Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1340

Zheng Kun can't help but feel the change in his attitude.

After all his days of grinding and fawning, he didn't waste any money.

"Luoluo, have I ever really hurt you when we have been together for so long? I have been taking care of you carefully, everything is preparing for our future. How can you be so cruel, leaving me alone and guarding our gowns

Zheng yuluo think carefully, feel that Deng Kun is telling the truth, he has been very gentle and careful to take care of her.

She had a trace of guilt in her heart, and her voice became gentle: "I am sorry for you, but the feelings can not be forced to live together, we will not be happy."

"It doesn't matter. I can wait. When you fall in love with me, and when you want to marry me, we can marry again! We will be happy! "

Deng Kun's sincere words seem to come from the bottom of his heart. Even Zheng yuluo didn't like him, he felt a little moved.

However, Zheng yuluo, who was moved, did not know that these words were specially designed by Chen Yijie for Deng Kun. She also asked him to say them more than ten times in front of her to help him adjust his expression and tone.

Deng Kun tonight, did not entangle Zheng yuluo, he said these words, then left.

Zheng yuluo, holding the big bunch of roses he sent, sat in the living room in a daze.

At first, the reason why she agreed to fall in love with Deng Kun was that Deng Kun, like today, moved her with her true feelings.

At that time, she felt that even if she didn't like Deng Kun, at least she didn't hate him. His figure was just right for the gray coat she had always treasured. She followed Zheng Jing's meaning and stayed with Deng Kun.

But she knew it was not love.

Autumn wind bleak, night dew heavy.

Jingzhi is lying on the hospital bed alone with all kinds of tubes inserted in his body. The blood is constantly extracted from his body, and new blood is slowly injected. Various drugs are also being injected into his body to maintain his life and slowly repair his damaged cells.

The pain goes deep into the bone marrow, and the feeling of blood being pulled away makes Jing Zhi extremely painful.

He was awake, he was asleep, and he had nightmares all the time.

He always felt in a trance that he was back in his childhood, when he first entered the virus research institute and was drawn blood and marrow.

In Jingzhi's dreams, most of them are painful memories. Only when Zheng Yulai's face appears, can Jingzhi feel less pain.

Whenever he wakes up, he will go to think about the little drops that fall together with Zheng Yu.

In this way, when he sleeps again because of the pain, he can have a little comfort in the painful dream.

Outside the intensive care unit, Jing Rui has been guarding his younger brother. Through the glass, he looks at the painful expression on Jing Zhi's face. The pain in his heart is no less than that of Jing Zhi.

There is something wrong with Jing Zhi's body.

After several days and nights of research and analysis, Shu Yin and Peter have customized a treatment plan for Jingzhi.

Otherwise, Jing Zhizhen can only live for a few more years.

Jingrui can't bear the loss at all!

It took him so many years to bring Jingzhi out of the Research Institute, not to let him live for only a few years!

He has to live at least a hundred years old!

How can he leave his brother and go to another world alone!

If you can, Jingrui wants to kill Zheng yuluo by himself now!

She destroyed Jing Zhi's childhood, youth, and now she will destroy the rest of his life!

But Jingrui knows that if he kills Zheng yuluo, Jingzhi will never call him brother again. He will hate him all his life.

Jing Rui can only be angry and tolerant, let Zheng Yu fall alive!

In his life, he had never been so oppressed!

He and Jing Zhi brothers, both of them, are the people who walk to the top of the mountain with countless corpses. They are both cruel killers who have been baptized by the bloody rain. However, they are all defeated by a woman like Zheng yuluo.

Shu Yin gently walks behind Jing Rui, gently hugs his waist from his back, and whispers: "don't be sad. Jingzhi will get better and will be happy in the future. Zheng yuluo has always liked him, but he always has problems. They're not going to be mature now

Jing Rui turned around with red eyes and took Shuyin into his arms. He said in a low voice: "Yinyin, it's hard for you! I don't know how to thank you. When Jingzhi is ready, you can call him. Don't mention it! "

Shuyin looks tired. She has been working at high intensity for too long, and her body is almost unable to support it.

She touched Jingrui's angular face and said with a smile, "thank you. We are a family with Jingzhi. Who can save him if I don't help him? What I learned can be used to save lives, which has satisfied me

"You go back here, I have a rest."

Jingrui kisses Shuyin's forehead and feels very distressed at her tired appearance. However, she is so capable and intelligent that he feels extremely proud.His wife was a woman admired by even the heirs of a medical family.

Shu Yin didn't go home to rest. She was very worried about Jing Zhi's state. She and Peter took turns to watch him in the hospital. She went back to her laboratory and fell asleep on the small folding bed.

Jingzhi's treatment lasted for a week, and the initial pain was over. Although the later treatment often made Jingzhi feel nausea and vomiting, at least he would not faint.

Zheng yuluo hasn't seen Jingzhi for half a month, but Deng Kun has been walking around her. Today's flowers and tomorrow's Chocolates are not expensive, but he carefully chooses what Zheng yuluo likes.

Love for so long, Zheng yuluo's preferences, of course, Deng Kun is clear.

To coax a woman, Deng Kun is a master of love.

The most important thing is that he could resist not touching Zheng Yuwei, so that even Zheng Yuwei felt that he had really changed his ways this time.

In the evening, Deng Kun came to Zheng's home to have dinner again. Zheng Yuwei whispered to Deng Kun when Zheng yuluo didn't pay attention to her: "Deng Kun, you'd better keep this way all the time. My sister is worth your heart to treat. Don't let her down."

This is equivalent to, Zheng Yuwei also agreed that Deng Kun married Zheng Yu.

Deng Kun smile some gentle: "of course, I am looking forward to your sister married home, give her happiness."

His eyes obscure sweep Zheng Yuwei high quite plump chest, in the heart itching fierce.

Compared with Zheng yuluo, Deng Kun actually prefers Zheng Yuwei.

Hot, sexy, a police uniform wrapped her exquisite body, happened to be Deng Kun's favorite uniform temptation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!