Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1347

In the evening, the sky is gorgeous, reflecting the whole white ICU has become color.

Jing Zhi lies on the bed, the pillow is slightly elevated by Jin Xin, he looks out the window at the beautiful red cloud.

"What do you think? Still want Zheng Yu to fall! Can you be a little promising, she is the only woman in the world? "

Jin Xin sat on the chair in front of his bed and sighed in a tone of hatred for iron but not steel.

"Your brother didn't dare to tell your parents about your physical condition. Otherwise, when they saw you half dead, you think your parents would agree to marry Zheng Yu and leave the door?"

"We had a good time in the entertainment industry, you are a big star, I am a gold medal agent, the scenery is infinite! Because Zheng yuluo has been hidden rules, you quit the entertainment industry. I can't think of it now! "

Jingzhi light way: "don't say, those are in the past."

"You won't like Zheng Yu anymore, will you?"

Jingzhi was silent for a long time, and finally said, "well, I don't like it."


Jin Xin couldn't help clapping: "she's outside now. I'm going to drive her away! We don't want this kind of woman

Jingzhi frowned and asked, "is she here? When did you come? "

"Here it is! No one told her you were here and how she knew. Do you think she remembered the past

"Let her in!"

"You just said you didn't like her! Jingzhi, men can't turn back! "

"I didn't say anything just now. You heard me wrong!"

Jin Xin was shocked. When he met Zheng yuluo, he always had no bottom line!

Zheng yuluo has been waiting outside for a long time. Jinxin really doesn't like her, so she hasn't been allowed to come in.

What's more, Jing Rui also sent a cold wind to guard here. The cold wind is not pleasant to see Zheng yuluo, and he doesn't let Zheng Yu fall in.

Just now Jin Xin was still outside sighing: a woman can make everyone hate, it's really not something ordinary people can do!

But there's no way. Jingzhi likes it!

"I can agree to let Zheng Yu come in, but the door god sent by your brother may not agree. But he strictly carries out your brother's order and forbids you to meet Zheng yuluo, so as not to be in a coma by her blood vomiting

However, Jingzhi doesn't know that the cold wind has been guarding outside all the time. He's almost like a zombie. He can't move, and he doesn't dare to turn his head at will, so that the needle inserted in his head will be distorted. At that time, Musen will have to insert it again, and he will suffer another crime.

"You can try to lead the cold wind away and let Zheng Yu come in!"

Jin Xin opened his mouth wide: "you said it's easy. You think the cold wind is an idiot! Although he is Jing Rui's valet, his military force is high and his IQ is very high. Can I cheat him? "

Two people are saying, the door of the monitoring room was opened, Zheng yuluo slowly walked in.

Jin Xin was stunned: "how did you get in? What about the cold wind? "

"I went to ask Jing Rui and he let me in."

Zheng yuluo stands beside Jingzhi's bed, looking as weak as ever.

In fact, Jing Rui doesn't agree with her to see Jingzhi. It's Shu Yin who helps to say a few words before he agrees.

Since Jin Jing doesn't want to stop him, he doesn't want to stop him.

He consciously went out of the monitoring room, leaving the space for Jingzhi two.

Seeing that Zheng yuluo was pale and haggard, and his eyes were flushed, he felt sad, but his face was light and windy: "sit down, I can't treat you like this. You can help yourself."

Zheng yuluo didn't sit down.

She looked at Jing Zhi, who was full of pipes in disbelief, and asked him with red eyes: "what's your disease? Why Don't tell me earlier? "

Only those dying characters in the movie will be like this!

"It's OK. It'll be OK after a while. It's just a little problem. However, I am infected with this disease. It is safer for you to stay away from me. "

"I'm not afraid," Zheng yuluo said softly

Then neither of them knew what to say.

There was silence in the monitoring room. Only the instruments connected to Jing Zhi could be heard to make a "didi" sound.

Silence is the most stressful time.

Zheng yuluo's psychological quality is poor, she can't bear this kind of pressure first.

"We've known each other before, haven't we?"

"Yes, we have known each other since the first day of birth."

Jingzhi did not hide any more. He closed his eyes to cover the pain and sadness in his eyes.

Zheng yuluo is a calamity in his life. If he can get through it, he can save his life. If he can't, he will die.

"We used to How's the relationship? "

Zheng yuluo wants to know everything in the past, but her parents are not willing to disclose a word. She can come to ask Jingzhi."Relationships are good and bad, but most of the time they are bad."

Jingzhi slowly opened his eyes and asked her in a slow tone: "Zheng yuluo, you still don't think of me, do you?"

Zheng yuluo was a little confused. She stuttered: "I'm sorry, I I No impression... "

"Well, then you don't have to ask anything. If you can't remember, it's no use knowing what happened in the past. It's better to forget everything and go back to live a good life."

"I'm not going back!"

Zheng yuluo cried, "I want to know what happened before, why I forget you, others I remember, I just don't remember you! There must be a reason! You should tell me! "

"I want to know more than you why you forgot me!"

Jingzhi's voice suddenly got angry. He looked at Zheng yuluo coldly and said, "I think about this problem hundreds of times every day! How can you be so cruel, forget all about us and fall in love with other men

"It's not that I'm willing to fall in love with him, it's my family who forced me!"

"Oh, I have comforted myself in every day of the past. I have to keep telling myself that you are forced, you are not voluntary, in order to feel less cold

Jingzhi said, his eyes were red, his eyes were flashing with tears, and his voice was low.

"But on the day of your birthday, I finally learned that you were not forced to do it, you volunteered! Even if Deng Kun goes to your house, you can drive him away! If you can't get rid of him, you can always do it by ignoring him and not having a friendly meal with him? "

"I really like you and I love you to the point of desperation, but I care about one thing. I can't stand you falling in love with me and another man at the same time! You are insulting my love for you

"I didn't fall in love with Deng Kun! I broke up with him , the fastest update of the webnovel!