Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1359

As expected, there is no one in the villa. Jingzhi finally puts down his mind, changes his clothes, takes his wallet, drives the car, and takes Zheng yuluo out to purchase.

First of all, Zheng yuluo is fresh from head to toe. He is full of youth, gentle and quiet. Standing beside the tall and upright Jingzhi, he looks like a bird and attracts passers-by frequently.

Although Zheng Zhi once quit the entertainment circle, he was still afraid of being a star.

Zheng yuluo is OK. Her previous plays are basically supporting roles without any lines, and few people know her.

In view of Zheng yuluo's ordinary cooking skills, Jingzhi still doesn't let Zheng yuluo open fire to cook, but takes her to a western restaurant to eat steak.

After eating and drinking, Zheng yuluo happily dragged Jingzhi to the supermarket to buy things. When she saw everything she wanted to buy, she thought she could use it later. In a short time, the cart was full.

Jingzhi pushes the car and follows her. She just looks at her tenderly. She doesn't object to anything she wants to buy. She also chooses colors and styles with her.

When no one pays attention, he will kiss her gently, and then hold her soft hand, not willing to let go.

She thought of him. She was going to live with him. He would never be alone again.

How nice!

Zheng yuluo nestles beside Jingzhi and strolls leisurely.

She never knew that shopping in the supermarket was so fun! She never used to shop in the supermarket.

"Is there enough dishwashing detergent at home? Don't buy another one! "

"Well, good. Buy one."

"A packet of paper towels, wipes and rolls of paper?"

"How can one bag be enough? If you cry once, we'll go in with a packet of tissue paper. Buy more bags!"

Zheng yuluo beat Jingzhi's chest with a smile: "you laugh at me again! Don't mention it, or you'll cry! "

She likes Jingzhi to say "our family" very much. She has a strange warmth and happiness.

In the supermarket, Zheng yuluo picked out a pair of lovely pink slippers and a pair of blue ones for Jingzhi, and asked him, "are they good-looking?"

"Is that a pair for you?"

"Well, couple slippers!"

"Buy it!"

"Underwear? How can I remember you don't have underwear to wear

Jingzhi raised her eyebrow: "should I take off my pants now and show you what I'm wearing inside?"

Zheng yuluo looked at him in disgust: "exposure maniac! Don't forget it. I'll just buy it for myself

"No, buy it together! Do you have this for lovers

"I'll look for it..."

Zheng yuluo picked for a long time and didn't see the underwear with lovers' style. However, she chose almost the same color and looked like a couple's.

When two people stroll leisurely in the supermarket, Jing Rui is cleaning up the mess for them.

"Director Zheng came to me to let my brother leave your daughter?"

"Yes! They are not suitable! "

Zheng Jing takes Zheng Yuwei to Jingrui's home directly and wants him to persuade Jingzhi.

"He has listened to you since he was a child. If you let them separate, Jingzhi will certainly agree. As you can see, there is always something wrong with them. My daughter was kidnapped last night. I guess it has something to do with Jing Zhi! "

Jing Rui's eyes are a little cold. He says indifferently:

"first, since you know that Jingzhi has listened to me since he was a child, you should know that I have protected him since I was a child."

"Second, your daughter has been kidnapped and has nothing to do with my brother. Your point of entry is wrong, so it has been 24 hours since the incident, and the case has not been solved. I think it's time to replace the director of the Public Security Bureau of city a! "

"Third, I really hate your daughter, so don't show up with your daughter in front of me, or one will follow my brother and the other will probably disappear."

He said, with a deadpan look at Zheng Yuwei with her head high.

Zheng Yuwei heard the last one he said. She couldn't help but step forward and pointed to Jing Rui's nose and said, "how do you talk! You have the ability to fight with me. Don't pretend there. It's more annoying than Jingzhi! "

As soon as her voice fell, she was slapped in the face.

She was slapped to the ground, and her mouth was filled with blood.

The cold wind took back his hand and walked up to her and said coldly, "get out! You don't deserve to fight with our young master

Zheng Jing's face changed immediately. He said angrily, "Jingrui, what do you mean! I'm your elder. That's how you treat guests?! Wei Wei didn't provoke you at all. Did your people do it when they came up? Did you want me to do it? "

"My name is Jing, and your name is Zheng. I have no blood relationship with you. You are not my elder. Even if it is, I will still fight. I've said that I hate your daughter very much. She wants to die by herself. Don't blame my ruthlessness! "Jing Rui sits there, still cold and calm.

"Do you think, like Jing Zhi, I care about Zheng yuluo's feelings and dare not move you? No, no, no, no, I'm much more clear headed than Jing Zhi. Absolute force crushing is more effective than any other means. "

"Cold wind, take Zheng Yuwei away! When did Zheng yuluo marry Jingzhi and send her back to Zheng family! If Zheng yuluo doesn't get married all her life, she'll be in darkness all her life! "

The cold wind answered "yes" and beat Zheng Yuwei, who was struggling to run, into a daze, and then carried it up and left.

Zheng Jing hurried to stop, but he has stood in front of a Wen Wen quiet Gao ya, a punch to the ground.

"Boss, the director of the Public Security Bureau of city a has this quality? It's boring! I thought I could have a fight! "

Jingrui ignored the cold wind. He said coldly to Zheng Jing lying on the floor: "you can go now. Do you want to sacrifice one for another, or both, as you like."

Zheng Jing covered his chest and got up from the ground, suppressing his anger and going out.

He can't cure Jing Rui. Someone can cure him!

After a while, Jing Rui received a call from Jing Yichen.

"Dad, Yinyin is pregnant! We have children. What are you going to give you? "

As soon as Jing Rui opens his mouth, he blocks up what jingyichen wants to say.

The jingyichen at the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, and then the mobile phone was snatched away by Shangguan Ning.

Shangguan Ning excitedly discusses Shu Yin's pregnancy with Jing Rui, tells him some precautions, and leaves jingyichen aside.

In the end, jingyichen doesn't talk to Jing Rui. Shangguan Ning hangs up happily.

Jing Yichen can only helplessly shake his head, look at this situation, he helps Zheng Jing say what estimate is useless.

Jing Rui's attitude has been very firm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!