Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1345

Musen shook his head helplessly and said to Jin Xin: "Jingzhi's condition has stabilized. Thanks to Shu Yin, she knows a lot about Jing Zhi's physical data. In a moment, the nurse will send Jing Zhi to intensive care unit. Take good care of him. Don't let him run again. I'll go to sleep for an hour first."

Jinxin smiles bitterly. If Jingzhi really wants to run, who can stop him!

But looking at the current situation, it is estimated that Jing Zhi has no strength to run out of the hospital this time.

And Zheng yuluo deeply hurt Jingzhi's heart, and Jingzhi has no reason to run out again.

"With me, go and have a rest."

Jin Xin and Peter are guarding Jing Zhi in the intensive care unit, observing his situation at any time, and Jing Rui has always been at Shu Yin's side, never leaving.

Knowing that Jingzhi can't die, he will no longer care about Jingzhi.

The younger brother doesn't strive for success. He always causes troubles. The soul son is also taken away by the woman. It is more important for him to be his wife and child. After all, Shu Yin is determined to follow him. This time, he faints because of saving Jing Zhi.

Shuyin sleeps for a while, but because he has been thinking about Jingzhi's body and is afraid of something wrong with him, she sleeps uneasily.

After two hours' rest, she suddenly woke up.

Shu Yin sat up and guarded her. Jingrui jumped down, but his voice was full of surprise: "Yinyin, you wake up!"

Shuyin was at a loss for a moment, and didn't understand where he was.

How can she remember that she had been rescuing Jing Zhi in the emergency room?

"What about Jingzhi? Is he all right? "

"He's OK."

Jing Rui tightly grasps Shu Yin's hand and sits by the bed, holding her in his arms.

Shu Yin enjoys Jing Rui's hugging and doting. She habitually leans her face against Jing Rui's chest, and her mind gradually wakes up: "Oh, I remember, Jingzhi's state has stabilized, and her body's indicators have finally become normal. It's really not easy!"

"Well, Yinyin, you have worked hard! If he dies later, we will not care about him! "

Shu Yin chuckles. She doesn't believe that Jing Ruizhen will ignore Jingzhi. He just says it ruthlessly every time. In fact, it's easy to be soft hearted. She can't see Jingzhi being bullied or hurt.

"Why am I in the ward? You sent me? "

Jingrui chin against the top of Shuyin's head, softly said: "you are too tired, faint, I will take you to the ward. I thought you would wake up tomorrow. I didn't expect to wake up so soon. I've been worried about you, and I'm sure I'll wake up. "

Shu Yin low smile: "I am in good health, maybe I am too tired these days! As a doctor, it's normal to take more than ten hours to do the operation. I can only count as half a doctor, not very qualified! "

"Who said, you are a good doctor! And, in the future, she will be an excellent mother

"Then we must have a child first."

Jingrui's eyes and eyebrows are full of joy. He reaches out his hand and gently caresses Shu Yin's abdomen. He says gently, "yes, we have children. Yinyin, you are pregnant!"

Shuyin was stunned, and then immediately raised his head from Jingrui's arms, staring at Jingrui's eyes and saying, "what do you say? Say it again

she was incredible. As like as two peas in the mood when he was pregnant.

Jingrui smiles with some Brilliance: "honey, you heard me correctly, you are pregnant! We have children

He has been excited for more than two hours. Now he can share the good news with Shu Yin!

Shuyin felt her stomach subconsciously: "really? Don't lie to me, or I will take it seriously

"It's true, of course. You're pregnant! What's more, Musen came to have a pulse diagnosis with you just now. He said that the child has been two months, and everything is very good! "

"I My God? I feel like I'm dreaming! "

Shuyin blinked, looked at her stomach, and then looked at Jing Rui. Her face was full of surprise: "but I have studied for so long, and the results show that we can't be pregnant! Is Musen wrong? We'd better do a B-mode ultrasound to have a look first

Jingrui laughs. He rubs Shuyin's hair and holds her carefully. His tone is extremely spoiled: "well, B-ultrasound must be done, but Musen can't make mistakes. Dean Mu also showed you that he was pregnant. The traditional Chinese medicine of the Mu family has been inherited for a long time and is well-known all over the country. If they both make a mistake, the ancestors of the wooden family are expected to climb out of the cemetery and take away the unworthy descendants! "

Shu Yin of course knows that the Mu family's medical skills are superb. Mu Qing and Mu Sen are both inheritors. They have learned a wide range of knowledge and excellent medical skills.

But before she saw the real identification report, she always felt that it was not true.

"Let's go and do B-mode ultrasound now."

Shu Yin said she was about to get out of bed, but was hugged by Jing Rui.

"The doctors in the B-ultrasound room are all off work. It's the same to check again tomorrow! You will have a good rest tonight, and I will serve you. ""No, I can use those machines too. I can't wait for a minute. Let's ask Musen for the gate card of B-mode ultrasound room, and I'll do it myself!"

Jing Rui has no choice but to have an all-round wife. All the problems are not problems!

He got up and got out of bed, trying to hold Shu Yin down. As a result, she jumped down quickly.

"Yinyin, you are pregnant now. You can't have such a big move!"

Jing Rui hugs her and lowers his head to help her wear shoes.

"Take it easy. You're not alone now!"

Shu Yin is not used to pregnancy, she has a little helpless smile: "it seems that it is not so delicate? I remember that at that time, some female doctors in the research institute were pregnant, and they also did research and work as usual. The rest of the babies were still very smart! "

"That's not the same! There is no way for them to work so hard. During this period of pregnancy, you'd better rest at home. I'll take care of you. Don't work in the hospital. What can I do if you're tired? "

Jingrui now takes Shuyin as the most fragile baby porcelain, where she is willing to let her go to work.

The children born to female doctors in the research institute are smart, not because of their work, but because they are all people with high intelligence quotient. Their father is usually a genius in the Research Institute. The parents are all smart. Where can children be stupid.

"Our children must be very clever, too! Sound, he must be like you

Shuyin thinks pregnancy is amazing. Does she have a little life in her stomach now?

With her lips bent, she walked out with Jingrui and said with a smile, "if only twins were like you, one like me!"

"It's too hard to bear two. One is enough!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!