Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1346

Jingrui is very satisfied. The probability of their pregnancy is negligible. He didn't expect to have a child so soon. He has been very satisfied.

He never liked twins very much, such as the two twin sisters of Zheng family.

The couple asked for the entrance guard card from Musen and went to the B-ultrasound room. Shu Yin taught Jing Rui how to use it. Then he lay down on the examination bed and began to do B-ultrasound.

The results showed that Shuyin was pregnant.

She lay there, happy straight cry: "God, husband, I have a baby!"

Jingrui covers her stomach, hugs her and kisses her constantly: "well, there is a baby! It's all my fault, or you would have been pregnant. "

Shuyin seldom calls her husband, but when she wants to instruct him to do some work, she will call her husband as a reward.

Today, she was so happy that she couldn't help calling her husband.

Shuyin sobbed, but suddenly stopped after a while: "I cry like this, will it be bad for the baby? Will it affect his development? "

Jing Rui's heart is soft. Shu Yin specializes in genetic research. Her knowledge of fetal growth and development is quite profound. But now, she is confused and forgets all the things she has learned. She is worried about her children.

"It's OK. You are crying with joy. If the child knew his mother was so happy, he would be happy too."

Jing Rui holds Shu Yin out of bed and simply carries her to the ward all the way. She is reluctant to let her go.

Shuyin cries for a while, then laughs foolishly. She drags Jingrui's sleeve and lies on the bed. She can't sleep.

She was pregnant, and she didn't even know it, nor did she react.

Her period holiday has been forbidden for half a year, because in order to get pregnant, she has worked out several kinds of medicine, which are used on her secretly, and she also gives Jing Rui some medicine secretly.

Those drugs hurt her a little endocrine disorders, every time I see Jing Rui, I always want to knock him down.

Of course, Jing Rui is always very brave under the stimulation of her drugs.

It seems that the medicine is working!

Shuyin is so happy that she lies in Jingrui's arms and whispers to him. Until dawn, she sleeps in the past.

Jingrui keeps an eye on her. Jingzhi only sends cold wind to watch her. Don't let Jingzhi run away.

At noon, Jingzhi woke up.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was in the intensive care unit again, with a bitter smile.

The scene before he fainted came to his mind, which made him feel a little unreal.

Jingzhi did not expect that Zheng yuluo, who was so determined to break up with Deng Kun at the engagement banquet, actually had a lively dinner with Deng's family and celebrated his birthday as before.

Break up, should not no longer contact it?

Break up also always with ex boyfriend involved in not clear, that does not call break up, it is just a quarrel.

I haven't heard of having a birthday with my ex after I broke up.

Seeing the moment when Zheng yuluo and Deng Kun were eating a birthday cake together, and seeing the two families enjoying each other's happiness, Jingzhi felt that he was particularly superfluous.

He should not give birth to the idea of taking Zheng yuluo back, and Zheng yuluo should not give him hope.

Without hope, he would not have been so desperate at the moment.

Perhaps he can also use the mentality of secretly falling in love with Zheng yuluo, watching her get married and have children in silence.

Musen wearing sterile clothes into the intensive care unit, see Jing Zhi eyes empty numb, asked: "wake up? How do you feel? Do you want to go out and die again? "

For the first time, Jing Zhi found the word "death" particularly suitable for him.

If you look at all the pipes he's in now, you can see how bad his condition is.

Without guessing, he also knows that he was pulled back from the edge of death by muzen and them.

"Thank you."

Jing Zhi says thanks in a hoarse voice, but mu Sen doesn't appreciate it at all.

"Oh, the sun is coming out of the West today? You know, thank you, too? How can you attack me so hard when you knock me out! "

Musen changed several kinds of potions for Jingzhi, touched his back neck, and said angrily, "you are the one who feeds the hand that feeds you! Don't come to our hospital for treatment, or my neck will be cut off by you! Jing Rui even ran to the Zheng family to carry you back. In my opinion, he should have left you in the Zheng family and let you go with Zheng yuluo. "

Jing Zhi was stunned: "my brother brought me back to the hospital?"

"No! He was soft hearted. You even knocked his wife out. He didn't even know Gu Shuyin was still in a coma in the hospital. He ran to the Zheng family to save you! After rescuing you, Shuyin is pregnant again and busy rescuing you. As a result, she has been standing for more than ten hours without eating or drinking. The child in her stomach protested and she fainted! You said he had a brother like you. What a bad luck

"Pregnant? Is it comfortable? "He didn't want to sit up, but he didn't want to sit up!

"What are you doing! Lie down and don't move

"I ask you, is Shu Yin really pregnant? It's impossible! "

Musen gave him a white eye and said, "how do you know if it's possible or impossible for a couple? It's just like Shu Yin is your daughter-in-law! Others are pregnant, busy to save your life, you are good, beat the person fainted and ran away! If it's me, I'll have to skin you! "

Jingzhi still doesn't believe: "Shuyin can't be pregnant!"

"Well, what do you want me to say about you? Are you still human? Don't care if Shu Yin is pregnant, you beat her dizzy! Of course, stun me is also a serious mistake! Your brother is busy taking care of the pregnant woman at the moment. When the pregnant woman is in stable condition, see how he can deal with you

Jingzhi is a soul stirring, and feels that he is going to be finished this time!

Shuyin is not pregnant, and Jingrui will not let him go. Now Shuyin is pregnant, and Shuyin is dizzy. It is estimated that Jingrui will be angry to death.

But he didn't know Shu Yin was pregnant!

If you know, how could he knock Shuyin out!

But how did Shu Yin get pregnant?

He and his brother both have the same virus in their bodies. The research institute has already concluded that he will not be able to bear children. Why can Jing Rui?

Jingzhi seems to see a glimmer of dawn, he is a little excited!

Is his virus saved again?

Jingzhi thinks about it, scratching his ears and scratching his cheek to find out. But now he dare not see Jing Rui and has no face to see Shu Yin. He is so anxious that he forgets most of the pain on his body.

Jing Zhi waited all afternoon, but none of the other people was seen except for mu Sen and Jin Xin.

He is a little dispirited. It seems that his brother is really angry this time. He doesn't want to come to see him, and doesn't let Shu Yin come to see him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!