Jing's prejudice was too deep to resolve.

There's always a way!

He is sure to marry Zheng yuluo!

The matter of Zheng Jing will be discussed later. The top priority is to settle down the comatose Zheng yuluo.

He felt that Zheng Yuwei would not start too hard. Zheng yuluo should wake up soon.

With Zheng yuluo, Jingzhi sneaks into a family, finds some clothes to put on Zheng yuluo, and then burns hot water to feed Zheng yuluo to drink.

"Mengzhi is a little strange when I see her. It's a little strange when I see her

"Someone else's house."

Jingzhi hugs Zheng yuluo and tells her the story in a low voice. Zheng yuluo is silent for a moment. She apologizes and says, "it's all my fault. I've got you in trouble."

According to Jing Zhi's strength, Zheng Jing and Zheng Yuwei can't be his opponents at all.

He chose to run away, but didn't want to hurt them.

"Don't be silly. What's the trouble. Let's get out of here first, or the master will come back and be in trouble again. "

Jingzhi takes Zheng yuluo away. They walk on the street. Although the clothes don't fit well and the shoes don't fit, they don't stand out.

The autumn wind was bleak and the streets were covered with yellow leaves.

But Zheng yuluo didn't feel sad. It was her dream to walk on the road with Jing Zhi.

She took Jing Zhi's arm and leaned on him. Happily, she said, "shall we go out for a walk every day?"

Jingzhi bowed her head and gave her a kiss on her forehead and said with a smile, "we are all homeless. You still want to come out for a walk! I didn't know that you had such a big heart

"Don't I have a home if I have you? When my father and my sister leave, we can still go home! Even if there is no home, as long as I can be with you, I will be very happy! "

Zheng yuluo is like a little girl, bouncing around.For her, as long as Jingzhi wants her, then all problems are not obstacles, she will follow him recklessly.

Jingzhi took her hand and seriously said, "there will be a family. I want to marry you. How can I do without a home? Stay in the hotel for a few days. I'll ask Lao Jin to buy a new house. You can decorate it yourself. You can do whatever style you like! "

Zheng Yu laughs, she feels that life is particularly beautiful, there is a special sense of satisfaction in her heart.

"Well, buy one that my father can't find! When I cook cooked rice with you and the baby is born, he won't object! "

Having children

This is a problem. Jingzhi frowns slightly.

But isn't Shuyin pregnant?

It seems not impossible for him to have a baby with Zheng Yu!

Jingzhi's eyebrows were relaxed and he said with a light smile: "it's been cooked for a long time, but it can be cooked a little bit more!"

He saw that Zheng yuluo's shoes were a little big and didn't fit. He stepped forward and squatted down in front of her: "come on, I'll carry you on my back."

Zheng yuluo was a little surprised. She had always thought that Jing Zhi was cold and cold. She would not take care of people or be considerate. Now it seems that she is totally wrong.

When he really wanted to love her, he could take all the details into consideration.

Zheng yuluo lies on Jingzhi's back with a smile. Jingzhi stands up and walks slowly with her on his back.

There are pedestrians on the road looking at them from time to time, and Jingzhi doesn't care.

Zheng yuluo was embarrassed at the beginning. She wanted to go down and walk by herself. Jingzhi refused to let her go, so she could only lie on his back obediently.

After walking for a while, she got used to the eyes of passers-by, chatting and laughing with Jingzhi. When people didn't pay attention, she would kiss Jingzhi with her face.

Her happy little face was red, just like a girl in love.

They wandered on the road for a long time, until Jing Zhi felt that Zheng Jing had left, so he took Zheng yuluo home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!