Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1355

"You go out, I'll wear it myself!"

Zheng yuluo grabs clothes and rushes to Jingzhi with a red face.

"This is my home. How can I go out?"

Now, it's no good time for him to stand by the bed and look at his clothes? We've done all the more shy things, don't you forget? It won't be the same as last time. I'm an old hand, but you're a novice? "

Think of what he once said, vinegar, Zheng yuluo want to die heart.

"I don't remember the past! How can I know that your ex girlfriend is me

"It's not too late to know now. You should fulfill your obligations as a girlfriend. I can't eat you. Can you look at the head office?"

Jingzhi is thick skinned and refuses to leave. He has to watch Zheng yuluo change his clothes in front of him. Zheng yuluo is forced by him to change his clothes.

Anyway, they have been together for a long time. Although it is very shy to show Jing Zhi, it is very intimate.

But after watching Zheng yuluo change his clothes, Jingzhi goes to take a cold bath in a hurry.

It was half an hour before he came out of the bathroom, his hair wet and calm.

He swore that he would never do it again!

Nothing to see naked women, it is easy to see their own nosebleed, the need can not be solved, always feel that they will burst to death!

Zheng yuluo has already put on Jingzhi's shirt and his windbreaker, walking around his villa.

She has been here many times, but she has never seen it seriously.

There are many pictures of Jingzhi when she was a child in the villa. Zheng yuluo took them up and looked at them one by one. Seeing the end, she felt very sad.

She thought of her isolation from Jing Zhi when she was a child.

Seeing Jing Zhi coming out of the bathroom, Zheng Yu stepped forward and hugged his waist. He said softly, "I will be nice to you in the future. Jingzhi will be very nice. You can't leave me, OK?"

Jing Zhiming doesn't want himself, and he doesn't want Zheng yuluo.

He did not know where Zheng yuluo's emotion came from, but he knew how to answer.

"I want yours. Let's get married, OK? I want to marry you for a long time! In the future, we will only be together. I will accompany you wherever you want to go, and you can do whatever you want. "

Zheng yuluo looked at Jingzhi with surprise and joy. His words were somewhat incoherent: "marriage? Really? I I Do you really want me? "

"Really, we are married!"

Jingzhi takes Zheng yuluo's hand and goes to the safe, then inputs the password to open it, and takes out a delicate gold box from it.

He opened the box, holding Zheng yuluo's hand in one hand, passing the box in the other hand, kneeling in front of her on one knee.

"Rain falls, I formally propose to you. I love you for a long time, and I will love you even more in the future. I want to marry you as my wife. Are you willing?"

In fact, Jingzhi has been waiting for Zheng yuluo to recover his memory, to let go of all those messy things, and to wait for her to love him only.

The diamond ring in the box is dazzling and dazzling.

Zheng Yu's tears brush to the fall, she took the ring, choked: "I do, I do! I love you too, more than you think! I will do anything for you

She couldn't cry, but she felt very happy. She cried and laughed like a fool.

Jingzhi stood up and gave her a hard kiss. Then he took out the ring and put it on her. He picked her up and turned around. He said in a loud voice: "from today on, Zheng yuluo, you are my woman! Don't forget me, don't fall in love with other men

Zheng yuluo felt very happy when she was held by him. She put her arms around Jingzhi's neck, with tears hanging from her eyes, but her eyes were full of smiles: "if we get married, even if I forget you, we will still be husband and wife."

"It makes sense! So we need to get the certificate quickly! "

When it comes to getting the certificate, Zheng Yu dropped the Dudu mouth: "how can we do this? Our household registration book is in my father's hand, I may not come out!"

Jingzhi also wryly smile: "our household registration book, also in my father's hand, he is now playing with my mother everywhere, do not know where the people are." When

came back from North America, he used the ID card and household registration he had handled by his research institute. His name was not Jing Zhi, but his English name Sean, and his nationality was also the United States.

If you tell Jing Yiran that he wants to marry Zheng yuluo, it is estimated that jingyiran will not agree. He said before, let him fall away from Zheng Yu, absolutely can't be together.

Do you want to marry Zheng yuluo with the identity given by the research institute?

Jingzhi doesn't want to be like this. He still wants to marry Zheng yuluo with his original identity. He also wants his parents to accept Zheng yuluo.

If jingyiran there is still a trace of agreement, Zheng Jing there, I am afraid there is not even a trace of possibility.At the thought of this, Jingzhi hugged Zheng yuluo. He bit his teeth and said, "yuluo, would you like to live here with me? Don't go home. I'll try to find a way to get married! I'm afraid that as soon as you get home, I'll never see you again! "

Zheng yuluo knows what Jingzhi is worried about. As soon as she comes home, she may be under special control of her family, and she will not be allowed to meet with Jingzhi.

She leaned her face against Jingzhi's chest and listened to his powerful heartbeat. She said softly, "I don't want to go home. I don't like living at home for a long time. You're going to marry me. Where you are, it's my home. I live with you, you support me

Hearing that Zheng yuluo didn't go home, Jingzhi couldn't believe it! Did she finally decide to choose him over her family?

"I'll raise you for life

Jingzhi is happy to kiss Zheng yuluo. Two people are kissing. Jin Xin suddenly comes in. Seeing this, he goes out quickly.

Zheng yuluo didn't notice him. Jingzhi was very alert and knew that Jinxin was back.

But he didn't care at all, holding Zheng yuluo and continuing to kiss her.

After two people finished, Jin Xin rolled her eyes and walked in: "you two, in broad daylight, can you not be so hot? Will you be more restrained? "

When Zheng yuluo saw that someone came in, he couldn't raise his head. Some ostriches buried their heads in Jingzhi's arms and did not dare to see Jinxin's face.

But Jingzhi was OK. She sat down on the sofa with Zheng Yu in her arms. While combing her hair with her fingers, she said calmly, "I have already restrained myself, otherwise you will not see such a pure scene when you come back! Besides, is it illegal for me to kiss my own daughter-in-law in my own house? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!