Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1353

Six people were frightened by her, no one moved.

Zheng yuluo suddenly pulled out his hand infusion needle, lifted the quilt, got out of bed on the run.

"Sister, your shoes!"

"Luoluo, where are you going?"


Zheng yuluo did not pay attention to anyone. She ran down the stairs quickly and ran out of the hospital.

There are many small wounds on her body, which are not good at all. Her whole body is in pain, but Zheng yuluo seems not to notice at all.

She was dressed in a patient's uniform, running in tears on the street, stopped a taxi and begged the driver to send her to an address.

As the taxi drove away, the shadow of Zheng Jing, who was chasing after him, became smaller and smaller, but Zheng Yu's tears were more and more.

More than ten minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a small villa. The driver saw her crying into a tearful person, thinking that she might be mentally abnormal, sighed and didn't ask for the fare.

Zheng Yu got out of the car and went straight to the villa.

She had forgotten this address, but now finally remembered!

everything as like as two peas in the villa.

Zheng Yu barefoot, step by step, stepped on the villa white marble steps.

Suddenly, the door opened and a tall, thin figure came out of it.

Seeing her, he was obviously stunned.

"How did you get out of the hospital?"

After asking this sentence, Jing Zhi suddenly realized that something was wrong: "how do you know my home address?"

Zheng Yu dropped his head and looked at him with tears on his face: "you saved me, didn't you?"

She looked at him in a different way today. Jingzhi was shocked and subconsciously denied: "no!"

Zheng yuluo suddenly screamed: "you cheat! You saved me! No one can save me from so many people but you! You kiss me in the water, I know! I remember it all! "

Her hair was dishevelled, she was wearing a large hospital dress, and she had no shoes on her feet. She screamed and looked like a madman.

Jingzhi's heart seems to be torn by someone, the pain is fierce!

"What's wrong with you? Who bullied you again? "

Zheng Yu fell fiercely into his arms, while pounding his chest hard, while crying: "I hate you! I hate you! You all lied to me! Why should I marry another man? I've been your man for a long time. People don't know, don't you? "

Jingzhi only felt a shock in his mind: "the rain falls! Do you remember me? "

Zheng Yu's tears wet Jingzhi's shirt. She lies on Jingzhi's chest, biting him desperately, as if to bite blood and die with him.

"Don't bite! Rain falls, be obedient, don't bite! Don't scare me

Jing Zhi had to squeeze Zheng yuluo's jaw and force her to open her mouth.

Zheng Yu falls "wuwuwu" crying, she patted off Jingzhi's hand and stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips.

She kisses too hard, sucking and biting. Jing Zhisheng is afraid that she will bite his lips and tongues. He forcefully presses her head to keep her from moving.

"You're moving too fast now. It's raining. Stop. If you want to kiss, you can kiss as long as you calm down."

"I don't! I'm going to kiss you now! What if I forget you later? What if you like another woman

Jingzhi is a little distressed. He quickly kisses Zheng Yu on his lips, then picks her up and walks to the villa.

"No, I won't like other women, and I won't allow you to forget me again."

Jingzhi put Zheng yuluo on the sofa. He was about to stand up, but he was hugged by him: "where are you going? Don't go

"I'm not going. I'm going to get a towel, wipe your face, and your foot. It's bleeding all the time. I'll get some gauze and wrap it for you."

"I don't need it! Don't go anywhere, just sit here and hold me

Zheng yuluo refuses to let go. Jingzhi can only sit down and hold her in his arms and wipe her face with his sleeve.

Zheng yuluo was not satisfied with the two people sitting side by side. She got up and sat on Jingzhi's thigh, buried her face in his chest and said, "didn't you always hold them like this before? Why don't you let me sit on you? Don't you like me

A little capricious, a little vexatious, and a little frightened and pitiful.

Jingzhi kisses her forehead in a deep and serious voice: "no, I just can't believe it. You think of me. I'm afraid you will forget me again after a while."

"Let's go to bed now!"

Jingzhi couldn't keep up with her rhythm: "what?"

"Go to bed! Hurry up

Zheng yuluo urged anxiously, as if she was also afraid that she would forget Jing Zhi again. She should take advantage of her own memory of him and do everything she could.Jingzhi sighed softly, lowered his head, and gave Zheng yuluo a deep kiss: "don't make a fuss. You just fell into the water and you still have injuries. It's not suitable for strenuous exercise. We'll do it when you're ready, and then you don't have to beg for mercy. "

Seeing that Jingzhi didn't listen, Zheng Yu directly reached out to take off his shirt and trousers. But when she really touched Jingzhi's hardness, her face turned red and her hands shrank back quickly as if she had been electrified.

Jingzhi pressed her on her body, buried her face in Zheng yuluo's neck socket, and restrained herself: "Yulai, you are playing with fire! I haven't touched you for a long time. You can't bear the situation today. Are you sure you want to do it? "

Zheng yuluo didn't say a word. When Jing Zhi got mad, she really couldn't stand it.

What's more, she realized now that her hair was dishevelled, her clothes were messy, her feet were dirty and her face was flowery.

How could she meet Jingzhi naked with this face!

"I want to wash my face! wash one 's feet! Take a bath

This topic turns too fast, and Jing Zhi smiles directly.

Zheng yuluo's thinking is too jumping off today. He can't guess what she is thinking in her mind.

He slightly one side face, bit Zheng Yu to drop delicate earlobe, low voice way: "you say anything depends on you, as long as you remember me, as long as you don't leave me, baby!"

Zheng yuluo's ear is extremely sensitive. When he bit him, it seems that he has been electrocuted. The crispy hemp from the ear reaches the sole of the foot in an instant.

She felt that her body was a little soft, and her cheeks were completely red.

But Jing Zhi smiles, holds her up and goes to the bathroom.

"You, you, you What are you doing? "

"Don't you want to take a bath? I'll give you a bath. It's free. It's free. Don't be afraid. "

Zheng yuluo hurriedly refused: "no, no, no! Wash myself

Jingzhi misappropriated the words Zheng yuluo said before: "do you not like me?"

"I'm quick. Give me five minutes!"

"But I don't want to be separated from you for a minute." , the fastest update of the webnovel!