Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1344

Jing Zhi is in critical condition. Mu Sen, Shu Yin and even a group of top doctors in MuQing and Mu's hospital are participating in the rescue work.

Jingrui doesn't even care about the gas. Jingzhi faints and runs out of the hospital. He just hopes that Jingzhi will be OK.

After receiving a message from Jin Xin, he went directly to Mu's hospital. Seeing Shu Yin lying on the ground, he was both distressed and annoyed. At that time, he wanted to give up Jing Zhi any more.

It's a pity that he can't really let Jingzhi live and die on his own. He's looking for death when he goes out and wrestles with his physical condition.

Zheng Rui doesn't even wake up in the hospital.

Thanks to Jing Zhi's light hand, Shu Yin and Mu Sen soon wake up. Otherwise, who will save him now?

The rescue work is very tiring. Jing Zhi's body is very special. We are not sure about it. We can only pool our wisdom and use the methods to protect our lives.

Jingrui and Jinxin are outside the emergency room. He inadvertently sees the bloodstains on Jinxin's clothes. He frowns and asks, "Lao Jin, is the blood on your clothes Jingzhi's?"

Jin Xin looked down and said, "it should be. I haven't paid attention to it if you don't say it."

"You go to the lab right now and ask Peter to draw blood for your test!"

"Are you afraid of my infection?"

With a smile, Jin Xin said, "it's OK. I've tried it many times. As long as Jingzhi's blood doesn't enter the human body, there won't be life-threatening."

Has Zhongxin ever been injured by Jin zhier in North America?

"I have found out before that if Jing Zhi's blood is accidentally splashed into his eyes, he will soon lose sight and die. But if it splashes on the intact skin, it's OK. The defense of human skin is pretty good

Because Jin Xin has lived with Jing Zhi for a long time, and almost every day, he has no fear of him.

He asked curiously, "I heard from Jing Zhi that you were infected with that virus, but you survived. Why did everyone else die? Is there a trick? "

As early as Jinxin contacted Jingzhi, Jingrui investigated Jinxin thoroughly. He followed Jingzhi and played a very important role. Jingrui trusted him.

Therefore, he did not hide, and directly told the truth: "the trick is, I am related to Jing Zhi by blood, and we have a high genetic similarity, so we can bear the virus in his body."

"Well, you can't copy this trick! I thought you Jing family had any big secret to protect your life. It was because of blood relationship. "

Looking at the emergency room, Jin Xin asked Jingrui in a low voice: "you say, Jingzhi, this stinky boy, will be ok? When I first knew the secret of his body, he boasted to me about his immortality! When he said he could live hundreds of years, I thought he was bragging

Jingrui's voice is calm and firm: "it will be OK!"

"Well, yes, the best doctors are here! When it's morning, he'll surely wake up! "

However, at dawn, Jingzhi did not wake up.

Until it was dark again, Jingzhi still didn't wake up.

However, the emergency room door finally opened, Shu Yin came out, said "it's OK", and then fainted in Jing Rui's arms.

Jing Rui catches her in a hurry and shouts "doctor" in a hurry.

Seeing that Mu Qing also came out of the emergency room, he immediately said, "uncle, the sound has passed out! Show her

It's not easy to hear Jing Rui calling his uncle. Mu Qing grabs Shu Yin's wrist to feel her pulse.

After a moment, he let go of his hand and said to him, "it's OK. She's just too tired. Just have a rest."

Jing Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and then listened to Mu Qing: "however, this is not the main reason for her fainting, the main reason is that she is pregnant."


Jingrui can hardly believe his ears!

"Uncle, you are not too tired. Have you got the wrong pulse?"

He can't stand his whole life! Even jingyichen questioned his medical skills, he could argue with jingyichen.

"I've been a doctor for so many years. I can even misjudge a pregnancy. Do you think this hospital can still be opened? Yes, your daughter-in-law is pregnant! Sure! Of course, I don't know if it's yours or not! "

"It must be mine! How can it not be mine

Jing Rui rebuts Mu Qing angrily, and then he is ecstatic!

Shuyin is pregnant!

God, it's not a dream, is it?

He carefully picked up Shu Yin, for fear that she might be hurt.

Jin Xin put his head together and said with a smile, "Jing Da Shao, Congratulations! You're going to be a fatherJing Rui still thinks that it's not true that he can't have children. Shu Yin has been studying it for a long time. Why is he pregnant?

When did this happen?

He didn't even notice!

Is he going to be a father?

Jingrui's face is unconsciously covered with a smile. However, he answers Jinxin at a loss: "Oh, with joy and joy!"

When Mu Qing is gone, Jing Rui still stands there with Shuyin in his arms.

Seeing that Musen also came out of the emergency room, he immediately stopped him: "the sound has passed out. Please give her a pulse!"

After rescuing Jing Zhi for a day and a night, Musen was already half dead. But when she saw Shu Yin, she fainted, and immediately went to check her pulse.

A moment later, his tired face showed a smile: "cousin, my cousin is pregnant. She is pregnant, and she has carried out high-intensity work, so she fainted. It's OK. Just take care of it! "

In the past, if Musen had called cousin Jingrui, Jingrui would have ignored him. But today, he was so happy that he blurted out: "cousin, please write a prescription for her to take care of her!"

This "cousin", let Mu Sen is simply flattered! He was so surprised that he even forgot to be tired. He quickly said, "don't worry, cousin. You must take good care of your sister-in-law, so that children and adults are healthy and healthy!"

Jingrui: good, good, you are a good doctor

Then, with Shuyin in his arms, he walked steadily away from the emergency room and sent the man to the ordinary ward to lie down.

The two bachelors, Musen and Jinxin, are stunned there. They can't understand the huge contrast between Jing Rui. He has never been so enthusiastic before.

Is the daughter-in-law pregnant, so happy?

A single dog doesn't know the mood of being a father, but how can he feel a little pathetic? , the fastest update of the webnovel!