Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1342

Jingzhi says sorry to Musen in his heart, then pulls out the needle on the back of his hand and slowly gets up and gets out of bed.

He was really weak. He gave Musen a little, and almost exhausted all his strength.

This image is not able to see Zheng yuluo. Jingzhi opens the nutrient solution that munsen has prepared for him and drinks it with a breath.

Those nutrient solutions were originally injected into Jingzhi's body through intravenous injection, which helped him recover and provided him with powerful energy. Now, Jingzhi has taken them orally.

The effect must be greatly reduced, but Jingzhi can't control so much.

Just give him some energy.

Jingzhi put on his shoes, slowly pushed open the door of the intensive care unit and walked out.

Shu Yin went this way with a lot of potions. Seeing that Jingzhi came out, she ran to her and said, "Jingzhi, where are you going? Go back

"Sister-in-law, I'm so stuffy in it that I just come out for a walk."

Jingzhi's face is pale and there is no trace of blood. She looks like she is falling. How can Shuyin let him go out for a walk!

"No! You have to bear with it for another two days. It's not a joke! I spent so much energy to save your life, can you respect life! Do you think I've been out these two days? I have been staying in the hospital all the time. Your brother brought me all the meals! Go back and lie down, or I'll call your brother! "

Shuyin is determined not to let Jingzhi go out. Jingzhi closes his eyes, one hand moves over Shuyin, and the other hand slaps a mark on her back neck.

With the sound of "bang", Shuyin's stainless steel tray hit the ground, and the medicine inside fell on the ground.

Then, Shuyin fell to the ground.

Jingzhi laughs bitterly. He thinks that he will annoy his brother this time. Shu Yin is his brother's weakness. No one can touch her.

He knocked her out today. His brother will kill him later.

But today, Zheng Yu's birthday is over. How can he not go!

He hasn't seen her for many days, and she hasn't called mulson again, and she hasn't visited his bar to find him.

He was afraid, she forgot him again, afraid that in a flash, she would marry someone else again.

Jing Zhi took a taxi and went back to his villa.

Jin Xin is looking through the business records of the bar at home and calculating how much money he lost last month. When he looks up, he sees Jing Zhi standing in front of him in his medical uniform. He almost doesn't have a heart attack!

"Hello, my ancestors, how did you come back?"

"Where is the necklace I bought before?"

"Necklace? Is that diamond necklace that blinds you? I locked it in the safe. It's not safe to put it under your pillow! "

Jin Xin got up to open the safe, and his eyebrows twisted into a character of Chuan: "I said, you look like a ghost now, do you know? The white face is frightening! You didn't steal out of the hospital, did you? Shu Yin, they can't let you leave the hospital like this. "

"Don't be wordy. Give me the necklace."

Every cell in Jingzhi's body is yelling at him. If it wasn't for his extraordinary endurance, he would have fainted in pain at the moment.

Jin Xin took out the necklace box, opened it and let Jing Zhi confirm it. Then he put it into his hand: "you'd better go back to the hospital. How do I think you're going to fall down at any time?"

"Shut up! Take the car key and take me to Zheng's house. "

Jin Xin opened his mouth wide and could almost put in a duck egg: "are you going to find Zheng yuluo? What time is it! Can't we go tomorrow? Are you going to see her in this uniform? "

"It has to be today. Hurry up. Don't dawdle."

Jinxin knows that if he doesn't send Jingzhi to Zheng's house, Jingzhi will drive there by himself.

It's very easy for Jing Zhi to have an accident when he drives like this. It's better for him to send him.

By the way, he can also give Jingrui a tip off and quickly take Jing Zhi back to the hospital.

Jin Xin grabs a windbreaker from Jingzhi's closet and puts it on for him. Then he takes the car key to drive.

Two people soon arrived at the gate of Zheng's villa. Jingzhi, dressed in a windbreaker, stepped down from the car. His forehead was covered with sweat.

It's not hot. It's painful.

The door of the villa is open, and there is not only Zheng's car in the courtyard, but also another Lexus that Jingzhi is very familiar with.

He glanced at the license plate number. It was undoubtedly Deng Kun's car.

Jing Zhi's heart, which was eager, slowly sank down.

Jinxin also saw Deng Kun's car. He carefully held Jingzhi for fear that he would fall down in anger.

In the living room on the first floor of the villa, there was a lot of laughter and laughter. People were eating birthday cake together and sending various birthday wishes.

The large French windows are too clean. Everything in the room can be seen clearly, even everyone's expression can be seen clearly.

Everyone inside seemed very happy, very happy, did not notice that there were two more people in the yard.Jingzhi's body trembles slightly. He looks at Zheng yuluo and Deng's family talking and laughing, and clearly hears his heartbroken voice.

Crackling, broken thoroughly.

He "poof" a sound, suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, the body depends on the strength of Jinxin, to maintain standing.

"Jingzhi! Are you okay? Don't scare me. We won't go in, we won't send gifts, we'll go to the hospital! "

Jin Xin has not cried for many years. At his age, he has experienced too much love and hatred, and his feelings have been underestimated.

But now, he cried!

He was especially afraid that Jing Zhi would die in front of him!

Over the years, he has become a friend of Jingzhi!

Jin Xin's voice finally startled the happy crowd in the villa. All of them turned their heads and looked out of the window.

As soon as he saw Jing Zhi's face, Zheng Jing suddenly got up and his face suddenly changed!

Zheng yuluo was shocked to see Jingzhi!

She didn't expect Jingzhi to come!

Isn't he ill in hospital?

Zheng yuluo was so shocked that he knocked over a glass of juice.

The sound of broken glass, let her finally wake up, she stood up, hurried out.

"Yuwei, stop your sister!"

Zheng Jing roared, Zheng Yuwei immediately stepped forward and hugged Zheng yuluo at the door: "sister, don't go there!"

Deng and his wife were at a loss, but Deng Kun angrily said to Zheng Jing, "Uncle Zheng, the person who hit me last time is him!"

Zheng Jing was shocked: "is it him?"

Zheng yuluo and Jingzhi are only a few meters away. She sees Jingzhi's pale face and the blood on his lips.

"Dad, he's my friend! He's sick. Let him in and sit down

Zheng Jing strode to the door, stood on the marble steps, and asked Zheng yuluo in a cold voice: "when did you know him?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!