Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1354

Zheng yuluo refused to be effective, was Jing Zhi into the bathroom, and then he took off a clean.

She was so shy that she begged him with her hands in her chest: "will you go out? I want to wash it myself. I'm not comfortable with you in it. "

Jingzhi had a strong desire, but seeing Zheng yuluo's body injury, he soon became heartache and pity.

He opened the shower, adjusted the water temperature, hugged the shy Zheng yuluo, gently bathed her.

She was injured, but Jingzhi didn't dare to wash her for too long. He simply washed her hair, then wrapped her in a big bath towel and took her out of the bathroom.

Zheng yuluo was still shy and did not dare to look up. She said that she was very brave and eager to do the most intimate thing with Jing Zhi.

However, when it comes to practical action, she will not have the courage.

However, it has to be said that Jing Zhi gave her a bath, which made her feel very happy and wanted to shed tears.

Jingzhi himself has short hair. There is no air duct at home. There is no way to dry Zheng yuluo's hair. He takes a towel and patiently wipes it for her.

Zheng yuluo, wrapped in a big bath towel, sat quietly on Jingzhi's bed.

Jing Zhisha for a while, just kiss her, Zheng yuluo's heart is sweet like eating sugar, even the wound on the body does not feel pain.

After wiping his hair, Jing Zhi takes the medicine box and carefully applies medicine and bandage to Zheng yuluo's wound.

Her body is bruised, and there are several knife cut wounds on her hands and feet. Musen should have treated her before, but now it seems that it is still shocking.

Jingzhi was extremely angry and heartache. He hugged Zheng yuluo and asked with gnashing teeth: "yuluo, do you know who took you away?"

I'm going to kill him! Anyone who dares to move you will not want to live!

Zheng yuluo did not dare to think about what happened before. It was an extremely dark and painful night in her life.

She held Jingzhi's hand tightly and said with some trembling: "I don't know. I was standing outside your bar and saw that your bar was smashed. I wanted to go in and have a look, and then I was knocked out! There are several of them. They also say that there are gold owners. They They... "

Zheng yuluo can't say any more. She nests in Jingzhi's arms, looking for his warmth and heartbeat, as if in this way, to be safe.

Seeing that she was afraid, Jing Zhi hurriedly kisses her forehead: "the rain falls, don't be afraid, it's OK, I don't want to!"

Zheng yuluo was coaxed by him, and the panic in her heart dissipated a lot. She tried hard to recall the events of that night, and then described the appearance and voice of those people to Jing Zhi.

She is really afraid, but she can't escape because she is afraid. Otherwise, those people will be free forever. Maybe one day, she will be taken away by them and experience the things that life is not like death.

"The gold master, I didn't see his face, and his voice was a bit thick, very tall and strong. Before I jumped into the water, I kicked him under the foot, and I thought it might have broken him there..."

In the end, Zheng yuluo's voice was almost inaudible.

Between life and death, she didn't care about anything at that time. She looked at the most vulnerable part of the man and kicked him down.

She felt that with the strength she had burst out of her fear at that time, the man might not be a man in the future.

"Thank you for coming, or I must have drowned! Many of them stayed by the pool, so I didn't dare to show my head, so I had to swim deep

Zheng yuluo said and cried in a low voice.

The fear of death, which has never been experienced, will never be realized.

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's my fault, I went too late!"

Jing Zhi blames all the responsibility on himself. He gently wipes tears for Zheng Yu and gently coaxes her.

"No, I don't blame you. Without you, I must have died."

Zheng yuluo knows that this matter has nothing to do with Jing Zhi. He can find her and save her in time. She has already felt very lucky.

"How did you know I was there? I think it's a dilapidated old factory. It must be in the suburbs! How did you find it? "

Jingzhi looked a little cold: "someone called me and said you were taken away! He asked me for a sum of money before he told me where you were. This man is likely to be an accomplice to the man who kidnapped you

Zheng Yu was very angry: "I usually didn't offend anyone! I didn't provoke them, they were so cruel, these people are really heartless

It's a pity that Zheng yuluo doesn't scold people very much. If he wants to scold those who kidnapped her, he will only scold "they will be punished".

"How much did that man ask you for?"

"Six million."

"So much?"

Zheng yuluo was angry and moved, "aren't you afraid they lied to you? What if you go to that ghost place and I'm not there? Isn't the money wasted? "

Jingzhi hugged Zheng yuluo and said in a low voice, "it's only six million yuan. Your value in my heart is much higher than this one. Even if one part of what he said is true, I will give him money without hesitation. If you lose money, you can earn it again. If you have any mistakes, how much money is useless. "Zheng Yu falls gently sobbing. She knows that Jing Zhi loves her, but only at the most critical moment can we see how much a man loves her.

She whispered: "so much money, I may need a long time to return, I can give you a debit note..."

Jingzhi pinched her delicate chin and warned her in a domineering tone: "don't think so! Why do I have to pay you back when I save you? If you really want to pay it back, you'll live with me, eh, meat

"Oh, I didn't want to pay back the money. I just said it casually. How can you take it seriously?"

Zheng yuluo has just cried, the voice with nasal sound, coquetry means is particularly strong.

What Jingzhi likes most is to listen to her act coquettishly with him in her tender voice.

He gently smile, bowed his head and pecked Zheng yuluo's lips, doting way: "originally you don't want to return ah, OK, then I'll pay you for the meat, how about?"

Zheng yuluo quickly wrapped himself: "no, it's you who take advantage of it!"

"Who was in such a hurry just now to drag me to sleep? He also picked up my shirt and took off my pants... "

Zheng yuluo was very embarrassed. She hurriedly covered Jingzhi's mouth: "don't say it! That was not me

With a smile on his face, Jingzhi touched Zheng yuluo's hair and said, "I'll find you a dress. What do you like?"

"I like your coat!"

Jingzhi nodded, took a shirt and a coat: "take the bath towel, I'll help you wear it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!