Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1357

Jing Zhi takes Zheng yuluo's hand and goes out.

Seeing Zheng yuluo's moment, Zheng Jing and Zheng Yuwei's faces are somewhat ugly.

They originally suspected that Zheng Yu had come to the Jingzhi family, but they also felt that she had never thought of Jing zhilai and would not remember the address of Jingzhi family.

Now seeing the two of them together, they both think that Zheng yuluo was brought home by Jingzhi.

"It's raining. Come home with me! Have you ignored my words? "

Zheng Jing was so angry!

Looking at the two people's present appearance, their clothes are not neat and their hands are still together. He thinks that his daughter is obviously cheated by Jing Zhi!

He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Zheng yuluo's arm: "go home immediately! You are not allowed to associate with him again

"I'm not going back!"

Zheng yuluo fiercely broke away from Zheng Jing's hand, and his expression was rare and cruel and indifferent: "you go, who loves to love with Deng Kun! I'm fed up with that life! You deceive me like a fool, so confident that I can never remember the past things? "

Zheng Jing was stunned: "do you remember?"


Zheng yuluo thought of his more than a year of life, feel like in a dream! She is like an idiot, cheated by the love of her family. If she has a little memory about Jingzhi, she can't fall in love with others!

Fortunately, she didn't have anything with Deng Kun. Fortunately, she didn't marry Deng Kun. Otherwise, her memory would be restored. Where could she have the face to look for Jingzhi!

"I remember everything, so I can't marry anyone! You don't want me to fall in love with other men, I can't! Now, if you want to take me home, you can take me back with you! "

Zheng Yu's eyes are fierce. She is not like the girl who is gentle like water.

Zheng Jing has never seen his daughter talk to him like this, he has some doubts, is this his daughter?

The eldest daughter is always gentle, clever, and has a fine voice, especially like his wife Zheng Lun.

Now the fierce and irascible Zheng yuluo, unlike his family, is a bit like Jingzhi!

Jingzhi doesn't think Zheng yuluo is like himself. He doesn't want Zheng yuluo to fall out with his family. He wants to make her happy when he marries Zheng yuluo, not to let her betray her family.

He stepped forward and pulled Zheng yuluo behind him. He looked up at Zheng Jing and said, "uncle, please listen to me."

One side of Zheng Yuwei are stunned, Jing Zhi calls her father "Uncle"?

The sun is coming out in the West!

In the past, he always called Zheng Jing's name directly. The most polite way to call him was director Zheng. He had never called him so close!

Zheng yuluo did not expect that Jingzhi's attitude would be so gentle. She thought that when Zheng Jing came, he would drive people away.

She knows Jing Zhi's character too well. He is arrogant and never bow to others easily. You can see his arrogance when he saw Zheng Jing before. Every time, he almost fought with Zheng Jing.

Now, he gave in, a "Uncle", enough to prove that he bowed to Zheng Jing.

He compromised for her.

"Jingzhi, I'll tell my dad that you don't need you!"

Zheng Yu can not see Jing Zhi bow to anyone, he should keep his cool and proud, he does not need to be so humble, do not need!

But Jingzhi patted Zheng yuluo on the shoulder and said, "I want to marry you. I have to let your father know that I can treat you well. Don't talk to me. Just let me

After he finished, he said to Zheng Jing, "uncle, I really like the rain falling. I may have done something wrong before, which made her sad and angry, but now it won't be. Both of us are mature and know what we want. I promise that we will not quarrel with raindrop in the future, and let her take care of her for you. I believe that no one can protect her except me

Zheng Jing frowned: "I can also protect my daughter! No need for you! Just don't kill her. I won't agree with you two together. You don't have to say anything! "

"You can't protect her for life. To tell you the truth, in her amnesia for more than a year, I have been secretly following her to protect her. Do you know how many dangers she has been exposed to? "

Jingzhi looks calm. Before that, he also thought that if Zheng Jing came, he would drive people out with a cold face.

But when he saw Zheng Jing, he suddenly realized that it might be the worst way.

Even if he can't get Zheng Jing's approval immediately, he should at least eliminate some misunderstandings and change Zheng Jing's impression on him.

"My feelings for rain fall are not just for fun, I care about everything about her! She forgot me before. You found her a boyfriend. I was going to give up because Deng Kun is very good at rain falling and takes good care of it. She has a lot of smiles, which I can't compare with at the beginning. "

"But you are not qualified! He had sex with countless women during his association with yuluo! I've opened a bar, and you know that. You can go to my bar and other bars to find out what kind of person Deng Kun is! "Zheng Jing was angry: "don't talk nonsense! Do you think that if you discredit Deng Kun, you will become a good man? I have already checked Deng Kun. Although he has more female friends, his relationship is normal! I don't want my daughter to marry you, not because of your temper, but because of your body! "

"If you really like the rain, you should leave her as far away as possible! Leave her by your side, something will happen sooner or later! Do you want her to die because of you

"Of course not! But I will be very careful not to hurt myself. Even if I am injured, the rain may not die if it touches my blood. The virus is only transmitted through the blood. As long as she doesn't drink my blood, it's OK. "

Zheng Jing could not agree with Jing Zhi.

Jingzhi, the whole person is always dangerous, so men in the world are safe, there is no virus, Zheng yuluo can choose a healthy one!

When there is no Jing Zhi, Zheng yuluo and Deng Kun are together. Isn't it always good?

If Deng Kun is really like Jing Zhi said, his private life is chaotic, then a good one will be changed.

Since Zheng yuluo can forget Jingzhi once, he can forget the second time.

As long as Zheng Yu goes home and doesn't meet with Jingzhi, he can always forget and fall in love with others again!

Zheng Jing pulled Zheng yuluo's arm and turned to Zheng Yuwei and said, "Weiwei, come and help me. Take your sister back! It's like living in someone else's house like this , the fastest update of the webnovel!