Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1356

Jin Xin looked at him in a daze. Just as he was about to say something, he listened to Jingzhi saying to himself: "even if you violate the law, you have to kiss him! I've done too much! I like to make love with my women, and I want to... "

"Stop it!"

Zheng yuluo couldn't listen any more. He quickly put out his hand to cover Jingzhi's mouth. If he didn't stop him, he didn't know what to say!

Jingzhi lowered his head and laughed at Zheng yuluo: "OK, honey, I'll stop if you don't let me. Some people are jealous of us. Don't worry about him. Shall we keep kissing? Or a bigger one? "

Zheng yuluo is going crazy, and Jinxin is also going crazy!

He used to dislike Jing Zhi and never talked to him. He would give you a "um" at most. How can he say so now?

These are the two extremes!

Is this a disease?

Don't you need treatment?

Is the medicine that Musen gave Jing Zhi recently right?

Don't cure your body, your brain!

Jin Xin forbeared and forbeared. Finally, he did not. He reminded the affectionate two people: "director Zheng is looking for his daughter in mana city. He has sent people to our bar several times, and there are people who are specially guarding there. It is estimated that he will find here soon. You two should find a proper dress to wear first."

The windbreaker that Zheng yuluo originally wore was taken off by Jingzhi. Now she only wears a white shirt of Jingzhi, and she is in a mess by Jingzhi.

Jingzhi didn't even wear a jacket, but wore a pair of shorts. It was magnificent and spectacular.

Two people holding together, said nothing happened, ghosts do not believe.

If Zheng Jing comes in to see this, I'm afraid he will vomit blood?

Hearing Jin Xin's words, both of them turned pale.

In particular, Zheng yuluo even jumped out of Jingzhi's arms and arranged his clothes in a panic.

Seeing Zheng yuluo's panic, Jingzhi stood up and hugged her: "rain falls, it's OK. I'll tell your father that you can just stand behind me."

Zheng yuluo panicked for a while, but soon calmed down.

Listen to the family's words, listen to the family's words, almost all have been engraved in her bones.

Since she was a child, she has worshipped the father of a police officer and a director, and even feared him. She seldom has the will to resist and most of them will obey unconsciously.

However, from the moment she woke up in the hospital, the long-standing backlog completely broke out!

She was cheated by her family until now, she clearly has someone she likes, but they force her to marry someone else.

If she doesn't resist, what will she do in the future?

Marry Deng Kun?

Zheng yuluo can't do it.

She also wanted to let Jing Zhi go out and buy her a suit of clothes, so as not to be annoyed by Zheng Jing.

But now I don't want to dress properly. Only in this way can she show her determination to be with Jingzhi.

Zheng yuluo raised his hand and gently stroked Jingzhi's handsome face. His tone was delicate and his voice was full of love: "of course, I went to negotiate with my father. When I asked for the account book, we would go to get the certificate. I forgot to ask, why are you so thin? In the future, I'll make something delicious for you and make up for it, OK? "

Jingzhi especially likes Zheng yuluo's gentle appearance. He feels that there is no more delicate and soft person in the world than Zheng yuluo, and he wants to be held in the palm of his hand.

"You can cook? Why don't I know? "

"Not before, but I can learn to do it. It's not difficult. What do you like to eat? Let's go and buy them together. "

"Orange, beef, you."

Zheng yuluo stood on tiptoe with a smile and gently kissed Jingzhi on his chin: "so we can have steak this afternoon. Do you have a pan at home?"

Jing Zhi turned his head and said, "Lao Jin, do you have a pan at home?"

Jinxin a face muddled forced expression, life can not love, powerless way: "have."

Jingzhi turned his face again and looked at Zheng yuluo gently: "yes."

"Let's go to the supermarket! Buy some daily necessities. I love fruit flavored toothpaste, love foam rich shower gel, your home shower gel doesn't blister, it doesn't work well, it smells bad. Let's go buy new ones, OK?

When Zheng yuluo said these words, she was like a little woman who wanted to live with him for a long time. She was soft and sweet.

Jingzhi's heart is filled with unspeakable happiness. He can't help but kiss Zheng yuluo's face, her eyebrows and eyes, and kiss her lips. Then he dotes and says, "OK, we can buy toothpaste with orange flavor. You can also use the bath gel you like. The original one was bought by Lao Jin. He has bad taste and wronged you."

One side of Jinxin feel that he did not vomit blood and died, is really a strong psychological quality!

He has seen so many dog blood TV series and dog blood movies, but none of them has the stimulation of this scene in front of him! When did the two take a bath together?Zheng yuluo even used the shower gel at home! Fast enough!

When he came back from buying a shower gel before, Jing Zhiming said that he finally bought the right thing!

Now, even the only one right is wrong!

Just now, Mingming was still worried about Zheng Jing coming here to arrest people. In a short time, he forgot Zheng Jing and started the crazy dog abuse mode. Is he here, is it particularly eye-catching?

Just as Jin Xin wanted to turn around and walk away, he heard Jing Zhi say, "Lao Jin, give me the money! I have no money in my pocket! "

"Ancestor, you can swipe card!"

"That card is not enough. Give me another one! Some places can't swipe the card, give me the cash quickly

Jin Xin shook his head helplessly, opened his wallet, gave him a card, and gave him a large amount of cash, and said: "the black sheep!"

Jing Zhi took the money and put it directly into Zheng yuluo's hand: "I'll go with you to buy some clothes and buy the most beautiful one."

"But can I go out like this?"

"Isn't it particularly fashionable for girls to wear men's clothes now? This shirt doesn't fit. It's too sexy. I'll find you a thin sweater to wear as a skirt

"I don't have any shoes yet!"

"I can carry you into the store. Let's take your time."

Jin Xin couldn't listen any more. He said "I'm going to the bar" to Jingzhi and left.

The bar was smashed. It's being renovated at the moment. He needs to go back and watch it!

Jinxin now thinks that the decoration workers are more lovely. They are honest and honest, and there is no dog abuse!

Jin Xin just left, Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo are still talking sweetly, Zheng Jing takes Zheng Yuwei to find.

The gate of Jingzhi villa is open, but Zheng Jing and Zheng Yuwei don't enter. Zheng Yuwei just keeps shouting at the door: "sister, are you here? Sister... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!