Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1341

Some men like delicate and delicate girls, but men like Deng Kun who have played with many women prefer Zheng Yuwei's hot pepper!

Such a woman, play up to stimulate!

As long as Deng Kun thinks about it, he will feel very happy.

Worried that his eyes would expose him too much, he quickly lowered his head, picked up his cup and took a big gulp of cold water to suppress his desire from the bottom of his heart.

Zheng Yuwei has never experienced a man. She has been in love, but she is only limited to the pure love of holding hands.

She knew that Deng Kun had an idea for her, but she couldn't imagine how dirty and disgusting he was.

She naively thought that she was too similar to her sister, which made Deng Kun confused.

It is true that some people will mistake the twins, especially Zheng Yuwei's hair is getting longer and Zheng yuluo has cut his own hair. Their hairstyles are getting closer and closer.

Deng Kun can understand his love for his wife and his wife.

However, Zheng Yuwei does not know how to think of the past Jingzhi.

He never mistook her and her sister.

Even if she deliberately dressed up as her sister, lying on her sister's bed, Jing Zhi only needs a glance to tell that she is not Zheng yuluo.

Zheng Yuwei doesn't know why Jingzhi can recognize her. If she sleeps in her room and her mother comes to wake her up, she will think she is her sister.

When she was a child, she often played such tricks with her sister to make fun of her parents.

Jing Zhi is the only one in the world who can distinguish their two sisters under any circumstances.

In his eyes, she was totally different from her sister.

It's a pity that Jing Zhi is too dangerous. Sometimes people are very impulsive. Zheng Yuwei is not at ease to give his sister to him.

Anyway, love can't be eaten as a meal. After marriage, no matter who we are living with, we will gradually become family affection. Deng Kun is a good marriage partner.

Zheng Yu lowered his head and ate in silence. Deng Kun spoke to her, but she did not respond.

At first, she kept driving Deng Kun away, but her words didn't work at all. Zheng Jing said that if Deng Kun was allowed to stay for dinner, he could stay open and aboveboard.

Life has returned to the state in which the family ate together when they were not engaged.

It seems that the farce of engagement does not exist at all.

October 9 is the birthday of Zheng yuluo and Zheng Yuwei.

The Zheng family's villa is full of ribbons and balloons, and the words "Happy Birthday" are everywhere. The stereo is also singing a happy birthday song.

Deng Kun came to Zheng's home as soon as he got off work in the afternoon. He not only ordered a huge birthday cake, but also prepared Tiffany necklaces as birthday gifts for both sisters.

Deng Kun's parents also came to the Zheng family after him, and also brought gifts.

The two families get along very well. It seems that the former anger has disappeared!

Deng's father and mother's love for Zheng yuluo as always, holding her hand, asking for warmth, praising her beautiful, gentle, virtuous.

Such occasions, such elders, let Zheng yuluo do not know what to do.

Can she get rid of the Duns who came to celebrate her birthday?

She can't.

Can she give her parents a shake?

She can't either.

Deng's mother also specially sent Zheng yuluo a jade bracelet, saying it was the ancestral of the Deng family, and she would wear it later.

The gifts brought by the Deng family are double, one for Zheng yuluo and one for Zheng Yuwei. Only the jade bracelet is owned by Zheng yuluo alone.

What it means is self-evident.

Zheng yuluo refused to ask, but Deng's mother directly handed the bracelet to Zheng Lun and asked her to help Zheng yuluo collect it with a smile.

Zheng Lun hesitated for a moment, or closed, the atmosphere is so good, can not let Deng family down.

The whole family came to celebrate their daughter's birthday and brought so many presents. If they fell out, no one would look good.

If the two families succeed, the bracelet will be given to Zheng yuluo. If not, it will be returned to the Deng family.

As soon as Zheng Yuwei saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff, she immediately began to enliven the atmosphere. For a while, she began to turn black, and then she teased with Deng Kun. The atmosphere became warm again. The two families soon talked and laughed.


In Mu's Hospital, Jing Zhi, under the effect of drugs, sleeps for several days, but he can't remember which day it is.

"What's the date today?" he said in a hoarse voice

"No. 9," Musen said casually as he changed his dressing

Jing Zhi was stunned: "No. 9? October 9th? "

"Otherwise? September 9th? September has long passed. You can see that there are no skirts on the street. It's very cold in the morning and night. Your brother also bought you autumn clothes, and you can wear them after treatmentJingzhi has lost too much weight. Last autumn's clothes are a little fat this year.

Jingzhi propped up his body and sat up from the bed: "I want to go out for a visit."

Musen quickly pressed him: "are you crazy?! Your body has just finished a course of treatment, it is the weakest and most in need of recuperation, what do you go out to toss about? "

"Today is Zheng Yu's birthday. I have to go out!"

Musen sighed helplessly: "her birthday also has is, you marry her home next year and then give her too late! If you don't take good care of yourself, you'll be in the soil next year, and you won't be able to celebrate her birthday after that! "

"I'll go out for a while, say a few words to her, give her a present, and come back soon!"

"Is this necessary? Did she give you a present for your birthday? People are now sure that the family are happy birthday, you don't go to join in the fun, Zheng Yu down her father beat out on shame! You may not be able to beat director Zheng

Jing Zhi is stunned, and the action of getting out of bed stops.

"I won't fight with Zheng Jing. The rain will not be happy."

"Then you can't go out. It's so late. Don't send any gifts. In a few days, when you're ready, you can supply her with gifts. Go back and lie down. You still need fluids. "

Jingzhi seems to listen, he slowly lie back, let Musen give him infusion.

Musen is a little strange, so easy to persuade Jingzhi, but he did not think much, lowered his head to Jingzhi needle: "this is right, your body is the most..."

Before the word "important" was said, he was severely hit on the back of his neck.

As soon as he was in the dark, it was too late to scold Jingzhi, and he fainted directly.

Musen thought that Jing Zhi had no strength to hit people. He didn't expect that he would give him a hand knife fiercely. He was unprepared at all.

If he can swear at people at the moment, he will probably curse Jing Zhi to death.

After taking care of Jingzhi for so many days, he was knocked out as a result! , the fastest update of the webnovel!